#autchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #autchat hashtag.
See #autchat Influencers/Analytics.

#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Welcome to #autchat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#autchat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc)
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#autchat hosts chats on many topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#autchat welcomes autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#autchat posts transcripts of the weekly chats; please tell @autchatmod if you don’t want your tweets included.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
For #autchat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. Reply here to receive reminder tweets.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
How to participate in #autchat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvACRk
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, A2, etc and include "#autchat" so others see them!
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We're reviving our Facebook page and will post chat reminders and storifys there too: https://t.co/4VrP7V9aDL #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like abt yourself, your interest in #autchat, or today's topic: How we learned we were autistic/ND.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
You can answer about all/any neurodivergences you have, if you have more than one (e.g., both autism and ADHD). #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A0: 52 yo late dx (6/2016) husband, father, and grandfather. As far as anyone can tell, I'm "just" autistic. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q1: When did you learn you were autistic or otherwise neurodivergent? Did you suspect it beforehand or was it a surprise? #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A1: Diagnosed on 6/1/2016. Leading up to hearing the results I was vacillating all over the place. #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a0: Ro, self dx
The ASPHole @theasphole
A0: 40 yo late dx'd male, married to self-dx'd female, with trad dx'd 10 yo son. Software tester for ULTRA & aspiring software dev #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A1.1: I only suspected for a few months before I sought diagnosis. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A1.2: So it was a surprise, but one that developed over the 4-5 months before I actually received a diagnosis. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A1.3: Most of the few people I've told dismiss it, minimize it, or ignore it. Tell me it makes no difference. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A1.4: For some, I have to work even harder to mask and they point out the gaps more because they know where to look. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
Hi hi! I am Solveig and I learned that I am autistic very early on. I was diagnosed at age seven. #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A1: After son was diagnosed wife & I read everything we could about autism. Saw a lot of myself. Asked for neuropsych referral 1/2 #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A1: Went through testing and received my asperger's diagnosis along with ADHD, OCD, PTSD, & a host of other crap (2/2) #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A1 My parents knew I was autistic before any of us knew what it was or want it meant to be autistic.... #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
And I have no recollection of not being identified autistic. I have always been autistic. #autchat A1
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a1: started the self-dx process in 2014 at 17. As I learned more about autism, aspects of my life started making a lot more sense
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q2: How did you learn (or come to suspect)? Did it take a while or did you believe it right away? #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2: A family member was told during an assessment that they "hit a lot of autism markers" though not their dx. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.1: That struck me as odd since they didn't fit the tiny bit of knowledge I had about autism. #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A2: After son was diagnosed and I learned about autism it just made sense. Got tested as soon as I could. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.2: So I dove in and started researching it so I could understand what that meant. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.3: And the more I read, the more it sounded like my experience my whole life. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.4: I found a number of different online assessments and scored pretty high on all of them. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.5: On the one hand I hoped to finally have an answer for a lifetime of experience and struggle. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.6: On the other hand I believed I was lying to myself and making it all up. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.7: I still bounce around and doubt myself a lot. I haven't told many people. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A2.8: It took me a year and being in the hospital to tell my mother and get more detailed early childhood info. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A2 Apologies if I don't cn things that i should cn. I'll do my best with this. #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a2: it's sad how little information I had about asd.. so what first prompted me was the sensory aspect
Megan @secretcatfacts
a0: my name is megan! 19 y old autistic college student. i’m not the most active in #autchat, but i’m happy to be here today with everyone!
