#autchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #autchat hashtag.
See #autchat Influencers/Analytics.

#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Welcome to #AutChat, a weekly chat for autistic & similar people Sundays 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 8pm UTC / 9pm BST! https://t.co/rRrhi8Ysri #AutChat hosts chats on topics related to our experiences as neurodivergent people. See our past topics here: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
#AutChat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc). We welcome autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
We post transcripts of the weekly chats to our website, https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey. We link to them on the #AutChat tag and on our Facebook page. Transcripts are created with Wakelet, and are visible there and on our site.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Other people can post, retweet, or share any of our posts or links. This includes our tweets, our Facebook posts, links to our website, and links to Wakelet. If you want your tweets excluded from future #AutChat transcripts, DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
For #AutChat announcements and weekly questions, follow this account. DM us to request reminder tweets (we get a lot of notifications during AutChat and sometimes don’t see replies). How to participate in #AutChat and other twitter chats: https://t.co/SkuXgvACRk
Ramona @QuartzDisc
RT @autchatmod: #AutChat is a tag for autistic people & "autistic cousins" (people with similar experiences due to hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc). We welcome autistic/similar people whether formally diagnosed, self-dx'd, or questioning/wondering if they are autistic/similar.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Questions are prefaced Q0, Q1, Q2, etc. When you reply, preface tweets with A0, A1, etc & include "#AutChat" so others see them! Please capitalize it as #AutChat to make it more accessible to screenreaders.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q0: Introduce yourself! Say anything you like about yourself or your interest in #AutChat or in today's topic, cooking and meal prep. Quick reference for this week's #AutChat questions (please wait till they're tweeted to answer): https://t.co/j3oODrE3Dy
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q1: What kind of cooking and/or meal prep do you do? #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A0: I’m R and am interested in today’s topic because it’s one that’s really hard for me, as much as I enjoy cooking. Meal prep especially is super difficult. #AutChat
CarrieHall1001.bsky.social @CarrieHall1001
@autchatmod A1: oh I make great spaghetti #Autchat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A1: Since I’ve gotten physically sick I don’t cook much anymore but when I do I use a lot of prepped ingredients and often don’t plan ahead; I just have ingredients on hand I know I’ll use, like canned beans, frozen beets etc. and then make something with what I have. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q2: What parts are cooking/meal prep do you like? What parts do you dislike? #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A1 contd: Also I do a lot of frozen stuff. And I go through phases where I’ll eat the same thing for at least one meal a day for awhile. Part of this is practicality: I live alone and hate waste and dislike freezing food but partly it’s just because I get on a kick. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A2: I like actually cooking and seeing how seemingly random things come together to make something delicious. I dislike meal prep. Too many steps for my executive function to cope with. #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A2 contd: (I’m noticing how I didn’t distinguish any of the meal prep steps which kind of proved my point.) #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:food] For my followers, just letting you know that today's #AutChat is based on food talk. So you can temp mute the hashtag if you would find that to be helpful. Okay.... intro time. Hello, I am Solveig. I'm really bad at cooking. REALLY BAD. #AutChat A0
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q3: If parts of cooking/meal prep are difficult for you, what makes them difficult? #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:food] I have a short list of memorized recipes that I can use as needed. It's more a matter of making up large batches and saving up bits for later. But I get overwhelmed easily, so I schedule in things I eat on a regular pattern so there's less planning to do. #AutChat A2
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A3: Well now I have to specify lol. Planning what I need for more than one meal before shopping for it. Then using what I buy before it goes bad because now I’m exhausted from shopping. #AutChat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
A1: I *can* cook, but mostly avoid it. I eat a lot of frozen dinners and “instant” meals. Eventually the high sodium content may become a problem, but for now I can still get away with it. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:food] This, plus easy sandwiches, is my regular diet. #AutChat A1
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
A3: I like the part where it’s done and I have food. I dislike planning, cleaning, chopping, measuring, waiting... basically all of it. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
[cn:food] I like arranging my kitchen so that it takes less effort to prepare food, and that it's easier to clean when I need to. Since I don't know how to make many things, my kitchen is arranged to make those few things REALLY FAST. Like super fast brownies. #AutChat A3
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A3 contd: Adding that I have a lot of food allergies plus MCAS, which causes additional random allergies so it makes meal planning more difficult. How can you plan when allergies + randomness + texture issues + not being in the mood for something make it so difficult? #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
What makes it difficult? It takes a lot of energy to convince myself to try a new recipe. Gathering new ingredients, deciding where to store them, hoping they don't go bad before I have energy to cook... #AutChat A3
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
A3: Planning. Deciding what I want to cook far enough ahead to buy the ingredients, starting to cook before I’m too hungry to wait until it’s done, and using what I buy before it goes bad. Because executive functioning. #autchat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@invisiblegirl99 Yup! #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@invisiblegirl99 Yes! #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Hi! We want to welcome all folks new to #AutChat, and encourage you to include the #AutChat tag in your responses so folks can read them on the tag. If you forgot and left the tag out, you can retweet it and include the tag in your retweet.
