#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Patient Chat @patientchat
The Empowered #patientchat is a project of @power4patients
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Hi #patientchat’ers. I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’ll be moderating today’s chat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue with intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
David, precision-medicine methodologist with special interest in #DoseIndividualization. Joining to listen today #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs & history. #patientchat
Hi everyone! My name is Seth and I am the Patient Engagement Manager at @teaminspire and co-founder of @_OurOdyssey_. Always excited to be part of these important discussions! #patientchat
Our Odyssey @_OurOdyssey_
RT @Srotberg15: Hi everyone! My name is Seth and I am the Patient Engagement Manager at @teaminspire and co-founder of @_OurOdyssey_. Alway…
Patient Chat @patientchat
@TracyBNutrimom @power4patients Hello! #patientchat https://t.co/DX4tVmG0sv
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is What Does Patient-Centric Care Look Like For You? https://t.co/TTGM261YW9 https://t.co/U3fRhBeFpe
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Pls include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topic questions. Here comes T1: #patientchat
@Srotberg15 @teaminspire @_OurOdyssey_ I love your Instagram feed! Good to see you here. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: What does care look like to you when it is patient-centered? (for appointments, results, treatment, medical records, etc.) #patientchat https://t.co/96KMoBzUYO
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
Hi #patientchat, Heather Joining from outside of Ann Arbor. Taking a break from working on @SalemOaks webpage.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: What does care look like to you when it is patient-centered? (for appointments, results, treatment, medical records, e…
@cvhconsulting @teaminspire @_OurOdyssey_ Thanks Christie! It’s great to see the work you are doing in the health community too.
PROS Foundation @PROS_Foundation
Hi All, Happy to be joining #patientchat from sunny San Diego.
RT @patientchat: T1: What does care look like to you when it is patient-centered? (for appointments, results, treatment, medical records, e…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
Viewing me as a whole person w/physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual needs, who is intelligent enough to make my own treatment choices, given appropriate info, & who has specific needs that do not necessarily mesh w/textbook cases or those of other patients. #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
A1: Check out "A Person Centered Approach to the Care of Chronic Illness" by @JBBC https://t.co/KsLpOzK0Tp #patientchat
@patientchat A1: I think we need to focus more on patient activism by providing patients the tools & skills to be engaged and prepared. That would include setting expectations for appointments, keeping track of records, family history, etc. - for starters. #patientchat
T1 patient-centered care needs to start with listening to the patients’ needs and not rushing through the appointment. I saw that the avg appointment lasts less than 12 minutes which is not enough time to get the proper care. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A1: I think we need to focus more on patient activism by providing patients the tools & skills to be engage…
Kevin from CT here. Squeezing this in between several other projects. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @power4patients: A1: Check out "A Person Centered Approach to the Care of Chronic Illness" by @JBBC https://t.co/KsLpOzK0Tp #patientchat
@PROS_Foundation Glad it’s sunny over there. This is how I feel in Boston. #patientchat https://t.co/GiW84FecJU
I will have to follow on #instagram :) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] For everyone to see your replies, please include #patientchat in all your tweets :)
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @power4patients: A1: Check out "A Person Centered Approach to the Care of Chronic Illness" by @JBBC https://t.co/KsLpOzK0Tp #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T1: Treating a patient like a person and active participant in their own health decisions ... not like a car at the mechanic. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @H_SalemOaks: T1: Treating a patient like a person and active participant in their own health decisions ... not like a car at the mechan…
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T1: Having my autonomy and my needs respected. Being believed. Being seen as an expert in my own experiences. Being allowed and enabled to make decisions. Being allowed to access and to ask for corrections of medical reports and to decide who will see them. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] Hi Francine! Don't forget to include the hashtag #patientchat in all your replies so everyone can see your responses!
