#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Excited to be a part of the #patientchat today. I've been attending a virtual #publichealth conference this week, and we received an update on communication from @CDCgov today. I hope everyone is hanging in there as best as they can.
Andrea @BraveBosom
@patientchat @MightyCasey Bat signal!! Please say hello if you can stop by ( : #PatientChat starting now. cc: @ePatientDave @snehadave98 [REDACTED USER] @wilbanks @draparente @PrescriptionSM @eperakslis
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: You can find info on today’s Empowered #patientchat with @MightyCasey here: https://t.co/fpXwDwJUba
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: New to tweet chats? Follow hashtag #patientchat and include it in every tweet during the next hour. You can engage with ot…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Happy Friday #patientchat’ers! I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’m very excited about today’s chat with special guest @MightyCasey
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
STARTING NOW! #patientchat talking #cyberhygiene w/@MightyCasey + leaders from @BeLikeLight - you don't wanna miss this one! #BeLikeLight https://t.co/yn7pGXAaCY https://t.co/AAZAs04fT6
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Hello, humans! This one's gon' get ... loud, I think. For "WTF #cyberhygiene" here's some 411: https://t.co/Nkq81SEhG3 #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @cvhconsulting: Excited to be a part of the #patientchat today. I've been attending a virtual #publichealth conference this week, and we…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @patientchat: You can find info on today’s Empowered #patientchat with @MightyCasey here: https://t.co/fpXwDwJUba
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
@cvhconsulting @CDCgov Welcome!! #PatientChat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @patientchat: Join us for an Empowered #patientchat "Cyber Hygiene: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?" on Friday 3/20 10amPT | 1pmET ht…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
Hello #patientchat ! It’s wonderful to connect with you all this week. I’m Alexa Jett, at home (of course!) in East Texas. I’m a thyroid cancer survivor, #AYACancer (Adolescent/Young Adult) advocate, and blogger. My cats Sasha and Dewey say “meow!” 😺
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: STARTING NOW! #patientchat talking #cyberhygiene w/@MightyCasey + leaders from @BeLikeLight - you don't wanna miss this on…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cvhconsulting: Excited to be a part of the #patientchat today. I've been attending a virtual #publichealth conference this week, and we…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: Hello, humans! This one's gon' get ... loud, I think. For "WTF #cyberhygiene" here's some 411: https://t.co/Nkq81SEhG3 #p
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Also @docolainc @GeriLynn @FS_Southwick @pfanderson
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs and history #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
Starting now. I hope you can join us!!! #PatientChat #BCSM #MedX #HCSM #BTSM #medtwitter #BeLikeLight
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BraveBosom: Starting now. I hope you can join us!!! #PatientChat #BCSM #MedX #HCSM #BTSM #medtwitter #BeLikeLight https://t.co/ejQ0E…
Andrea @BraveBosom
@cvhconsulting @CDCgov #PatientChat https://t.co/bC3nWISE8M
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
hello #PATIENTCHAT going to try to connect today, if my 4 month old allows it haha. Its been awhile. Jamie from CT
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
Patricia here, chiming in for #PatientChat and multitasking while I'm frantically trying to finish a blogpost on keeping calm and managing misinformation
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines at https://t.co/fs20NR954d #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
@JamieRoger8 Solidarity to all parents juggling work and childcare at home right now🌟#PatientChat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @patientchat: You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines at https://t.co/fs20NR954d #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is Cyber Hygiene: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? https://t.co/fpXwDwJUba
👋I'm Christie, a #publichealth consultant and founder of https://t.co/vm0fw4fZSv. I'm tweeting from my home office in the beautiful #HudsonValley of NYS. I'm excited to be here today. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
For those of you who wonder who this loud person is ... here's a short snort: #citizenscience, #datarights, #datascience, #healthpolicy, #epatient, #bcsm, journalist, comedy health analyst (yes, really) https://t.co/8mZ6oKfUZH #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpf…
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
This is actually my norm... SAHM and full time remote worker... some days are far easier than others. I definitely have empathy for everyone in this situation NOT by choice right now. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
Hello to #patientchat, John Novack from Inspire checking in, hoping everyone is coping as well as can be expected.
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: What is #CyberHygiene, anyway? #patientchat https://t.co/Y9BxSrRfYA
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
I am @erankabakov with Docola. We have a care communication platform that is enabled by a crowd sourced clearing house. #patientchat #docola #provideadigitalhumantouch
Andrea @BraveBosom
Hi everyone! Andrea here. I'm co-founder of The Light Collective, ePatient, and security researcher. More about our roadmap here: https://t.co/Pl4JxQKjwh #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BraveBosom: Hi everyone! Andrea here. I'm co-founder of The Light Collective, ePatient, and security researcher. More about our ro…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @patientchat: T1: What is #CyberHygiene, anyway? #patientchat https://t.co/Y9BxSrRfYA
Andrea @BraveBosom
@pfanderson Hey there! Welcome. #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@EranKabakov Welcome, Eran!! #patientchat
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
Hi @patientchat and fellow chatters. I'm Stacey, living with stage IV leiomyosarcoma in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Currently in treatment (been on chemo for 2+ years) and doing well. Looking forward to this #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
@teaminspire Welcome welcome!!