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@gallianstone I love frozen rice! I just discovered it recently. #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@theoriesofminds @autchatmod It doesn't occur to me to pay attention to prep times listed in recipes. I just assume that the first time around, it'll take me an ungodly amount of time, and that if I like it, and I get practice, it'll get faster. I only figure out prep time with experience. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Q4: What have you found that makes cooking/meal prep easier or more fun? Techniques, gadgets, specific meals, etc. #AutChat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
@theoriesofminds @autchatmod I find that too. I think it may be in part that the prep times are written by experienced chefs who’ve made that particular recipe hundreds of times, and are super fast at it. #autchat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@subtlykawaii This is a perfect argument for why we have pre-cut things for sale in the stores. #AutChat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
@theoriesofminds @autchatmod They may also be written by people like my dad, who loved to cook, and always underestimated how long he spent doing so, cause he was enjoying it. He did most of the cooking in my family, so this was annoying when we were hungry waiting for dinner. #autchat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@autchatmod A4: Music; it helps engage my ADHD brain and keep me going. (Same with cleaning.) I have a grocery list app that I love. Love gadgets! So a jar key to open jars, a palm peeler and veggie brush, electric can opener, instapot, one-patty electric grill, toaster oven etc. #AutChat
Solveig ⚧ - Autistic Acceptance Worldwide @autisticb4mmr
@invisiblegirl99 @theoriesofminds @autchatmod [cn:foood] "Weird, I made this recipe in this amount of time when I was competing on Iron Chef, so I assume that's how long it will take for everyone!" #AutChat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@gallianstone I have one (I have POTS) and it’s really helped. Mine isn’t short enough for my legs so I have to place my feet on the wheeled legs but it works. I got one with a back. #AutChat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
A4: Freezer and microwave? I do occasionally freeze food I actually cooked myself, which makes future prep easier. It’s especially helpful to freeze things like pasta sauce in individual portions, so I can just thaw one as needed. #autchat
CLE change the world @Bluebirdlouise
RT @autchatmod: Q1: Q1: What kind of cooking and/or meal prep do you do? #AutChat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
@autisticb4mmr @theoriesofminds @autchatmod Pretty much. But also even if they do assume it will take longer for less experienced cooks, they tend to underestimate just how *much* longer it will take. They also don’t tend to add in any time for executive functioning glitches. #autchat
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
@theoriesofminds @autchatmod Pita bread works really well for a pizza crush, and tends to be a bit cheaper than official premade crusts as it comes with more in a package. #autchat
Ramona @QuartzDisc
@gallianstone Yeah that’s definitely a problem. I ended up basically getting a doctor’s stool with a back. Not the most comfortable thing—I slide on the material so end up sitting on it backwards—but couldn’t find a better fit for my space. #AutChat
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
The scheduled #AutChat is wrapping up. It's fine to keep chatting, join in late, or use the tag at other times!
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Next Sunday’s #AutChat is on uneven skills and abilities. Sun Nov 17, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 9pm UTC/GMT. https://t.co/S6PeF0hm5I If you know anyone who might be interested and is autistic or similarly neurodivergent, we encourage you to invite them.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Reminder: We create weekly transcripts of #AutChat using Wakelet, and post them to our website. We also link to them from our Facebook and Twitter accounts. To be excluded from transcripts, DM us.
#AutChat mod @autchatmod
Feel free to suggest ideas for #AutChat topics (or offer to help write questions)! For scheduled topics, see https://t.co/QrdW2e85Ey Every topic we've ever run: https://t.co/F56bZKXGAW We're happy to rerun past chats we haven't revisited in a while.
Ramona @QuartzDisc
RT @autchatmod: Next Sunday’s #AutChat is on uneven skills and abilities. Sun Nov 17, 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 9pm UTC/GMT. https://t.co/S6PeF0hm5I If you know anyone who might be interested and is autistic or similarly neurodivergent, we encourage you to invite them.
Emily W. @invisiblegirl99
@theoriesofminds @autchatmod Also, I put leftover sauce and cheese on crackers and microwave for a few seconds, until the cheese melts, to make snack-size pizzas 😉 #autchat
#autchat content from Twitter.