#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
I’m Nykema from @power4patients and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat 😊
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Hi, I’m Carly, an #AYA #thyca advocate and patient. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
Hey, #patientchat friends! I’m Alexa. I advocate for thyroid cancer, and AYA’s (adolescents/young adults) with cancer. Always hyped to be here!
Patient Chat @patientchat
@carlyflumer Hi Carly, Happy Friday! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs and history #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] Happy to have you here today! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@patientchat @carlyflumer Carly and I are both happy that it’s Friday! 😂 #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Happy Friday #patientchat! I'm Kara and I'm excited to be here today
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines at https://t.co/XO3X3JyAcV #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is Moving Awareness Into Action https://t.co/WO3ZHqIMxa
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Moving Awareness Into Action https://t.co/WO3ZHqIMxa
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
Currently on a work call, will try to participate #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@ohhiialexa Hi Alexa! Always happy to have you here! #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat Hi all. I'm Adam, a rare disease patient DadVocate (Dad who is also an advocate). Glad to be here today! #patientchat I'm also equipped with dad jokes, & you might know me from my new rap name (we can arrange for digital autographs after the chat😂): https://t.co/75d2FZOSZu
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Greetings, all. The Mighty Mouth checking in from my coronacave in Richmond VA. Multitasking at scale today since back/spine pain + mobility issues are lightened a bit, tryna get as much done as I can before the hammer drops on me again. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat LOL!! 😂 You’ll hit the top of the charts on Spotify before we know it. Glad I can say I “knew you” before your fame. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: Join us in a few minutes for the Empowered #patientchat. Info/Topics: https://t.co/WO3ZHqIMxa
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
Hi #patientchat! This is Patient Worthy. We share news and stories related to the #raredisease community, and work to amplify patient voices. Excited to chat with you today.
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we’ll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat with @CMTNeuropathy here:https://t.co/WO3ZHqIMxa
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: I have an interest in patient advocacy, but where can I begin? #patientchat https://t.co/wpsqUYBjeD
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: I have an interest in patient advocacy, but where can I begin? #patientchat https://t.co/wpsqUYBjeD
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical need…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@RareDiseaseDad I am, thank you! Good to see you. #patientchat
Lisa Simpson @DrSimpsonHSR
@MightyCasey wait. you got the V??
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat Looking forward to sharing my journey #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@PatientWorthy Thank you for joining us today! #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
BTW + ICYMI, last week's @hilarious_is podcast was with @carlyflumer - "there is no good cancer" and more! https://t.co/UCO6Ysl5Ia #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 chats like #patientchat are the best place to start. Great for meeting others & developing messaging
Hi everyone! Christie here from the Hudson Valley in NY. I'm the founder of How to Talk to Your Doctor and a public health consultant. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T1: I had some ideas about this a few weeks ago & shared a thread. I’m sure there’s much more, in terms of quality & quantity, that can be included from our #patientchat community. I used #RareAdvocacyAdvice: https://t.co/7gsiIbxLck
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
T1: It all starts with sharing your story. Whether it be on social media, through a blog, or an organization, that’s advocacy, and it’s powerful. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T1: Contact your cancer/chronic/rare organization, and if there isn’t one yet, look for broader groups! Like those that specialize in rare diseases. Usually, they can point you in the right direction. #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat #T1 Start by searching for groups, keywords, influencers on social media related to your condition as well as organizations that fund research and programs for your patients community. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @CMTNeuropathy: @patientchat #T1 Start by searching for groups, keywords, influencers on social media related to your condition as well…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat @wegohealth Excellent points, especially about sharing your experiences! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @carlyflumer: T1: It all starts with sharing your story. Whether it be on social media, through a blog, or an organization, that’s advoc…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @carlyflumer: T1: It all starts with sharing your story. Whether it be on social media, through a blog, or an organization, that’s advoc…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @ohhiialexa: T1: Contact your cancer/chronic/rare organization, and if there isn’t one yet, look for broader groups! Like those that spe…
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A1. You can meet over social media via #patientchat, other chats, or groups. Sharing your story is also great for advocacy - if interested, we are looking for contributors: https://t.co/ll3uA0jF24 Finding organizations around your condition can also offer advocacy & community.