Yes! Personally, I have found #integrative medical doctors to have the most personalized options for their patients #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2 coming up… #patientchat
PROS Foundation @PROS_Foundation
@patientchat T1: We feel it’s absolutely needed for the physician to ask if the patient’s needs/concerns and questions are being met and answered. #patientchat
Our Odyssey @_OurOdyssey_
RT @patientchat: T1: What does care look like to you when it is patient-centered? (for appointments, results, treatment, medical records, e…
T!: A very informative article from a doc in this article. https://t.co/ecbelRZIbf #patientchat #S4PM #pinksocks #AskPatients
Ody @OdyO11
RT @Srotberg15: T1 patient-centered care needs to start with listening to the patients’ needs and not rushing through the appointment. I sa…
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T1: Having my autonomy and my needs respected. Being believed. Being seen as an expert in my own experiences. Bein…
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
Patient and physician communication is a crucial aspect of determining a treatment plan. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: Have you seen these concepts put into practice? Examples? What has worked well? #patientchat https://t.co/t1q491l0d8
Ody @OdyO11
RT @melissarvh: Viewing me as a whole person w/physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual needs, who is intelligent enough to make my own tre…
@davidcnorrismd @patientchat Also: #patientchat https://t.co/26ZIcnOiJz
Ody @OdyO11
@melissarvh Yes! Being taken seriously, even if I am an outlier. Not to be blindly pressed into diagnostic and treatment algorithms that don't fit my case. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@cvhconsulting @patientchat Agreed! We created a set of downloadable guides to help with exactly that in our Newly Diagnosed Toolkits. Here's a link to the AML one which is easily transferrable to any #cancer or chronic illness: https://t.co/jFAcMC3Pe7 #patientchat
@TracyBNutrimom #patientchat https://t.co/T78ytSNzdP
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @cvhconsulting: @davidcnorrismd @patientchat Also: #patientchat https://t.co/26ZIcnOiJz
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @power4patients: @cvhconsulting @patientchat Agreed! We created a set of downloadable guides to help with exactly that in our Newly Diag…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: Have you seen these concepts put into practice? Examples? What has worked well? #patientchat https://t.co/t1q491l0d8
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @JBAshtin: Patient and physician communication is a crucial aspect of determining a treatment plan. #patientchat https://t.co/5zIvOqnzSF
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
GI & PA practice this every visit. They don't make me feel rushed, they hear my concerns, & treat me w/respect. Ex: PA said, "Now, I'm going 2 mention X drug, & you're going 2 look it up & think I've lost my mind, but hear me out, research it, & then decide." Perfect #PatientChat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T2: As a patient with complex, little known & incompletely researched disorders, it makes a huge difference whether I find doctors who think scientifically and don't adhere blindly to algorithms. Who are humble and curious. Great TED talk: https://t.co/X0vnSqo5xW #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @melissarvh: GI & PA practice this every visit. They don't make me feel rushed, they hear my concerns, & treat me w/respect. Ex: PA said…
T2: My dentist does a great job of this. They clearly have a record of previous discussions. Every time I go in they ask previous visits/complaints, changes in my diet or other health, and even travel plans and hobbies. My doc, not so much. #patientchat #S4PM #pinksocks
RT @K_SalemOaks: T2: My dentist does a great job of this. They clearly have a record of previous discussions. Every time I go in they ask…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T2: As a patient with complex, little known & incompletely researched disorders, it makes a huge difference whethe…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3 coming up… #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: Would you consider your doctor to be patient-centered? Why or why not? #patientchat https://t.co/DKGtb0nqZD
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@patientchat T1 It needs to include the personal side. I'd like my provider to know who I am. A means of connecting beyond my disease & symptoms. #patientchat
@patientchat A2: What works well? Writing down questions, planning expectations, finding a doctor who will listen and work with you(!), and trusting yourself. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
They've built a genuine relationship w/me & understand what I'm like. They value my input & never treat me as if I'm not intelligent. Further, they entertain & truly evaluate my care suggestions/recommendations. It is always, "Let's discuss this." #PatientChat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @patientchat: [REDACTED USER] For everyone to see your replies, please include #patientchat in all your tweets :)
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A2: What works well? Writing down questions, planning expectations, finding a doctor who will listen and wo…