The ASPHole @theasphole
A2: Both my therapist & primary care doctor said I should not get diagnosed because I might feel guilty about my son. (2/2) #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A2 I spent a very large amount of time in different autism experts' offices being assessed. Assessments were a big part of my life. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A2 Some of these assessments felt more like fun brain games that helped me to learn ore about myself. A2 #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Yeah, I'm bemused that anyone would compare me to an autistic child. I haven't been a child in many decades. 🤣 #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:abuse] A2 but some of them were ABA interventiony stuff like grabbing my face to force eye contact and stuff like that. #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
a2: i didn’t actually process it until 11th grade, 6 years later. something snapped and i got tired and did a lot of research #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
@NeuroNicole And meanwhile finally knowing why I felt so out of place in the world cured my lifetime of "depression"; doctors can be so ignorant #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:abuse] and then there was the one neurologist who wanted me institutionalized. He was so scary! So I knew I was autistic but... #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A2 it took me many years to know that being autistic wasn't a horrible affliction. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@secretcatfacts "Did a lot of research" seems to come up a lot in any autistic discussion. 😁 #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A2 I always knew I was autistic, but hardly anyone in my life knew what that meant. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@SusanAUTOBO Now I'm thinking about hedgehog food, something I don't believe I've considered in my life. #autchat 🤣
Megan @secretcatfacts
a2 (cont): now, i’m off tumblr. very toxic and stuff. but that was where i was introduced to autistic identity and community #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
also, note: i’m not tagging all of these #autchat, some are just threaded. oops.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q3: Did other people in your life know or suspect before you did? #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3: No. Nobody had any idea. Looking back, I believe I trained myself as a child to the so-called "optimal outcome" standard. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.1: That phrase is used to describe an autistic person who no longer observably demonstrates clear autistic behaviors. #autchat
Joy’s Daughter @TheHealstorian
@autchatmod A1 I didn’t know anything about autism until after my son was diagnosed. I was about 30 but always knew my mind worked differently #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.2: I spent years doing it consciously beginning when I was about 8 and 9 years old. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.3: I studied expressions and body language and practiced them constantly in a mirror. I still spot check in mirrors. #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A3: I think my parents knew SOMETHING was off. I saw a ton of therapists when I was young but nobody then figured out it was autism #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.4: I used speech tapes and an old cassette recorder to listen to things, record myself, and compare. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.5: I didn't that for at least an hour an day (often more) for months until I spoke American standard. #autchat
Joy’s Daughter @TheHealstorian
@autchatmod A2 After my son was diagnosed I was the only person who could communicate with him. Then it all clicked. My brain was like his. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.6: And I spoke it with proper tone, expressiveness, and modulation. No more sing song or monotone. #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
a2 (cont): but it finally clicked with me that i really am autistic, that i’m not just looking for attention or exaggerating. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.7: Then when we lived in Houston (5th-8th grade), I had the opportunity to train in a children's acting program. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.8: In the 70s, the Alley Theatre Merry-Go-Round School was one of the leading children's acting programs in the nation. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.9: Even my mother thought I outgrew my childhood "difficulties" by the time I became a teenager. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.10: I've written about the above in a number of places, but "optimal outcome" here. https://t.co/LSHmnnE9dg #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
a2 (cont): and seeing adult autistics who were successful and (mostly) happy was LIFECHANGING. i hope we all get that experience #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.11: I even tested my therapist by preparing and interacting with everything fully engaged. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.12: She said she could tell the difference between my affect and the way I normally looked. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 That response makes sense but it is also so frustrating! #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.13: But people appear different at different times in therapy for all sorts of reasons. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.14: So she had no idea I was doing it intentionally or what was behind the difference until I told her. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.15: That's when she told me that even when I let down my guard, I'm not really observably "autistic" in affect. #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
a3: as someone who was lucky enough to get “caught” - yep. my parents suspected since i was 2. took 8 more years, but hey. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.16: Since she knows to look for them, she can pick up on subtle indications, but if she weren't looking she probably wouldn't. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.17: She's not my diagnostician, but she has no doubt at all about the diagnosis. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.18: My childhood history and the things I describe about my experience of the world are thoroughly autistic. #autchat
Megan @secretcatfacts
a3 (cont): both of my biological parents are autistic (both undiagnosed, both slightly in denial) so maybe that helped them see it. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.19: But if she didn't know those about me and know to look more closely for subtle signs, nothing would make her think ASD. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.20: Among other things, that means I've so thoroughly habituated my NT performance that I never actually stop doing it. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 I remember learning about autism as a "terrible thing" and I asked mom when I would stop being autistic. I wish we knew better #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 I like my autisms very much tyvm #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.21: I know because I have focused on my struggles and intentionally stopped monitoring my presentation during sessions. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.22: When I'm too overwhelmed at times to keep up, people who know me say it's then I come across as "fake" or "acting". #autchat
Joy’s Daughter @TheHealstorian
@autchatmod A3 My Family is from the south. Poor black folks. Didn’t go to doctors. They called me mean and knew I liked to be alone. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.23: So people think I'm being fake or putting a face on when I'm unable to maintain my NT face. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.24: I'm "natural", "being myself", or "being honest" when I have the resources to keep it up smoothly and continuously. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A3.25: I honestly have no idea what to do with that information. It feels like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a3: no one put a name to it but there were always traits that were concerning to my mother..