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @JamieRoger8: This is actually my norm... SAHM and full time remote worker... some days are far easier than others. I definitely have e…
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @patientchat: T1: What is #CyberHygiene, anyway? #patientchat https://t.co/Y9BxSrRfYA
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@BraveBosom @JamieRoger8 Amen. At this point, I feel like people can hear my teens arguing within a 10-15 block radius of our house. In normal circumstances, we try to keep it to within 5 blocks ;) #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Hello friends glad I could make it to #patientchat today! https://t.co/Sl4Z6ywsXo
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T1: I had to look it up, which is a good thing! It means practicing good security habits (on multiple levels) to keep your private data safe and reduce threat risks. This is a great term! #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @power4patients: @BraveBosom @JamieRoger8 Amen. At this point, I feel like people can hear my teens arguing within a 10-15 block radius…
Sneha Dave @snehadave98
Hi #patientchat - I won't be able to stay for too long (but thx @BraveBosom for recommending)! I lead @HA_Summit and @CCYANetwork to connect and empower young adults with chronic and rare illnesses). I hope to learn more from my fellow patient community!
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: What is #CyberHygiene, anyway? #patientchat https://t.co/Y9BxSrRfYA
Jamie Roger @JamieRoger8
do what you have to do haha. #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
Just like we need to protect ourselves from germs, CyberHygiene is the practice of protecting our digital selves. Here's a quick overview w/ links. #PatientChat https://t.co/WinbJGgY0o
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
I'm joining from my home, where I'm teleworking (though today is theoretically my day off) while my teenagers occupy themselves with remote learning (in actuality, they're playing the new Animal Crossing). #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @BraveBosom: Hi everyone! Andrea here. I'm co-founder of The Light Collective, ePatient, and security researcher. More about our ro…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @ohhiialexa: T1: I had to look it up, which is a good thing! It means practicing good security habits (on multiple levels) to keep your…
Andrea @BraveBosom
@revdrduke Welcome!!! #PatientChat
@patientchat T1: Keeping your online information safe by taking precautions and making regular changes/updates to passwords, etc! #patientchat
Jill Holdren @JillHoldren
Hi everyone! I'm Jill and work with @bravebosom and @MightyCasey on The Light Collective efforts around online patient communities. #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T1: one of the best resource groups on this is @BeLikeLight - follow @bravebosom too, and @eperakslis, for solid, science-based info on peer community cyber-safety in age of #medmisinfo online (and ever'where else) #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @BraveBosom: Just like we need to protect ourselves from germs, CyberHygiene is the practice of protecting our digital selves. Here's a…
Andrea @BraveBosom
@JillHoldren @MightyCasey Welcome, my sister from another mister!!! #PatientChat
Sommer Consulting @SommerConsults
Happening now on #patientchat 💡
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
#PatientChat “cyber hygiene” is nothing new to the immune compromised patient community. “Social distancing” is a new one but I’m used to it. Being vulnerable during a pandemic is not fun, but we can get through this together.
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
I was only introduced to the term Cyber hygiene today, LOVE the term. Been teaching to my girls since they were able to converse #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T1: I'm not sharing this just because I wrote it for @power4patients - it's part of my #healthliteracy mission to make sure digital information is sound, science-based, and CURRENT. https://t.co/Nkq81SEhG3 #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @ohhiialexa: T1: I had to look it up, which is a good thing! It means practicing good security habits (on multiple levels) to keep your…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @MightyCasey: T1: I'm not sharing this just because I wrote it for @power4patients - it's part of my #healthliteracy mission to make sur…
David Harlow @healthblawg
Lurking & multitasking in Boston #cyberhygiene #patientchat
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T1: TBH, I'd not actually heard the phrase #CyberHygiene before this #patientchat was announced! But my understanding is that it is about how we keep ourselves (and our organizations) safe in terms of online activity.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Saving this one! #PatientChat
Andrea @BraveBosom
T1: YES. We're especially vulnerable as patients which is why we need to practice #cyberhygeine #PatientChat #BeLikeLight
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up... #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@LAlupusLady We've been using the term "Physical Distancing" instead of "Social Distancing". During this crazy time it's more important than ever to stay socially connected (albeit virtually) to maintain and protect our #Mentalhealth Thoughts? #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: T1: one of the best resource groups on this is @BeLikeLight - follow @bravebosom too, and @eperakslis, for solid, science-…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: How does #CyberHygiene help stop viral misinformation from spreading? #patientchat https://t.co/ogmBFiOKxF
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @power4patients: @LAlupusLady We've been using the term "Physical Distancing" instead of "Social Distancing". During this crazy time it'…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: How does #CyberHygiene help stop viral misinformation from spreading? #patientchat https://t.co/ogmBFiOKxF
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
T1: As a clinician the perspective of CyberHygeine is creating a safe online space for my patients to interact with me all along the care continuum #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @MightyCasey: T1: one of the best resource groups on this is @BeLikeLight - follow @bravebosom too, and @eperakslis, for solid, science-…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@power4patients @LAlupusLady Agreed! Patients can feel isolated any day, not just during a pandemic. I think it’s important to have regular online gatherings and support services right now. #patientchat
@BraveBosom YES. #patientchat https://t.co/LrvU2LO3wK
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @revdrduke: Hi @patientchat and fellow chatters. I'm Stacey, living with stage IV leiomyosarcoma in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Currently in tr…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: First thing all patient #peersupport communities need to work toward is GETTING OFF FACEBOOK. Sadly, yes, really. @BeLikeLight is leading efforts there, shameless plug for project I'm part of 🤣 #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: T2: First thing all patient #peersupport communities need to work toward is GETTING OFF FACEBOOK. Sadly, yes, really. @BeL
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: STARTING NOW! #patientchat talking #cyberhygiene w/@MightyCasey + leaders from @BeLikeLight - you don't wanna miss this on…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: On individual level, here's the nugget from that @power4patients post I keep sharing on blast. #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight https://t.co/PMiGnmYBbf
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T2: One basic #CyberHygiene habit I practice is not to pass on a post, a text, or a graphic, without double-checking its validity. I maintain a high level of suspicion, especially for things that stoke alarmism (or things that sound too good to be true!). #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
RT @MightyCasey: T2: On individual level, here's the nugget from that @power4patients post I keep sharing on blast. #patientchat #cyberhygi
Yes. Thank you, this is so true. #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat T1: Keeping your online information safe by taking precautions and making regular changes/updates to passwo…
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
T2: I agree with @MightyCasey, but will expand it from leaving Facebook to any other commercial entity that is using patient information for profit #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @power4patients: @LAlupusLady We've been using the term "Physical Distancing" instead of "Social Distancing". During this crazy time it'…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
THIS ALL DAY ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ #patientchat #cyberhygiene
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T2 By doing what individuals can, washing their hands and self imposed quarantine, is known as the only way we can do our part to “blunt the severity” of COVID-19 in our world. #patientchat Wash your hands.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @ohhiialexa: @power4patients @LAlupusLady Agreed! Patients can feel isolated any day, not just during a pandemic. I think it’s important…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T2: #PeerSupport communities are a lifeline to so many of us. Unfortunately there is evidence that state actors are targeting these groups with medical misinformation. Our groups are in the trenches working on ways to protect these groups. #BeLikeLight #PatientChat
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T2 (cont.): For instance, yesterday, I got a text warning that the WH was about to lock down the whole country & would call in the National Guard everywhere. It immediately sounded to me like a hoax. A quick online check confirmed that. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @BeLikeLight @NabbsCreekGnome, reminded me of your adventures in peer support. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @teaminspire: Hello to #patientchat, John Novack from Inspire checking in, hoping everyone is coping as well as can be expected.