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @melissarvh: They've built a genuine relationship w/me & understand what I'm like. They value my input & never treat me as if I'm not in…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: Would you consider your doctor to be patient-centered? Why or why not? #patientchat https://t.co/DKGtb0nqZD
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@K_SalemOaks My cat's vet is REALLY good about patient centricity. I tweet about it basically every time I come home from an appointment (which is often, because I have three senior cats). If only this was the norm for people-doctors. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A2: What works well? Writing down questions, planning expectations, finding a doctor who will listen and wo…
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @patientchat: T3: Would you consider your doctor to be patient-centered? Why or why not? #patientchat https://t.co/DKGtb0nqZD
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
My regular GI (as mentioned) is, but my previous specialist was not. He had no time or desire to hear me & was content to bark out "orders." He denied my symptoms & seemed to think #Gastroparesis was not a serious illness, despite being a specialist in the field. #PatientChat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@power4patients @cvhconsulting @patientchat Devil's advocate - When you have a disease that is consuming you, the last thing you need is "tools" that need to be managed/dissected. Healthcare was better even when we didn't have these tools. Because you knew each other as human beings so conversations happened. #patientchat
Danny Miller - MEPAN Foundation @mepancure
@patientchat #patientchat
Stacy Hurt (she/her)🌻 @stacy_hurt
If you work with patients fighting for their lives, their dignity, their families, their quality of life, then please read all of this 👇🏻 and #UnblockHealth
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@patientchat @power4patients T3 Mine is an ND and totally patient-centered. She knows me as a human being and connects that with my health concerns. My spouse's only knows him by his disease. He nice but does what needs to get done in 15 min. #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@K_SalemOaks She always explains everything in detail, the vet personally calls with results and will have a long conversation if needed, we talk about options when my cats won't take medications, she treats my cats like individuals not scratchy balls of teeth and claws. #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T2: As a patient with complex, little known & incompletely researched disorders, it makes a huge difference whethe…
@patientchat A3: I'm going to respond to this by saying that if you don't have a doc that's patient-centered, it's probably time to move on! Trust yourself and value your care. (I understand this can be challenging for those in rural areas and with rare conditions). #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T3: After an odyssey, I found patient-centered doctors: They take me seriously, we bear the uncertainty together, make decisions together and learn together about my disorders and what that means for me. There is mutual trust and respect. #patientchat
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A3: I'm going to respond to this by saying that if you don't have a doc that's patient-centered, it's proba…
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@OdyO11 @power4patients @patientchat T2 THAT's just what I said in essence to my husband's doctor last Friday. Look outside the box kind of thing. Look beyond what you know or think you know. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
A3: It's a shame to have to ask this question. All Drs should be patient centric by default and most, if not all, of the good ones are. Unfortunately, the system is the antithesis of patient-centered & that's what we all need to work together to change #patientchat #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @OdyO11: @melissarvh Yes! Being taken seriously, even if I am an outlier. Not to be blindly pressed into diagnostic and treatment algori…
RT @melissarvh: My regular GI (as mentioned) is, but my previous specialist was not. He had no time or desire to hear me & was content to b…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4 coming up… #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@cvhconsulting @patientchat Yes x1000000 #patientchat #PatientEmpowerment
Also a very good way to stay connected! #patientchat
PROS Foundation @PROS_Foundation
@patientchat T2: @patientchat We have about two out of every three doctors follow-up with a call and that further emphasizes they are putting the patient first #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@H_SalemOaks @davidcnorrismd @K_SalemOaks I had to giggle because I'm envisioning myself as "scratchy balls of teeth and claws" when I'm in an appointment w/my husband. 😅 #patientchat
@llake @power4patients @patientchat Absolutely, but we are talking about skills to help patients feel more in control of the situations they're in. "Tools" to help them to ask questions and understand their treatment plans. Diagnostic "tools" are a problem, doctors don't listen. #patientchat