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up..... #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @hilarious_is @carlyflumer NO 👏🏻 GOOD 👏🏻 CANCER 👏🏻 (And it’s real too, unlike what certain people think, Carly! 🙄) #patientchat
@patientchat A1. I think it's important to find people with your condition or a similar condition. Not only does it help with morale and mental health support, but there may be specific things you need to advocate for, and this can help. FB groups, Twitter, local/national orgs #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 looking to go to conferences like #Medx is a great way to develop advocacy. What can you provide the conference, what can the conference provide you? Are great starting questions #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T1: Start by talking to patient leaders in your condition/issue community. See what their journey to advocacy was. Ask what resources they found valuable. I will also note that I no longer call myself an advocate, I'm an activist. Ain't asking. I'm demanding action. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
[REDACTED USER] Anything that helps fellow patients helps all patients! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: In what ways do you advocate for your disease community? #patientchat https://t.co/voeT4I90DE
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@MightyCasey Coronacave 😂. This will be me when I finally emerge. #patientchat https://t.co/HS0la1r4H6
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat T1 For me it was HNF non-profit organization! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: In what ways do you advocate for your disease community? #patientchat https://t.co/voeT4I90DE
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@RareDiseaseDad Dude, that'll be all of us 🤣 #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A1 people/patients over silos. Don’t always have to talk to people with same diagnosis #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
T2: @ohhiialexa and I recently started a support group with @ancan501c3for #thyca patients. 🦋 #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A2. We amplify voices by letting people share their own stories and experiences. We also partner with #raredisease advocacy groups to offer information, events, and other tools! https://t.co/KpY76r50SB #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@carlyflumer Might be biased, but it’s pretty great! #patientchat https://t.co/IXCzaxRvfJ
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
@abrewi3010 Love this! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T2: I personally advocate in the academic, political, and community sectors. I want to make college/education more accessible to the patient community. I talked to administration at a university about ways to help make that happen. #patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat How has your experience been with research and focus groups? #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A2 advocacy is about my entire chronic patient story, not just the negative. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: I'm bad, I'm nationwide. Srsly, tho, I'm kinda everywhere. My core communities are #bcsm + @BeLikeLight, I'll show up at the opening of an envelope if I get to talk about #datarights #humanrights and/or #healthpolicy at the ground level. #patientsincluded #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T2: I try to advocate for my disease community, & the #RareDisease community at large, on social media (#patientchat is wonderful!) & through my website/blog. I’m really excited about & proud of some upcoming advocacy work my 11 y/o daughter has going: https://t.co/CQ98FUknki
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@abrewi3010 YES! Branch out, that’s how growth and learning happens. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A2 less, but quality content triumphs over bad quality content. More is not always better #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @ohhiialexa: @abrewi3010 YES! Branch out, that’s how growth and learning happens. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up..... #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: and then, of course, there's my aforementioned podcast Healthcare Is HILARIOUS! where I talk to many people across the health/tech/policy landscape. And also occasionally to myself, as I did this week. And no paywall. https://t.co/Rd0qNWE6NW #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: What is the best way to search for a specialist within your disease area? Can you share your go-to resource? #patientchat https://t.co/nHZsTavVpk
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat T2: I try to advocate for my disease community, & the #RareDisease community at large, on social media (#p
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T2b: I'm also excited to continuing to learn more about advocacy & various approaches people take. One upcoming venture is my first #RareAcrossAmerica. I'm looking forward to sharing my story to help impact federal policy. @RareAdvocates webinars are wonderful! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T3: OTHER PATIENTS! Ask around within your community. Check reviews online, search forums or on @teaminspire. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A3 referrals and trust. Good to remember it’s ok to fire a doc. Just remember doc shopping isn’t good for quality of life #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
T3: Usually my primary care doctor or support groups for my cancer in my area. If not those, then sites with reviews and ratings like @Zocdoc and @Healthgrades. #patientchat
Inspire @InspireIsHealth
RT @ohhiialexa: T3: OTHER PATIENTS! Ask around within your community. Check reviews online, search forums or on @teaminspire. #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat #T2 A documentary about my life was released in 2013, “Bernadette” which has been viewed worldwide @cinemalibre. I also worked w/ local officials advocating for & planning special events such as ribbon cuttings for beach access! @mobimat_us. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3: My go-to resources are ProPublica's Surgeon Scorecard for common surgical procedures (joint repl etc.). Also a big fan of their Dollars for Docs project, so I know if MD I'm working with is in pharma's pocket. Also a big fan of Medscape (MD side of WebMD) #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: What is the best way to search for a specialist within your disease area? Can you share your go-to resource? #patientc
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A3. Speaking to your PCP, or to other patients, may be a good start to find referrals for a specialist. You can also reach out to an advocacy organization, who may be able to connect you to someone or have additional insights on where to find the best care. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up..... #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3 (cont): although my resource list is kinda endless, since much of my work is related to translating medical-ese in ways average humans can understand. Also big shoutout to sites like @chcosts that rip curtains down on cost details for dx/tx. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: How do you communicate with a healthcare professional who is unfamiliar with your diagnosis? #patientchat https://t.co/1hEsD4XHrt