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2 (cont.): For instance, yesterday, I got a text warning that the WH was about to lock down the whole country…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @LAlupusLady: T2 By doing what individuals can, washing their hands and self imposed quarantine, is known as the only way we can do our…
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
@revdrduke @patientchat I wish more people did the same. The amount of thoughtless forwarding of misinformation is difficult to work through. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: As longtime #journo, I know how to fact check, but it's not a skill anyone's born with. Here's a great tip sheet from Lexis-Nexis: https://t.co/UfKmFOWlTS #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2: One basic #CyberHygiene habit I practice is not to pass on a post, a text, or a graphic, without double-che…
@power4patients @LAlupusLady Yes. I love that people are using this term! It is so important to stay connected -- Zoom and Facetime (and Twitter!) are so helpful. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
RT @EranKabakov: T2: I agree with @MightyCasey, but will expand it from leaving Facebook to any other commercial entity that is using patie…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BeLikeLight: T2: #PeerSupport communities are a lifeline to so many of us. Unfortunately there is evidence that state actors are ta…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2: One basic #CyberHygiene habit I practice is not to pass on a post, a text, or a graphic, without double-che…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@cvhconsulting Thank you! ❤️ #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T2: How does #CyberHygiene help stop viral misinformation from spreading? #patientchat https://t.co/ogmBFiOKxF
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T2 (cont.): It's so easy to do online research in this era. I believe our 1st defense against spreading viral misinformation is to have a high level of suspicion; our 2nd defense is to double-check information before passing it on. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2 (cont.): It's so easy to do online research in this era. I believe our 1st defense against spreading viral m…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up... #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@power4patients @LAlupusLady Excellent point. And good thoughts on how we use language. #PatientChat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T2: We need to get cyberwoke to prevent situations like this from happening to YOUR group. #patientchat #BeLikeLight https://t.co/hqndIXFcsq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: T2: On individual level, here's the nugget from that @power4patients post I keep sharing on blast. #patientchat #cyberhygi
I really like the term physical distancing instead of social distancing since we can all still socialize via video calls #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @BraveBosom: Hi everyone! Andrea here. I'm co-founder of The Light Collective, ePatient, and security researcher. More about our ro…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2: One basic #CyberHygiene habit I practice is not to pass on a post, a text, or a graphic, without double-che…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @Srotberg15: I really like the term physical distancing instead of social distancing since we can all still socialize via video calls #p
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: When it comes to fact-checking medical information, you MUST make friends with a medical librarian! Hey @pfanderson - where can peeps hunt up a good #medlib buddy? #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: How do people in patient communities online practice #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/HBwRH4102V
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
At https://t.co/8SqX8zJOui we developed a platform to enable clinicians to quickly aggregate pertinent information and e-prescribe to patients. This way clinicians can be part of the solution for #Cyberhygiene #patientchat #docola #provideadigitalhumantouch
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3: My recommendation to link up w/folx in #medlib community I shared in T2 goes double for T3! #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@EranKabakov @patientchat Truly!! And often, I just don't have the time to educate the sender. When I have the time *and* if it's someone who will listen to reason, I do, though. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@Srotberg15 Yes! I do think some have taken “social distancing” a bit too far to mean don’t call/text family or friends. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@cvhconsulting @LAlupusLady Thanks @cvhconsulting! We're going to be pushing out a #PENPowered guide later this afternoon to help people stay connected and engaged. We'll be sure to share it with you and the whole #patientchat community. Please help us share it far and wide.