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T3: My doctor is pretty patient centered, I got lucky to have a doctor that has the same mentality I do about how patients and doctors should work together. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T3: After an odyssey, I found patient-centered doctors: They take me seriously, we bear the uncertainty together,…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: What are some of the barriers to a patient-centered approach? #patientchat https://t.co/hFOCRzV8Ou
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T3: It's not the rule though. I try to avoid seeing new doctors or going to the ER because of the negative experiences I have made. With my disorders, I am in a high risk group for being dismissed and being pushed into boxes that neither fit me nor my case. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T4: What are some of the barriers to a patient-centered approach? #patientchat https://t.co/hFOCRzV8Ou
Ody @OdyO11
RT @patientchat: T4: What are some of the barriers to a patient-centered approach? #patientchat https://t.co/hFOCRzV8Ou
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
T4: Training. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @patientchat: T4: What are some of the barriers to a patient-centered approach? #patientchat https://t.co/hFOCRzV8Ou
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@power4patients A3 I'm hearing more about doctors getting right in the face of patients & telling (yelling) them that they have ______ - "you have...you're gonna die" & either tell them to do something or go on hospice. It's horrible. That's not working together. #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T4: Disbelief and distrust towards patients. Seeing patients with a bias towards personal deficits and not as reliable witnesses of their own experiences and competent decision-makers about their own lives. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
Lack of communication skills (patient and/or doc); lack of empathy; inadequate time for appointments; insurance restrictions; health illiteracy. #PatientChat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@Srotberg15 @PROS_Foundation Haha! Yep, New England is funny that way. Although, truthfully, we've had a couple of good days. Here comes the weekend!! #patientchat
Danny Miller - MEPAN Foundation @mepancure
@patientchat Not at the payor level. Certainly more on the drug development front, where patient input/perspective is critical to get something into clinic #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
GAH! I'm SO late! Casey Q here, multitasking really badly - prepping #hdpalooza panel w/buddies on consumer privacy in #healthIT ... and on this chat now #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T4: Disbelief and distrust towards patients. Seeing patients with a bias towards personal deficits and not as reli…
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @melissarvh: Lack of communication skills (patient and/or doc); lack of empathy; inadequate time for appointments; insurance restriction…
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@TracyBNutrimom When is money not the problem? #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
A4: There are some barriers but I think we all can agree that the benefits far outweigh them https://t.co/9fN6p8s4b0 #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @sfcomms: @patientchat Not at the payor level. Certainly more on the drug development front, where patient input/perspective is critical…
@OdyO11 @patientchat Curiosity is key! I love this point. 🙌 #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T4: Unfortunately, the assumption that physical symptoms are psychogenic often results in this problematic view of patients. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@H_SalemOaks @TracyBNutrimom Sad but almost always true #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@H_SalemOaks @Srotberg15 @PROS_Foundation Sadly, not quite the best slushies, eh? Crazy weather. #patientchat https://t.co/3PwD7s1COA
Salem Oaks @SalemOaks
@sfcomms @patientchat We're happy to hear that this has been your experience. #patientchat
RT @H_SalemOaks: T4: Training. #patientchat
Danny Miller - MEPAN Foundation @mepancure
@patientchat See my answer to T1 - I feel like they at least listen to me. Does that translate into novel, forward-thinking care? Not always, due to formulas and precederures that must be adhered to at an administrative level e.g. - "we don't test for that" #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@llake @power4patients @patientchat T2: Yes! I wish a scientific mindset would be taught more, both at school and at medical school. #patientchat
@cvhconsulting @OdyO11 @patientchat Especially juxtaposed with “scientific” and “humble”. All aspects of the same thing? #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5 coming up... #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A1: Patient centered care looks like + Using #opennotes in patient portals (HT @myopennotes) + LISTENING vs EHR in exam room + Appt times outside 9-5 M-F + Resources for people/pts to learn how to manage [whatever condition] - both in person and virtual #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: How can a patient-centric approach add value outside of the clinical experience? #patientchat https://t.co/z8Y7q8NFGk
“The tears stream down my face as I recall the hundreds, thousands, of pleas I have been faced with over the last 20 years... ...These people could not get access to the information they needed for the next step in their, or their loved one’s, care.”