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Unuhinuii Yeah. I never really talked about doing that most of my life. I knew it wasn't something "normal" kids did. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@NeuroNicole @unicornsteph96 @endeverstar It is always the responsibility of the autistic person to change. Never the allistic. Nope. Never. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q4: Did you receive (or suspect you had) any other diagnoses first? Do you think they were accurate or inaccurate? #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@NeuroNicole Yeah, people asking if I "want" to be autistic or make it some big part of who I am don't get it. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 @NeuroNicole @endeverstar I stopped masking altogether. It feels better sometimes but it also makes things harder too. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@NeuroNicole If I hadn't been barely hanging on my fingernails (and sometimes not even that) for years, I wouldn't have sought a diagnosis. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 @NeuroNicole @endeverstar But I was homeschooled so I did not have to worry about people not liking me since I did not have classmates #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A4: In addition to aspergers, I have ADHD (w/o hyperactivity), OCD, PTSD, BPD, and others. I still don't understand it all (1/2) #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@NeuroNicole I wasn't doing well at all. I had basically exhausted all my resources and was just trying to get through each day. #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a4: was diagnosed with social anxiety on the 1 occasion my mom successfully dragged me to a doctor...
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@NeuroNicole I wouldn't say I'm magically better now, but at least I understand what's going on, know where to focus, and have some hope. #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a4 part 2: ..although I think its probably accurate, the diagnosis was based entirely on my moms accounts of my behaviour...
Joy’s Daughter @TheHealstorian
@NeuroNicole There is such value in self-dx and community dx. Some don’t have the money, time or insurance for a formal dx #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A4: don't fully grasp what it all means but may have a handle on the why of PTSD. Childhood/school experience was traumatic (2/2) #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a4 part 3: ...and a referal from my high achool counsellor. I didn't speak the entire 1-hour session 😂
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@unicornsteph96 @NeuroNicole @endeverstar Makes sense. I am politically active too, so I know that outing myself as autistic feels like a very very risky move #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@NeuroNicole @theasphole Nooooo why are they so horrible to us? 😭 #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4: Not really. Before my sleep apnea and celiac diagnoses a decade ago, they tried treating me for depression. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.1: Didn't really go anywhere and looking back, it's not what I was going through. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.2: Mostly, I was an undiagnosed autistic losing energy and resources to function from age. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.3: That was made worse by undiagnosed and untreated chronic conditions further sapping resources. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.4: But mostly I was overwhelmed and struggling to function, but couldn't tell anyone why. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.5: The anti-depressant they tried actually created suicidal ideation I had never had before. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.6: My diagnostician tested and screened for a bunch of other stuff like ADHD. All negative. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.7: Apparently it's unusual for autistic people not to have other comorbidities. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A4.8: She called me the most "purely autistic" person she had ever assessed. #autchat
Joy’s Daughter @TheHealstorian
@NeuroNicole That’s why I’m so exhausted everyday. It was freeing. I’ve given myself permission to do less. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q5: Did you find out you had additional neurodivergences later? If so, how was that experience similar or different? #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a5: my official stance on my neurodivergence and mental health is: there's definitely something up...