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat The one I've been fighting this week is the "hairdryer cure for COVID" which not only doesn't work, but ACTUALLY MAKES THINGS WORSE because it spreads the virus all over the place. It's a horrifying piece of misinformation. #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: How do people in patient communities online practice #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/HBwRH4102V
@patientchat A2: It's great for those of us who understand how to search for accurate information to share it with others. Sharing resources directly from the source ([REDACTED USER], @CDCgov, and @HopkinsMedicine) is vital right now. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @Srotberg15: I really like the term physical distancing instead of social distancing since we can all still socialize via video calls #p
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @patientchat: T2: How does #CyberHygiene help stop viral misinformation from spreading? #patientchat https://t.co/ogmBFiOKxF
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @pfanderson Hey, I want a medical librarian buddy! #patientchat
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
@MightyCasey @pfanderson Yes! @pfanderson i would like to know where to find those #medlib experts #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T3: Strong, unique passwords. No clicking on unusual links. Careful about what information shared publicly, especially if it matches a security question on my patient portal/email. #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @ohhiialexa: T3: Strong, unique passwords. No clicking on unusual links. Careful about what information shared publicly, especially if i…
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @patientchat: T3: How do people in patient communities online practice #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/HBwRH4102V
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @ohhiialexa: T3: Strong, unique passwords. No clicking on unusual links. Careful about what information shared publicly, especially if i…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T3: Here is a list of experts on Twitter sharing evidence-based knowledge on #Covid19. Who might we add to this list for leaders of ?#PeerSupport groups to follow? https://t.co/ZGUYcqwcHW #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 Earlier this week, instead of going to Capitol Hill @LupusOrg held their 2020 #LupusAdvocacy Digital Summit. Many Zoom calls to connect and plan future events. Being “vulnerable” doesn’t mean that we aren’t passionate. #patientchat
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T3: The FB patient community in which I'm most involved maintains standards around what is posted. If someone tries to share something that is misinformed, uninformed, or unresearched, we challenge them by requesting research-based evidence. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat People are doing WHAT?? If hair dryers worked, wouldn’t Italy and other heavily affected countries not have the infection/death rates? #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@ohhiialexa @pfanderson Check out #medlibs t-chat - thank you @healthhashtags !! https://t.co/BIPN3Fvoo0 #patientchat #cyberhygiene
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@EranKabakov @MightyCasey The #MedLibs hashtag is a great place to find medical librarians. I've truly been spending a huge part of my time this week answering questions from the worried well & worried ill, from ppl w/ tests in progress, ppl sharing bad info, ppl trying to protect loved ones #PatientChat
@power4patients @LAlupusLady For sure! #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A2: It's great for those of us who understand how to search for accurate information to share it with other…
@ohhiialexa @pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat The misinformation is endless. It's killing me, especially on Facebook. #patientchat
Raya Samet is on Mastodon LibraryRaya"at"glammr.us @LibraryRaya
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat A2: It's great for those of us who understand how to search for accurate information to share it with other…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T3 (cont.): On Twitter, I follow a lot of physicians, medical researchers, and public health leaders. I try to amplify information they post that would be helpful for patients who share my diagnosis. Trying to drown out the misinformation out there. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T3: The FB patient community in which I'm most involved maintains standards around what is posted. If someone t…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3: Make sure your community (wherever it is) is vetting new member applicants. There are a huuuuuge number of bad actors (state sponsored or just trolls) out there insinuating themselves into #peersupport groups #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@revdrduke @patientchat Yes, BUT. Right now people are scared. We don't want to challenge them so much as educate them, in a way that they will hopefully be able to hear us. If they are asking us questions, that's great! How can we lead them to trust us, and ask? #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @BeLikeLight: T3: Here is a list of experts on Twitter sharing evidence-based knowledge on #Covid19. Who might we add to this list f…
Darla Brown @darlakbrown
RT @BeLikeLight: T3: Here is a list of experts on Twitter sharing evidence-based knowledge on #Covid19. Who might we add to this list f…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@cvhconsulting @pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat I’m still in shock!! #patientchat https://t.co/O2rkrLdk4U
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @pfanderson: @EranKabakov @MightyCasey The #MedLibs hashtag is a great place to find medical librarians. I've truly been spending a huge…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: T3: Make sure your community (wherever it is) is vetting new member applicants. There are a huuuuuge number of bad actors…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @cvhconsulting: @ohhiialexa @pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat The misinformation is endless. It's killing me, especially…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up... #patientchat
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
@pfanderson @MightyCasey What is your choice of technology to communicate with everyone now days? There has go to be so much repetition now days #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@cvhconsulting @ohhiialexa @pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat Why @BeLikeLight was founded, and what we're working to defeat. #PatientChat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @cvhconsulting: @power4patients @LAlupusLady Yes. I love that people are using this term! It is so important to stay connected -- Zoom a…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @power4patients: @LAlupusLady We've been using the term "Physical Distancing" instead of "Social Distancing". During this crazy time it'…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @LAlupusLady: #PatientChat “cyber hygiene” is nothing new to the immune compromised patient community. “Social distancing” is a new one…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: @ohhiialexa @pfanderson Check out #medlibs t-chat - thank you @healthhashtags !! https://t.co/BIPN3Fvoo0 #patientchat #cyb
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: What’s the connection between privacy and #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/kxJGdYGY09
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@MightyCasey @ohhiialexa @healthhashtags You can find many good medical librarians through checking the chatlogs of the #Medlibs Twitter Chats #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T4: What’s the connection between privacy and #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/kxJGdYGY09