Heather McCullen @H_SalemOaks
@TracyBNutrimom Even "better" insurance companies have limits to what is covered. (Who are these people who want to "keep their insurance") #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@llake That's absolutely horrible. Most people would never let anyone else treat them with so little respect, why would they allow a Dr to treat them that way. As they say, "Vote with your feet" - definitely time to find a new Dr #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: How can a patient-centric approach add value outside of the clinical experience? #patientchat https://t.co/z8Y7q8NFGk
Ody @OdyO11
@davidcnorrismd @cvhconsulting @patientchat I think they are. To me, a scientific mindset means a curious and humble mindset. To always allow for the possibility to be wrong and to learn something new from that. In such a context, even patients who are outliers can be seen, not dismissed. #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@power4patients A4 As a caregiver and #youngcarer advocate I can vouch for having a family-centered approach. It's essential for everyone's well-being, especially young carers. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A2: Will say that KaiserP on the east coast has a terrific portal - I'm not their pt, but my sister is, helping her w/recent "adventures in medical care" was well-facilitated by their portal, which was a pleasant surprise! #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T4: Disbelief and distrust towards patients. Seeing patients with a bias towards personal deficits and not as reli…
Danny Miller - MEPAN Foundation @mepancure
@patientchat Strict adherence to a standard of care that is restrictive (whatever is cheapest, easiest) and often based on science that lags behind what is happening in translational research/medicine in #RareDisease #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A3: Since my only real med issue RN is age (I'm an official old!), only need PCP, patient centered as I need her to be (ie labs before office visits - let's have data to discuss!) In glide path for TKA, ortho surg has superb prep process, great comms (mostly) #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T5: To be patient-centered means to see, not dismiss, outliers. It's a chance for research to learn that will otherwise be missed. To be patient-centered means to reduce medical traumas and not to inhibit access to care for complex patients. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
@power4patients @llake Unfortunately, that is sometimes easier said than done when specialists are few & far between & when patient's resources (time, ability, funds) are limited. Personally, I'd die in the streets before I'd allow it, but that's often truly the call that must be made. #PatientChat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@patientchat @power4patients A5 We know the positive effect of feeling heard & cared for has health impact outside of the clinical visit. I see this in hospice care where there is often a rally once focused care is enacted. #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T5: To be patient-centered might help reduce moral injury in medical professionals. It means to uphold values. It means to care for others the way you would like to be cared for. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A4: JUDY F'ING FAULKNER'S LETTER TO HHS ABOUT 'PRIVACY' Sorry, was I shouting? That letter is perfect example of paternalistic thinking still too prevalent across healthcare system when it comes to person/pt full participation in their own care. #patientchat
Danny Miller - MEPAN Foundation @mepancure
@patientchat Engaging with informed patients/caregivers can increase a clinician's knowledge of tips, tricks that can help other #raredisease families improve their quality of life - doctors CANNOT know everything - this is where a true dialogue can advance the science #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@melissarvh @power4patients Exactly! It would be great to be able to do that. In rural areas it's not a likely option. Dependability on carers getting you to appts, lack of strength - yep "resources" are limited. If you're old enough & seriously ill you may not have the strength to fight #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to share closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. You can start your tweet with CT: #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
@patientchat T5: To be patient-centered also means that doctors and patients are on the same side. It's a chance to advocate together for a more humane, better healthcare system instead of a system in which both doctors and patients feel helpless. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@melissarvh @llake I hear you but I truly believe there's always another option, especially when your dignity (and life!) is at stake, and we've helped many people figure out what their alternative options are #patientchat #telemedicine
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @OdyO11: @patientchat T5: To be patient-centered also means that doctors and patients are on the same side. It's a chance to advocate to…
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @power4patients: @melissarvh @llake I hear you but I truly believe there's always another option, especially when your dignity (and life…
Ody @OdyO11
RT @sfcomms: @patientchat Engaging with informed patients/caregivers can increase a clinician's knowledge of tips, tricks that can help oth…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A5: patient centered care (the real kind, not the marketing buzz phrase version) means better outcomes. If care is really patient centered, it includes shared decision making based on patient preferences and values, not just "standard of care, NEXT!" 1/2 #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @MightyCasey: A5: patient centered care (the real kind, not the marketing buzz phrase version) means better outcomes. If care is really…
Ody @OdyO11
RT @sfcomms: @patientchat Strict adherence to a standard of care that is restrictive (whatever is cheapest, easiest) and often based on sc…
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@power4patients @melissarvh You do realize there is a dearth of internet connection in the US, yes? Ironically, with all of the other issues that rural America faces, internet connection would help solve many of them #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A5: with real patient centered care (as above) SDM + #patientpref = better outcomes, with outcome goals shared by person/pt and clinical team. Goal should be best-health for PATIENT, not just a checklist metric. 2/2 #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @MightyCasey: A5: patient centered care (the real kind, not the marketing buzz phrase version) means better outcomes. If care is really…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour.
