#bpdchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #bpdchat hashtag.
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Emotions Matter BPD @embpd
Our next online support group is Feb 23rd! Don't forget to sign up as spots fill up quickly! https://t.co/uRtnf23NrC #bpdchat #bpd https://t.co/L6wJ6dmTiQ
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Hello and welcome to #BPDChat - if you feel affected by tonight's chat please contact your country's helpline at https://t.co/GtlNdoZpFo
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
If you're going to post something that may affect others please consider using TW (for Trigger warning) to give others a heads up. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Icebreaker: 'What coping skill(s) do you wish you had?' (These can be DBT skills or other skills you wish you had... Or maybe...'What challenge or obstacle do you wish you knew how to cope with?') #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@_freedomandhope Hi! Thanks for sharing. I think you're right, knowing a skill (such as regulating emotion) is one thing, being able to use it in the moment is another - it takes practice. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@Anxiety_Sugarr Hi! Yes it's definitively harder to deal with sudden or difficult situations. Practice helps. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@hom3rjfong Hi! Thanks for sharing this. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@KellyannNavarre Hi! Yes, mindfulness can be challenging (but really helpful). It's interesting you can remember that it was easier to be one-mindful when you were younger. #BPDChat
🏳️‍⚧️G Collerone (he-him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚾⚾️ @midnightdemon__
@CarlDunnJr #BPDChat being able to sit with emotion. Therapist has found out I like to switch gears when I feel strong emotion. I do it a lot when blogging.
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @midnightdemon2: @CarlDunnJr #BPDChat being able to sit with emotion. Therapist has found out I like to switch gears when I feel strong emotion. I do it a lot when blogging.
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@midnightdemon2 Hi, G! Thanks for sharing this. That's interesting. Do you think sitting with your emotion is something you can learn to do over time? #BPDChat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr I wish I knew how to deal with grief better. It overtakes me snd it’s so strong I can’t function. #bpdchat I wish they had #DBT for #grief
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr I wish I knew how to deal with grief better. It overtakes me snd it’s so strong I can’t function. #bpdchat I wish they had #DBT for #grief
🏳️‍⚧️G Collerone (he-him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚾⚾️ @midnightdemon__
@CarlDunnJr Learning in therapy as my therapist doesn't let me go too far from feeling something, especially when she knows I switched gears. It is hard to go back to the emotion tho #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@ed_santilla Hi! Thanks for sharing this. Radical Acceptance is a very helpful skill. Can you say a bit more about how it has helped you? #BPDChat
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
Unsure if this is a coping skill or not but I would like to have the ability to follow through with my desired actions instead of giving up before it even starts because I'm too frightened of failure and fearful of the unknown. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 I want to learn how to do this too. I struggle with feeling it, but not reacting to it. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @midnightdemon2: @CarlDunnJr Learning in therapy as my therapist doesn't let me go too far from feeling something, especially when she knows I switched gears. It is hard to go back to the emotion tho #BPDChat
Becky, just Becky. @ThatBWord1
RT @CarlDunnJr: @Anxiety_Sugarr Hi! Yes it's definitively harder to deal with sudden or difficult situations. Practice helps. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BPDFamily:
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@BPDFamily This is an interesting observation. Thanks for sharing it. #BPDChat
Becky, just Becky. @ThatBWord1
RT @midnightdemon2: @CarlDunnJr #BPDChat being able to sit with emotion. Therapist has found out I like to switch gears when I feel strong emotion. I do it a lot when blogging.
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 I want to learn how to do this too. I struggle with feeling it, but not reacting to it. #bpdchat
Sarah Garlits @SarahGarlits
RT @BPDFamily:
🏳️‍⚧️G Collerone (he-him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚾⚾️ @midnightdemon__
@CarlDunnJr @ed_santilla #BPDChat radical acceptance has helped me as well. It helps me accept the hard situation even though I can't change it usually. I will accept things to try and move on from it but often have to do it several times to fully accept it. Hope that makes sense
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @midnightdemon2: @CarlDunnJr @ed_santilla #BPDChat radical acceptance has helped me as well. It helps me accept the hard situation even though I can't change it usually. I will accept things to try and move on from it but often have to do it several times to fully accept it. Hope that makes sense
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
I've been in the hospital ward 3 times in 3 months every time I was released with the advice "learn coping skills" yet none were modeled or suggested. In a rural area DBT doesn't exist or groups. CBT only goes so far. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 How long are feelings supposed to last? I can tolerate them for a few minutes but it seems like I would need to be able to do it for hours. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@midnightdemon2 @CarlDunnJr @ed_santilla Yes!! I have to radically accept something over and over so I feel like a failure. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@Glass1ncision Can you access one of the free resources online? #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @jemmabrown:
🏳️‍⚧️G Collerone (he-him) 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚾⚾️ @midnightdemon__
@ShoutyShyGirl @CarlDunnJr I don't think we are supposed to feel something for hours and hours. Just long enough to be able to process them and move on. Distraction has helped when I am agitated or upset with a family member. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @msophie113:
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