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews I've been doing so much of this on my own. Actually, did not know about this one. Thanks! It takes a village! #PatientChat #MedLibs
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T4: Privacy should be standard, but cyber hygiene is how we stay there. Just like handwashing and bathing help with infection control, it’s the same with technology. Good habits help in any field. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@EranKabakov @pfanderson I am, in no particular order, using Twitter Signal (encyrpted SMS) Slack Zoom LinkedIn Email Smoke signals (kidding, sort of) Semaphore flags (see above) #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T3 (cont.): On Twitter, I follow a lot of physicians, medical researchers, and public health leaders. I try to…
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
[REDACTED USER] @ohhiialexa @power4patients @LAlupusLady And Norway Prime Minister gave a children only press conference. Which I loved that she did! https://t.co/k4irtXMm3R #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @pfanderson: @MightyCasey @ohhiialexa @healthhashtags You can find many good medical librarians through checking the chatlogs of the #Me
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@pfanderson @patientchat Yes, totally. It would be so much better, though, if people asked their questions *before* posting misinformation. Because a lot of people will just look at the post or the headline and not wade through the comments challenging it. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T3: Check out this paper from epidemiologist @eperakslis about employing cybersecurity principles against the threat of #medmisinfo: #PatientChat #Covid19 #BeLikeLight #CyberHygiene https://t.co/EiMYccxdcq
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@MightyCasey There is new evidence that Russian bots are actively spreading coronavirus misinformation in an attempt to undermine public health here https://t.co/defZMb2rMF #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T4 share what you are doing but not the details and locations. Be wary of new friends who want to DM you immediately. Turn off GPS if you can. Find and discover your trusted community. #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: T3: Make sure your community (wherever it is) is vetting new member applicants. There are a huuuuuge number of bad actors…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @pfanderson: @revdrduke @patientchat Yes, BUT. Right now people are scared. We don't want to challenge them so much as educate them, in…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@revdrduke @pfanderson @EranKabakov @patientchat I never got that treatment recommended from my actual oncologists, but I did from people who saw that online. It’s very frustrating! #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T4: We don't have to make tin foil hats, or become Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), my longtime rule is "don't put anything online you wouldn't want your mom/spouse to read" #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4: This is a tough one, because we all trade some portion of our privacy for the sake of convenience and/or access. But the issue is even trickier for patients, b/c some of the privacy we're trading is our health and medical information. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BeLikeLight: T3: Check out this paper from epidemiologist @eperakslis about employing cybersecurity principles against the threat of #…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: @EranKabakov @pfanderson I am, in no particular order, using Twitter Signal (encyrpted SMS) Slack Zoom LinkedIn Email Smok…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
It ain’t easy being green. You are not alone.
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Here's the backstory!! Our goal is to equip #peersupport groups with with tools and practices to counter #MedMisinfo and protect privacy. https://t.co/WmxJ3CLv1D #BeLikeLight #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @LAlupusLady: T4 share what you are doing but not the details and locations. Be wary of new friends who want to DM you immediately. Turn…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @LAlupusLady: T4 share what you are doing but not the details and locations. Be wary of new friends who want to DM you immediately. Turn…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4 (cont): I have gladly and willingly shared my own health updates v openly - it has helped me get info, help, and support I don't think I otherwise would've had access to, *and* it has sometimes been a source of info/help/support to other patients. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@MightyCasey @EranKabakov We had a conversation about that yesterday. Don't forget text messages, FaceTime, Zoom alternatives, virtual worlds, Facebook, Google Docs/Sheets, blogs, and more. #PatientChat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
Humor helps with information! #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat T1: Keeping your online information safe by taking precautions and making regular changes/updates to passwo…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @ohhiialexa: Humor helps with information! #patientchat https://t.co/YlMH6PEzo5
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T4: Put another way, something I've said to clients for two decades - "don't put anything in a digital message you wouldn't be OK seeing on Page 1, above the fold, of the NY Times" #patientchat #cyberhygiene
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@EranKabakov [REDACTED USER] @ohhiialexa @power4patients @LAlupusLady That's amazing. I'm awed #PatientChat
[REDACTED USER] @pfanderson @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews I'm sure your resource is great, [REDACTED USER]. I still think best-practice is sharing resources directly from @CDCgov, [REDACTED USER], and @HopkinsMedicine. #patientchat
Donna Cryer @DCPatient
RT @LAlupusLady: T4 share what you are doing but not the details and locations. Be wary of new friends who want to DM you immediately. Turn…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4 (cont): But at what cost? For some ppl, sharing their health deets could jeopardize their employment, their health insurance, and/or their relationships. So it's a calculated risk. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @MightyCasey: T4: Put another way, something I've said to clients for two decades - "don't put anything in a digital message you wouldn'…
Donna Cryer @DCPatient
RT @power4patients: @LAlupusLady We've been using the term "Physical Distancing" instead of "Social Distancing". During this crazy time it'…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@EranKabakov [REDACTED USER] @power4patients @LAlupusLady Oh, that is so wonderful! We can’t forget that this is a very scary time for children (and adults too)! #patientchat
Duke Forge @DukeForge
RT @BeLikeLight: Here's the backstory!! Our goal is to equip #peersupport groups with with tools and practices to counter #MedMisinfo an…
The Lupus Rainbow @thelupusrainbow
RT @MightyCasey: T3: Make sure your community (wherever it is) is vetting new member applicants. There are a huuuuuge number of bad actors…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@revdrduke @patientchat It's kind of exhausting for me when I post an evidence-based correction, and get challenged on it. Obviously, I have the evidence and can explain it, but it's still exhausting. #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Just because @eperakslis isn't here doesn't mean we can't hear from him - here's the @hilarious_is w/him from Feb. 6! https://t.co/M2381WVwEq #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Patient Chat @patientchat