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
A5: Nope. Nothing else has surfaced to date. #autchat
The ASPHole @theasphole
A5: I haven't pursued or learned anything new since my formal diagnosis. Not sure how much more I could handle anyway. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@invisautistic @theasphole @NeuroNicole My IEP papers say the same thing about me. I act silly and get all wiggly when I am stressed out. It is not a very NT response #autchat
an autumn cloud @ro_xwan
#autchat a5 part 2: ..so I'm currently mentally working towards getting help with some mind stuff
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Something she mentioned from her personal experience. I did later research and there's no single source. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A3 I'm not sure there were people who weren't aware, but I was seven at dx time so idk. #autchat https://t.co/gIAIKYAaOu
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 But there are lots of studies on different things that have a much higher incidence among autistic people than general population. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 About 60% of autistic people, for instance, also have ADHD. The reason she specifically did a full assessment for it. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Most are not that dramatic, but epilepsy, hypermobility issues, OCD, and others have a higher incidence in separate studies. #autchat
Alexi Thymia @RhysParry65
@autchatmod A1: October/November 2015. I had absolutely no idea before that, it came as a total shock. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 In my case, the incidence of celiac is no different among autistic people than the general population, at least in studies to date. #autchat
Heen @Heenthedog
A1 at 13/14 yrs, real light bulb moment that people were different to me I always feel I'm the norm #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@SmileyAutistic @unicornsteph96 @NeuroNicole @endeverstar I know. I wonder if I have spent more time this year burned out than not. I've been told it is part of aging and I am very worried #autchat
Alexi Thymia @RhysParry65
@autchatmod A2: While I was looking into the possibility that I might be dyspraxic. I still have regular periods when I doubt it. #autchat
Alexi Thymia @RhysParry65
@autchatmod A3: No, they just thought I was an arsehole (which is also true). #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@NeuroNicole @SmileyAutistic @unicornsteph96 @endeverstar Heat and fluorescent lights and less control over scheduling have been factors over here to my burnout. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@NeuroNicole @SmileyAutistic @unicornsteph96 @endeverstar I am 35 -- is it a right time for aging to be a factor in burnout? I have no idea. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@_brown_recluse_ Yep. Very much this. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
The scheduled #autchat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Hmm. Or maybe I have that backwards and it's 40%. Been a year since I read that study. #autchat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Next Sunday’s #autchat is on women and people perceived as women. Sun Oct 22, 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
("perceived as women" here covers people misperceived as women—some nonbinary people, some trans men who aren't out, etc) #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Welcome to #autchat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: #autchat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc)
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Feel free to suggest ideas for #autchat topics (or offer to help write questions)! The list of requested topics: https://t.co/P8CGQ9jc0U
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: #autchat hosts chats on many topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: #autchat hosts chats on many topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: #autchat welcomes autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: #autchat posts transcripts of the weekly chats; please tell @autchatmod if you don’t want your tweets included.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We'll also be posting post chat reminders and storifys to our Facebook page: https://t.co/4VrP7V9aDL #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: For #autchat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. Reply here to receive reminder tweets.
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: How to participate in #autchat and other twitter chats: How to participate in #autchat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvACRk
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, A2, etc and include "#autchat" so others see them!
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: We're reviving our Facebook page and will post chat reminders and storifys there too: We're reviving our Facebook page and will post chat reminders and storifys there too: https://t.co/4VrP7V9aDL #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like abt yourself, your interest in #autchat, or today's topic: Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like abt yourself, your interest in #autchat, or today's topic: How we learned we were autistic/ND.
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: You can answer about all/any neurodivergences you have, if you have more than one (e.g., both autism and ADHD). #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q1: Q1: When did you learn you were autistic or otherwise neurodivergent? Did you suspect it beforehand or was it a surprise? #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q2: Q2: How did you learn (or come to suspect)? Did it take a while or did you believe it right away? #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q3: Q3: Did other people in your life know or suspect before you did? #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q4: Q4: Did you receive (or suspect you had) any other diagnoses first? Do you think they were accurate or inaccurate? #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Q5: Q5: Did you find out you had additional neurodivergences later? If so, how was that experience similar or different? #autchat
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: The scheduled #autchat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
Dis Tweetchat Cal @distwtchatcal
RT @autchatmod: Next Sunday’s #autchat is on women and people perceived as women. Sun Oct 22, 8pm UTC / 9pm BST / 4pm EDT.
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A4 PDD-NOS dyspraxia dysgraphia aphasia prosopagnosia, later on asperergers was mentioned, umm... developmental verbal dyspraxia... #autchat https://t.co/1b29RAsqsC
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
There was something of a tossed diagnosis salad so I don't know which labels stuck and which ones didn't. I was too young to know #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@SmileyAutistic I was physically abused by other students in the special ed classroom so I had to leave by necessity #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@SmileyAutistic So I can see how certain settings like this can be a problem #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Some studies actually work to confirm diagnoses. The ones I read tended to still line up with broader population studies. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 I don't recall any studies finding a greater co-incidence of BPD and ASD, so couldn't say anything about that. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 The ADHD ones are interesting. They used to assume attention issues were just part of autism. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
A4 I forgot to list OCD!!! #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 Then they tried ADHD meds and found some autistic people were helped and others weren't. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 So then they did a study to actually test ASD populations for ADHD and found numbers lined up with the % helped by meds. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 So then they did a study (might even have been an RCT) to see if people with ASD who actually had ADHD were helped by meds. #autchat
Scott Morizot @tmorizot
@Ara314413 And found those numbers pretty much lined up with general population. A backwards way of getting there, but interesting. #autchat
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