@ShoutyShyGirl @CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 It's incredibly difficult to set with emotions, I've been trying to myself some are easier others harder. I don't thing any emotion, feeling, or situation has a proper time frame just until you can accept it. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@msophie113 Good point. I think that's a really difficult place to be - once you're there and you don't care about using skills... - I wonder if anyone has suggestions about how to deal with that. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @Glass1ncision: @ShoutyShyGirl @CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 It's incredibly difficult to set with emotions, I've been trying to myself some are easier others harder. I don't thing any emotion, feeling, or situation has a proper time frame just until you can accept it. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@Fangirltory Hi! Welcome to the chat - thanks for sharing this. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @msophie113:
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Time to move to tonight's main topic - but there are several good thoughts you've expressed I wish we had more time to explore... #BPDChat
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
@ShoutyShyGirl Of course, I have access to things via internet. Google things regularly, self taught what little and basic DBT skill from a skillsbook that was suggested here. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Tonight's topic is... Social Supports: Connecting with Other People Helps Our Personal Well-Being #BPDChat
BPD365 @bpd365
@Glass1ncision @CarlDunnJr @midnightdemon2 It’s so hard! #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Social supports (people, maybe organizations) can be really helpful to us. Do you have social supports in your life? People who you can talk to or reach out to? Friends? Family? Others? #BPDChat
BPD365 @bpd365
@Glass1ncision In person classes are helpful, but in my experience, they might not be the best way to learn. Some teachers don’t get it. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr My husband and therapist are good for deep topics. My coworkers are good for balancing me with easier topics. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @Glass1ncision In person classes are helpful, but in my experience, they might not be the best way to learn. Some teachers don’t get it. #bpdchat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr Wow, rereading that I have a lot more than I thought. I will feel good about that. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr My husband and therapist are good for deep topics. My coworkers are good for balancing me with easier topics. #bpdchat
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
I am extremely thankful for the individuals I have met on Twitter who like myself struggle with BPD, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and all else. Twitter saved my life. Without it I would have zero support. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@MSophiaBPDfight I'm glad you've found validation and feeling accepted online. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr Wow, rereading that I have a lot more than I thought. I will feel good about that. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@wayne24536203 A helpline can be really useful. Also, if you have a warmline in your area - a helpline staffed by peers - that can be really great. #BPDChat
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
@CarlDunnJr I have a lot of love and support in my life. My partner, family, roommate, employers. I don’t currently have any supports specific to tackling and discussing my mental health, which would be nice (i.e - therapy) but I have had my share of that support in my lifetime. #BPDChat
Sarah Garlits @SarahGarlits
RT @CarlDunnJr: Icebreaker: Icebreaker: 'What coping skill(s) do you wish you had?' (These can be DBT skills or other skills you wish you had... Or maybe...'What challenge or obstacle do you wish you knew how to cope with?') #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@hom3rjfong Yes, you're right. Having social supports can be invaluable to anyone. #BPDChat
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
@CarlDunnJr Noteably, because I have had that support previously, I currently feel I’m swimming alright without a life vest (aka therapeutic support system ) but when needed again will look forward to establishing that kind of support back in my life in regards to my mental health. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @Glass1ncision: I am extremely thankful for the individuals I have met on Twitter who like myself struggle with BPD, PTSD, depression, anxiety, and all else. Twitter saved my life. Without it I would have zero support. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@Glass1ncision I'm glad to hear Twitter has been so helpful. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @msophie113:
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
RT @CarlDunnJr: Social supports (people, maybe organizations) can be really helpful to us. Do you have social supports in your life? People who you can talk to or reach out to? Friends? Family? Others? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BorderlineLand: @CarlDunnJr I have a lot of love and support in my life. My partner, family, roommate, employers. I don’t currently have any supports specific to tackling and discussing my mental health, which would be nice (i.e - therapy) but I have had my share of that support in my lifetime. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@BorderlineLand Hi! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you have a lot of love and support in your life. #BPDChat
Alison Soutter @Kambora
RT @CarlDunnJr: If you deal with suicidal thoughts or emotional distress (or help support someone else who does) this excellent website has videos & documents that show you how to create your own Safety Plan. A great resource! @AlysColeKing #BPDChat #SPSM https://t.co/iVIdU21KLS
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BorderlineLand: @CarlDunnJr Noteably, because I have had that support previously, I currently feel I’m swimming alright without a life vest (aka therapeutic support system ) but when needed again will look forward to establishing that kind of support back in my life in regards to my mental health. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @jemmabrown:
Sue Murray OAM @suevmurray
RT @CarlDunnJr: If you deal with suicidal thoughts or emotional distress (or help support someone else who does) this excellent website has videos & documents that show you how to create your own Safety Plan. A great resource! @AlysColeKing #BPDChat #SPSM https://t.co/iVIdU21KLS
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BPDFamily:
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@BPDFamily That's wonderful to hear. I've found a lot of good people willing to listen on Twitter. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @msophie113:
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
@CarlDunnJr Good afternoon/ evening Carl. Thanks as always for hosting these on Sundays. I am definitely very blessed with the support in my life and equally take credit for the hard work I have put in to try and establish that support system for myself over the years. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @jemmabrown:
♡ Amanda ♡ @Glass1ncision
@KellyannNavarre @CarlDunnJr Only you can judge if the environment is toxic, so it's understandable. I don't know where I'd be without Twitter since it's my only means of support or support system. I don't have anyone outside of social networking that understands or is willing to understand. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
#BPDChat If you want to read something fascinating about social supports, save this link for later... Social Supports and Social Networks from a Social Work perspective: https://t.co/WPncev0KKp
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Having social support - other people to reach out to, especially those who listen, can be very helpful to anyone who is dealing with difficulty. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @jemmabrown:
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@jemmabrown I'm glad to hear you've found #BPDChat to be supportive and helpful. #BPDChat
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
RT @CarlDunnJr: Having social support - other people to reach out to, especially those who listen, can be very helpful to anyone who is dealing with difficulty. #BPDChat
PinkCherryBlossom @DuskyPinkBloss
@CarlDunnJr This is an area I’m really lacking in. I’ve found myself increasingly isolated and don’t have any consistent social supports #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Having social connectiveness, having people to talk to, to be with (either in person or online), can be really healthy. People seem to do well when connected. Do you have social support? Do you want to have or have more? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
The quality of your social network can also be a factor. Are the people you connect to and interact with, positive for you? If seems to matter whether they are positive for you, or whether they are negative or problematic. What do you think? #BPDChat
Becky, just Becky. @ThatBWord1
@CarlDunnJr I do have support, but I feel like I always need more. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@pet_unicorn I think many people find it difficult to establish good social support. Have you found it difficult to find others? What gets in the way, do you think? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ThatBWord1: @CarlDunnJr I do have support, but I feel like I always need more. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@ThatBWord1 That's important. Have you been able to talk with people about what you're interested in? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@hom3rjfong I think it's natural to want more. I would encourage everyone here to think about reaching out to each other this week, if you think it would be helpful. Tweet someone and see if you can start a conversation? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@pet_unicorn I'm sorry to hear that. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@ThatBWord1 That's good to hear. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @jemmabrown:
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
@CarlDunnJr @pet_unicorn I’m alright at keeping nonromantic relationships at a fairly surface level but when it comes to trying to form deeper intimate connections outside of a romantic relationship I get easily hung up, overwhelmed, unsure of myself, and hesitant about it getting complicated. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@KellyannNavarre @Glass1ncision I'm glad you enjoy the chat. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BorderlineLand: @CarlDunnJr @pet_unicorn I’m alright at keeping nonromantic relationships at a fairly surface level but when it comes to trying to form deeper intimate connections outside of a romantic relationship I get easily hung up, overwhelmed, unsure of myself, and hesitant about it getting complicated. #BPDChat
Nonbinary Borderline ✨ @BorderlineLand
@CarlDunnJr @pet_unicorn I think it boils down to a lack of trust in myself still and my ability to regulate myself. I think also I still lack confidence in social situations and my behaviour and intensity within them. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
A good question to ask may be: Do you feel better after talking to this person? (Every conversation doesn't have to be uplifting, especially when you're supporting the other person in a difficult time, but you should feel they are a positive relationship). #BPDChat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr I wish I had more. That’s why I sought out this community of lovely people. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@hom3rjfong If anyone has been affected by events such as this, please reach out to someone or some organization (helpline, etc.) for support. #BPDChat
Neale @CollinMcgavin
@thephatgirlblog No need to apologize. Hang in there.
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
Some people in your social network are helpful for specific things. Some people will listen & be supportive. Not all of these people may truly understand about your MH challenges, however. There may be only certain people you feel you can talk to about certain things. #BPDChat
BPD365 @bpd365
@CarlDunnJr I like this idea. I have a problem where I get sucked in and the only time I feel okay is shortly after I’ve spoken with them. Then I’m anxious about losing them the rest of the time. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr I like this idea. I have a problem where I get sucked in and the only time I feel okay is shortly after I’ve spoken with them. Then I’m anxious about losing them the rest of the time. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@ShoutyShyGirl I'm guessing other people here feel similarly as well? #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @ShoutyShyGirl: @CarlDunnJr I wish I had more. That’s why I sought out this community of lovely people. #bpdchat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@x_fromthe_ashes I'm glad you've found Twitter to make a difference in your life. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
RT @BPDFamily:
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@BPDFamily Yes, I think anxiety and being anxious about making new friends and connections can be a barrier. #BPDChat
Carl Dunn @CarlDunnJr
@AnnieMarieMHBl1 Hi! I'm glad to hear this. I think sometimes people have to make their own intentional "family". #BPDChat
#bpdchat content from Twitter.