Last topic (T5:) coming up... #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @BeLikeLight: T3: Check out this paper from epidemiologist @eperakslis about employing cybersecurity principles against the threat of #…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4 (cont): Of course most of us patients are used to having to make decisions based on a cost/benefit analysis! #CyberHygiene #patientchat
The Lupus Rainbow @thelupusrainbow
RT @MightyCasey: THIS ALL DAY ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ #patientchat #cyberhygiene
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews Which is why resources like this are a godsend. I was afraid I was going to have to make one. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: What’s the connection between #COVID19 and #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/zqkeiFwXNh
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @ohhiialexa: @revdrduke @pfanderson @EranKabakov @patientchat I never got that treatment recommended from my actual oncologists, but I d…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: What’s the connection between #COVID19 and #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/zqkeiFwXNh
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: T4: We don't have to make tin foil hats, or become Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), my longtime rule is "don't put anything…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T4: This is a tough one, because we all trade some portion of our privacy for the sake of convenience and/or ac…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T4: In the #infosec (i.e. cybersecurity) world, ethical hackers think about how health data is handled. Follow: @iamthecavalry and @_DiMeSociety to learn more about resources being created in this space. #PatientChat #BeLikeLight
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
T4: I think it is important to re-think the definition of privacy. The origin was a physical concept. e-privacy is much more complicated. I look for transparency to evaluate my e-privacy state #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T4 (cont): I have gladly and willingly shared my own health updates v openly - it has helped me get info, help,…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @BeLikeLight: T3: Check out this paper from epidemiologist @eperakslis about employing cybersecurity principles against the threat of #…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4: Another point of connection b/t privacy & #CyberHygiene is the issue of patient medical records. I believe I'm the rightful owner of *all* of my information, and I should have access to it. It should also be easy for medical institutions of my choosing to access. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T5: While we are facing a pandemic in #COVID19 , we must not neglect our cyber hygiene at any level. Privacy is ALWAYS important, and must be safe guarded. Patients must continue to be vigilant as well. #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@revdrduke @patientchat Me, too, and that's what I've been doing on Facebook with my quarantine journey. Has proven to be a lightning rod for people with questions and needing clarification. #PatientChat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T4: Another point of connection b/t privacy & #CyberHygiene is the issue of patient medical records. I believe…
Sommer Consulting @SommerConsults
RT @Srotberg15: I really like the term physical distancing instead of social distancing since we can all still socialize via video calls #p
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T4 (cont): But there are some health-related corporations that are trying to block this based on so-called "privacy" concerns. I don't actually believe they're concerned abt our privacy; I think it's about $. Every patient should have full access to his/her own data. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T5: HUGE global test of humanity's ability to work together to save our species. No, not hyperbole, reality. This thread will have some of my go-to sources for reliable intel on #covid19 Here's US state stats: https://t.co/ydgKQ3hEVM #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
T4: We often hear "privacy is dead." In the world of #PeerSupport, we need to start thinking about how privacy can lead to loss of life when our rights are abused. #PatientChat #BeLikeLight
AllStripes @_allstripes
We love this! May we continue to stay connected during this distance. #covid19
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@patientchat We created this resource for our Network to help separate #COVID19 fact from fiction #patientchat https://t.co/hpfEFXnsMV
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @power4patients: @patientchat We created this resource for our Network to help separate #COVID19 fact from fiction #patientchat https://…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @ohhiialexa: T5: While we are facing a pandemic in #COVID19 , we must not neglect our cyber hygiene at any level. Privacy is ALWAYS impo…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Excellent resource!! #PatientChat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine The problem with this is that these top level source don't tend to share the cutting edge information that is good or address flurry of misunderstandings. They say "do this" but don't always explain why, don't address nuances leading susceptible folk down rabbitholes #PatientChat
Eran Kabakov @EranKabakov
Such an important source for people during #covid19
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @MightyCasey: T5: HUGE global test of humanity's ability to work together to save our species. No, not hyperbole, reality. This thread w…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Absolutely. How might we make sure those of us in the trenches quickly share knowledge back with those who can help and protect our #PeerSupport groups? #PatientChat #BeLikeLight
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Absolutely, share the good information! But when it doesn't actually address the specific question, have to go deeper or elsewhere. Also important to have conversation around WHY they are asking that question #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Our buddy @eperakslis on the Duke Forge blog w/a primer for bio-defense in a pandemic: https://t.co/Irq2g2RLcO #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T5: The level of misinformation about #COVID19 and the ease with which it is spread is an issue of #CyberHygiene. Following doctors, medical researchers, and public health leaders on Twitter is one of the best remedies for this, imho. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T5 Everything is connected. Think the world is smaller than we realize and this pandemic will change perspective. Everyone should recognize this and acknowledge in all ways we are “connected” Thanks @MightyCasey for today’s #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @LAlupusLady: T5 Everything is connected. Think the world is smaller than we realize and this pandemic will change perspective. Everyo…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T4 (cont): But at what cost? For some ppl, sharing their health deets could jeopardize their employment, their…
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @patientchat: T5: What’s the connection between #COVID19 and #CyberHygiene? #patientchat https://t.co/zqkeiFwXNh
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat @DG_Rand Great find! #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
From our buddies at #HCLDR (hi [REDACTED USER] !!) a recent t-chat on medical misinformation is highly useful: https://t.co/sHBBJ6NmDt #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