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Late to the party, and now I gotta leave! TOO MANY THINGS! Have a great weekend, ever'body 😎 #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
Completely agree! Medicine needs a #sameteam approach. #patientchat
JB Ashtin @JBAshtin
RT @sfcomms: @patientchat Engaging with informed patients/caregivers can increase a clinician's knowledge of tips, tricks that can help oth…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Join us for the next Friday 1pmET Empowered #patientchat on Feb 7th. https://t.co/NVSLPsTrqf as we talk #disparities with @DHealthhub
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@patientchat Some fine engagement today. Have an empowered weekend everyone! #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
Can’t wait! #patientchat!
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @patientchat: Join us for the next Friday 1pmET Empowered #patientchat on Feb 7th. https://t.co/NVSLPsTrqf as we talk #disparities with…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
@power4patients @llake Agree, but sometimes, u must get creative & accept < ideal situations in order 2 walk. That's often difficult 4 desperately ill people. I've seen some search 4 years 4 appropriate care, all the while getting iller. My solution was 2 choose regular GI over specialist. #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@llake @melissarvh Yes, I was born & raised in a rural area so acutely I'm aware. My Mother was diagnosed w/ an ultra rare disease living in a rural area. What I'm saying is that there are options & people, like us at @power4patients, here to help. This is 2020 & everything is possible #patientchat
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
RT @power4patients: @llake @melissarvh Yes, I was born & raised in a rural area so acutely I'm aware. My Mother was diagnosed w/ an ultra r…
Ody @OdyO11
CT: When healthcare isn't patient-oriented, it will be at risk of only offering care to those who have common presentations of common disorders. To only check for the three most common causes of a symptom. To strictly adhere to algorithms. (1/2) #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
This will likely result in discrimination against patient groups with uncommon presentations or rare(ly diagnosed) disorders. It's ethically problematic, and it comes at the risk of traumatizing patients and inhibiting scientific progress. (2/2) #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Join us for the next Friday 1pmET Empowered #patientchat on Feb 7th. https://t.co/NVSLPsTrqf as we talk #disparities with…
Lygeia Ricciardi @Lygeia
A very powerful patient perspective on the #EHR #ipatientaccess #APIs topic from @GraceCordovano:
PROS Foundation @PROS_Foundation
RT @patientchat: Join us for the next Friday 1pmET Empowered #patientchat on Feb 7th. https://t.co/NVSLPsTrqf as we talk #disparities with…
Lillian Lake - Host of #SoulNestingChat @llake
@melissarvh @power4patients I agree. It took me 6 years. I made the decision to either die trying or thrive. On the path of thriving now but it took determination and support of family. Which brings up the issue of self-carers. An untalked about topic. That would be great for another week. 😀 #patientchat
Ody @OdyO11
RT @MightyCasey: A5: with real patient centered care (as above) SDM + #patientpref = better outcomes, with outcome goals shared by person/p…
Ody @OdyO11
RT @MightyCasey: A5: patient centered care (the real kind, not the marketing buzz phrase version) means better outcomes. If care is really…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
@power4patients @llake Absolutely! And with the growth of #telemedicine, I expect a whole new world to open up to patients. In any case, I will continue to fight for better care for my community, and I know you all are helping lead that fight as well! Thanks for all you do. #PatientChat
#patientchat content from Twitter.