#bccww Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #bccww hashtag.
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BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Why talk about hormone therapy? It’s a critical set of drugs for many & often some - not all of us - will struggle to stick with them at early stage. So what helps living on hormone therapy? What sensible things should we being doing ? #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
When I was told have I’d have to take these meds for years - not months - I struggled. This surprised me to an extent because I’ve already lived taking meds since I was a teen. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
So my question is the emotional implications of being on up to a decade of meds ever taken account of? Can that in itself present an unrecognised burden, adjusting to life on medication (different implications for different stages of course) #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Have you struggled #bccww with the implications of years worth of meds or it’s more the over impact of the treatment that affects your mood? Menopause itself - cancer aside - can be a difficult process for women anyway.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] Hi Janet. PIL for sure aren’t comforting reading. Would it have helped to talk through that with a BCN or anyone? #bccww I do think it’s an adjustment, a mental shift, even if we aren’t aware of it to go on medication long term.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] #bccww that must make it feel worse, not being heard or believed.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@PeggyB63 Hi Peggy - agree on that. I’d like to see supportive interventions (bearing in mind the reality of stretched resources etc) on hormone therapy. #bccww & yes acknowledge that some can never tolerate these “well tolerated drugs”
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] @cattyfizzle Hello my lovely snoozer #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] My thought would be - why not check back with patients after 3 months or 6. Find out how they’re getting on. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] Have been offered any supportive mental health interventions? If meds it’s hard causing the problem it’s hard so I’m wondering what might help. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] @BreastCancerH Fantastic - you do your research but it sounds like you have medical professionals who listen to you #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] @DemeraraDj Having a plan at least might help? Keeping a symptom diary or checking back in 3 months say #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@DemeraraDj [REDACTED USER] Kind of a tension there as you say. I have found as long as you don’t keel over on your meds you get left (anti epileptics since 17). I wouldn’t know a side effect if I fell over it #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] I did like it too much - but I had come off for months for a hormone test. Enjoy it! #bccww There’s is research that suggests some women within certain criteria can take a break every so often.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
#bccww this here 👇🏻 there many of us with long term conditions & meds who struggle on these meds.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] Hi G. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Hi Caroline #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Understanding your meds: taking a pro-active approach to meds prescribed very long term #bccww might be helpful. Knowing AIs can affect bone health might be a prompt into reducing that risk. https://t.co/HAOyqfoqrs
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
I am going to share some general info from charities I’ve found helpful. The Royal Oestoporosis Society firstly - because I’m discharged from hospital I’ve find them a great help. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Bone health: do you live with other (non cancer) conditions &/or take non-cancer medications? #bccww some can cause a risk to bone health; always check & know your meds. https://t.co/p0br8UoXl3…
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Bone health: Check out the Royal Osteoporosis Society. The charity provides a range of resources & general advice for maintaining bone health & for those dealing with oestopenia/oestoporosis. #bccww https://t.co/0jdQR2Do4L https://t.co/wguPdSxfVJ
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Out of interest #bccww did any of you receive general advice on looking after your bone health, heart health and cholesterol levels or gynae health? Do you know your blood,pressure and cholesterol numbers?
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@DemeraraDj [REDACTED USER] That’s a tricky one. Yes age related changes happen but treatment can accelerate possibly those issues - #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@cattyfizzle It would seem really sensible to address this right at the start of taking hormone therapy - tailored for pre-meno and post meno onset/dx. #bccww
Liz Johnson @wired4story
@bccww As someone with METs, I've accepted years worth of meds. Mood, well that's a treatment side effect and the cost of staying live for me. Working with various coping skills (exercise, meditation, relaxation) to help...well, cope. #bccww #cancersucks
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
RT @wired4story: @bccww As someone with METs, I've accepted years worth of meds. Mood, well that's a treatment side effect and the cost of…
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@wired4story Hi Liz. Sensible tip - building up a personal ‘toolkit’ of coping strategies. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
#bccww this 👇🏻
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] Surely it would be sensible to do. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] Thank god for other people #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] I make sure i have my cholesterol tested. #bccww prehab/rehab is all the ‘rage’ - surely it applies here.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
#bccww please folks even if you don’t need glasses/contacts have regular sight tests. Tell your optometrist your drugs & know your family’s eye history.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
https://t.co/NEMCJFWlu1 and here is information on drugs given to pre-menopausal women (& some post meno women take them too) with #breastcancer #bccww know your drugs.
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Heart Health: Check out the British Heart Foundation: with a nurse helpline, advice on eating well and information on cholesterol. Remember speak to your GP for specific medical advice & a heart risk assessment etc. #bccww https://t.co/5Zn20gOKSK
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
@wired4story @ThanksCancer It helps my letrozole knees for sure. #bccww
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
[REDACTED USER] The monitoring is good, I didn’t have herceptin. But had chemo & Ietrzole so had a risk assessment with the GP - not sure rads are factored in though. #bccww .
BreastCancer Chat WW #BCCWW @bccww
Thanks everyone for tonight #bccww apologies for the disjointed tweeting. Old iPad!
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