@power4patients @patientchat Thank you for doing this! I think it's important to note that not all .org sites have the most up to date and valid information. I love the other listed information. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @LAlupusLady: T5 Everything is connected. Think the world is smaller than we realize and this pandemic will change perspective. Everyo…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T5 (cont): And making sure to go beyond just U.S.-based experts in these fields - Twitter made it easy to learn firsthand abt the experience of HCW in Italy, for instance, long before US media picked up the story. #CyberHygiene #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @MightyCasey: From our buddies at #HCLDR (hi [REDACTED USER] !!) a recent t-chat on medical misinformation is highly useful: https://t.co/sH…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @ohhiialexa @power4patients @LAlupusLady Awesome! Thanks! Learning a ton today, seeing resources shared beyond where I've been looking (which is right now mostly either hard core medical or mainstream media) #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
One of my go-to MD humans on all things evidence and science, @aaronecarroll, with @ashishkjha in @TheAtlantic https://t.co/5YG62GxrUp #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Absolutely! Many high risk patients are facing lack of resources to support each other through #COVID19. Regardless of what platform you are on.... #PeerSupport groups support each other! #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@cvhconsulting @patientchat Good point, thanks for raising it. We'll amend asap. #patientchat
U-M Rogel Cancer Center @UMRogelCancer
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T5: The level of misinformation about #COVID19 and the ease with which it is spread is an issue of #CyberHygien
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: One of my go-to MD humans on all things evidence and science, @aaronecarroll, with @ashishkjha in @TheAtlantic https://t.c…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @LAlupusLady: T5 Everything is connected. Think the world is smaller than we realize and this pandemic will change perspective. Everyo…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @MightyCasey: From our buddies at #HCLDR (hi [REDACTED USER] !!) a recent t-chat on medical misinformation is highly useful: https://t.co/sH…
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Yes. If it's not on these sites, there's a good chance there it's not true or they don't have data on it yet. Given the times we live in, sometimes "we don't know yet" has to suffice. #patientchat
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@patientchat T5 (cont): Though the level of noise and misinformation is high, our cyberconnection actually makes it easier than ever to do basic research and to learn directly from actual experts. In other words, #CyberHygiene isn't just about defense; it can be proactive. #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @snehadave98: Hi #patientchat - I won't be able to stay for too long (but thx @BraveBosom for recommending)! I lead @HA_Summit and @CCYA
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews YES!!! This!! And answering and soothing in public for one person has been getting read and shared by many others. Creating a network of calm, informed people. #PatientChat
@power4patients @patientchat Thank you for being open to feedback! #patientchat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @cvhconsulting: @power4patients @patientchat Thank you for doing this! I think it's important to note that not all .org sites have the m…
Rev. Dr. Stacey Simpson Duke @revdrduke
@MightyCasey @cvhconsulting @ohhiialexa @pfanderson @EranKabakov @patientchat @BeLikeLight Awesome!
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Some very practical tips on cleaning ALL OF THE THINGS in our #COVID19 world, from @WIRED https://t.co/9H1cdyH8uo #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @MightyCasey: Some very practical tips on cleaning ALL OF THE THINGS in our #COVID19 world, from @WIRED https://t.co/9H1cdyH8uo #patien
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @Srotberg15 I would like to hear more about how this is working. My choir is also trying to practice over Zoom. Tricky! #PatientChat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@revdrduke @patientchat This brings up a good point for me. Even with social media showing us Italy’s #COVID19 realities, why didn’t society (and still don’t) heed the warnings? #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T5: The level of misinformation about #COVID19 and the ease with which it is spread is an issue of #CyberHygien
Andrea @BraveBosom
Wow excellent resource. I look forward to digging in and learning about this more! #PatientChat
Liza B @itsthebunk
RT @MightyCasey: T5: HUGE global test of humanity's ability to work together to save our species. No, not hyperbole, reality. This thread w…
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@BeLikeLight I would like to see a collaborative document co-editing and shared. So a bunch of us who are doing this can do it together in real time, and have a central information sharing place to go #PatientChat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @Srotberg15 Choir practice over Zoom? I love it! I did exercise class over Zoom. We just have to get creative. #patientchat
@revdrduke @ohhiialexa @pfanderson @EranKabakov @patientchat It's so true. I had to walk away. People I respect sharing shit articles pushed me over the edge. We have to take care of ourselves! #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@BeLikeLight Example: Resources by and for Disability Communities in the Time of COVID-19 https://t.co/9ZjLcajqgZ #PatientChat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: Our buddy @eperakslis on the Duke Forge blog w/a primer for bio-defense in a pandemic: https://t.co/Irq2g2RLcO #patientcha
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T5: Bottom line, for me, is always "start where you are, use what you have, do what you can" on ... anything. For #COVID19, physical distancing combined w/digital touch/outreach is keeping me sane. Kindness = salvation. #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @MightyCasey: T5: Bottom line, for me, is always "start where you are, use what you have, do what you can" on ... anything. For #COVID19
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks so much @MightyCasey for sharing your insights and being our special guest for today’s #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@revdrduke @patientchat Yes, BUT. Again. I really would like to see healthcare professionals stop saying things like "I'm freaked out" and instead say, "Yes, it's scary, and I worry, too, but this is what I'm doing." #PatientChat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Here is a fantastic open source resource developed by @CatchTheBaby. How might we include resources for digital PPE to protect ourselves online and practice good #CyberHygiene during #COVID19 response? #PatientChat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T5: The level of misinformation about #COVID19 and the ease with which it is spread is an issue of #CyberHygien
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @pfanderson: @BeLikeLight Example: Resources by and for Disability Communities in the Time of COVID-19 https://t.co/9ZjLcajqgZ #Patient
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
RT @MightyCasey: From our buddies at #HCLDR (hi [REDACTED USER] !!) a recent t-chat on medical misinformation is highly useful: https://t.co/sH…
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
RT @pfanderson: @BeLikeLight I would like to see a collaborative document co-editing and shared. So a bunch of us who are doing this can do…
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients or @patientchat anytime.
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15 minutes past the hour
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
Thank you to @patientchat, @power4patients, @MightyCasey, @BeLikeLight, and everyone else for #patientchat today!
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@ohhiialexa @revdrduke @patientchat IMO too much finger-waving on statistics, too little relatable human storytelling. IOW, "here's how to keep nona (grandmom) safe" plays better than "DON'T TOUCH NONA" - humans are herd/pack animals who tell stories to interpret the world. #patientchat #COVID19 #cyberhygiene
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BeLikeLight: Here is a fantastic open source resource developed by @CatchTheBaby. How might we include resources for digital PPE to…
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @MightyCasey: T5: Bottom line, for me, is always "start where you are, use what you have, do what you can" on ... anything. For #COVID19
Patient Chat @patientchat
@ohhiialexa @power4patients @MightyCasey @BeLikeLight Thank you for joining! Hope you have a great weekend #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Saying "We don't know yet" is not an answer that will comfort the folk who are scared. They need a richer conversation. If we don't do that with and for them, they will do it themselves. And that's what's happening. #PatientChat
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Breaking news relevant to our discussions. Follow: [REDACTED USER]. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
We’ll be back in two weeks for another Empowered #patientchat. Hope to see you there!
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
WHOA DANG THAT FLEW BY FAST 🤣🤣🤣🤣 #patientchat #cyberhygiene #BeLikeLight
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BeLikeLight: Breaking news relevant to our discussions. Follow: [REDACTED USER]. #PatientChat https://t.co/6QVYz4P838
The Light Collective ☀️ @BeLikeLight
Thank you so much #PatientChat for hosting this critical discussion about #CyberHygiene! #COVID19 #BeLikeLight @MightyCasey
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@MightyCasey @WIRED And here I am writing a post where I assure people they don't need to, except for self-soothing or under specific circumstances #PatientChat
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Have you looked at the [REDACTED USER] resources? They have some great myth-buster posts. Maybe not everything you're looking for, but still helpful: https://t.co/lUcfmPQvOK #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T2: One basic #CyberHygiene habit I practice is not to pass on a post, a text, or a graphic, without double-che…
Patient Chat @patientchat
@BeLikeLight @MightyCasey So happy you could join today! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @revdrduke @patientchat Wow, excellent. I’m more a hard data learner, and this was a great reminder that storytelling/emotions is a great educational resource. (Don’t touch Nona still!! 😂) #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@pfanderson @WIRED HAHAHAHAHA! True, but cleaning can be definitely self-soothing. Just don't breath in bleach fumes!!! #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@ohhiialexa @revdrduke @patientchat How to keep nona safe is an easier sell 🤣🤣 #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Yep! I'm using them. Just saying that limiting our responses to only the party line won't work for all people or in all circumstances. MUST be open to conversations that start where the person is at, and work from there. #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @BeLikeLight: Thank you so much #PatientChat for hosting this critical discussion about #CyberHygiene! #COVID19 #BeLikeLight @MightyC
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @revdrduke @patientchat #KeepNonaSafe ! 😂😂 #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
[REDACTED USER] @cvhconsulting @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine There. Thank you. Yes. We have to be willing to have these conversations with people in a way that will reassure them. Not just shut down the conversation. Need to not just point them to resources, but translate, explain, interpret, navigate how this applies to them #PatientChat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @BeLikeLight: Thank you so much #PatientChat for hosting this critical discussion about #CyberHygiene! #COVID19 #BeLikeLight @MightyC
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @BeLikeLight: Breaking news relevant to our discussions. Follow: [REDACTED USER]. #PatientChat https://t.co/6QVYz4P838
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Then we're not being honest. We can acknowledge people's fear without giving them misinformation for the sake of giving them information. That is dangerous. #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @MightyCasey: T1: I'm not sharing this just because I wrote it for @power4patients - it's part of my #healthliteracy mission to make sur…
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @cvhconsulting: @patientchat T1: Keeping your online information safe by taking precautions and making regular changes/updates to passwo…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@revdrduke @patientchat Good point. @marklewismd has been an awesome resource during #COVID19 and has gifted my feed with iconic tweets. Dr. Lewis, might need to get you on TV ASAP!! #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @Srotberg15: I really like the term physical distancing instead of social distancing since we can all still socialize via video calls #p
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine I didn't say we should shut down the conversation. I said we should be careful not to give information for the sake of giving information if we don't have data. I agree 120% that we have to reassure people and help to explain. #patientchat
Andrea @BraveBosom
@BeLikeLight @CatchTheBaby cc: @pfanderson would love your thoughts on this question!
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @revdrduke: Hi @patientchat and fellow chatters. I'm Stacey, living with stage IV leiomyosarcoma in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Currently in tr…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
[REDACTED USER] @MightyCasey @revdrduke @patientchat Very interesting, thanks! #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Ah, okay. You see, I encounter an awful lot of people who were handed the official sources by an HCP, and the conversation stopped right there. At that point, they go off on their own. I'm grateful when they ask me. #PatientChat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @revdrduke: @patientchat T5: The level of misinformation about #COVID19 and the ease with which it is spread is an issue of #CyberHygien
@pfanderson [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine Glad we clarified that -- it's not what I'm saying. I hosted a Myth Buster webinar earlier this week. It was a great way to provide information in a safe and fun way. I had time for Q&A at the end. I'm also grateful when people ask me! #patientchat
PF Anderson @pfanderson@disabled.social @pfanderson
@cvhconsulting [REDACTED USER] @EranKabakov @revdrduke @patientchat @firstdraftnews @CDCgov [REDACTED USER] @HopkinsMedicine I never ever recommended giving people misinformation. I'm a librarian, for pity's sake. I'm just saying there is more information than what is available from the big sources, and not to stop with those. I end up helping a lot of patients whose docs stopped there #PatientChat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @MightyCasey: Some very practical tips on cleaning ALL OF THE THINGS in our #COVID19 world, from @WIRED https://t.co/9H1cdyH8uo #patien
#patientchat content from Twitter.