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T3a: Persistence & being your own advocate is essential. Like so many others, I’ve bounced around to many, many doctors & specialists in search of a diagnosis, locally and regionally. After that, I was finally able to make connections with related organizations. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T3b: If those types of organizations already exist, it can be very helpful. For my #RareDisease, @MitoAction has been so helpful for me & many others. I didn’t know how to get to this group until I had a diagnosis. #patientchat https://t.co/yeGZ6xCKI0
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T4: Be honest! Explain how it impacts you physically, mentally, financially, or any other way. Understand that people don’t know what they don’t know, and help them grow as a provider. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3: my bedrock approach on any new clinical relationship is to arrive with a tight list of questions (I'm a journo) and ask 'em. If MD/NP/whomevs welcomes that, game on. If not, see ya. #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@PatientWorthy [REDACTED USER] @patientchat T# The work I do supports research and amplifies patient voices so that industry and the @US_FDA has a better understanding of the disease such as #charcotmarietooth and can design better clinical trials #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @ohhiialexa: T4: Be honest! Explain how it impacts you physically, mentally, financially, or any other way. Understand that people don’t…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T4: How do you communicate with a healthcare professional who is unfamiliar with your diagnosis? #patientchat https://t.co…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
A4 make sure you emphasize your current quality of life, both good and bad. Always use quality of life as baseline #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T4: I'm a walking, talking medical record. I keep it tight, specific to what relates to clinic visit. Big believer in #participatorymedicine, where patient is partner vs meat puppet. I will not accept being treated like a meat puppet. Ever. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T4a: Such a challenge for me, especially under duress. Not many HCP's are familiar with mitochondrial myopathy or extrinsic restrictive disease. Even the meds/supplements I’m taking are relatively unknown. I give a quick rundown w/the most pertinent information. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@MightyCasey Oh my gosh, Casey, I need your confidence. 😍🤣 #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @ohhiialexa: T4: Be honest! Explain how it impacts you physically, mentally, financially, or any other way. Understand that people don’t…
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat #T3 The HNF website has over 20 designated Centers of Excellences, where healthcare teams are experienced in CMT & have multidisciplinary providers covering the wide spectrum of needs under one roof. We also have a Dr. directory. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up..... #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat T3a: Persistence & being your own advocate is essential. Like so many others, I’ve bounced around to many,…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: How do you stay aware of active clinical trials and recent research in your disease area? #patientchat https://t.co/zk8GI6OuDb
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@malkabethwendy I hope the break served you well. I'm not sure if you've felt the same way, but for me, advocating can be quite exhausting physically, emotionally, & mentally. I wasn't really prepared for this (& sometimes I'm still not). All the best to you as you restart in March! #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat #T4 HNF provides educational CMT courses and assessment tests for hundreds of neurologists across the world. We also publish educational articles in medical magazines and provide presentations at international medical conferences. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@carlyflumer Honey, I talked my way out of police custody in Saudi (true story). I was in first wave of net TV news audio/transmission engineers (oy, the hazing + misogyny 🙄). Military kid ergo always "new kid". I'm bulletproof at this point. #patientchat https://t.co/iHgmAtCPoC
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
[REDACTED USER] #patientchat https://t.co/D5GFM03vgH
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: How do you stay aware of active clinical trials and recent research in your disease area? #patientchat https://t.co/z…
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: T4: How do you communicate with a healthcare professional who is unfamiliar with your diagnosis? #patientchat https://t.co…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T5: Industry needs to get better about reaching patients, and making clinical trials more accessible. There also needs to be better participation and access in the rural communities. You shouldn’t have to travel 4+ hours to contribute to science #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
[REDACTED USER] @MightyCasey https://t.co/nc8lK2InKO
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat #T5 I’m part of HNF’s Global Registry of Inherited Neuropathies (GRIN) which collects important patient data through a series of surveys and notifies me if I am matched to participate in a new trial. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
T5: I work with clinical trials daily, so that’s an easy one. 😄 #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: T5: How do you stay aware of active clinical trials and recent research in your disease area? #patientchat https://t.co/z…
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: T3: What is the best way to search for a specialist within your disease area? Can you share your go-to resource? #patientc
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: T2: In what ways do you advocate for your disease community? #patientchat https://t.co/voeT4I90DE
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: T1: I have an interest in patient advocacy, but where can I begin? #patientchat https://t.co/wpsqUYBjeD
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Moving Awareness Into Action https://t.co/WO3ZHqIMxa
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T5: For me, this comes back to orgs that support #Mito patients. They’re in the loop & are often integral in the information gathering/dissemination process. This is another reason to join a group for your disease, or consider making one of there isn’t one already. #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @carlyflumer: T1: It all starts with sharing your story. Whether it be on social media, through a blog, or an organization, that’s advoc…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@carlyflumer Are there any trials in the works to cure “good cancer” mentalities? Asking for a friend....#patientchat
Patient Worthy @PatientWorthy
A5. That's our job! We do a lot of research, but will also hear about news, clinical trials, and other information via our partners. #patientchat
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@PatientWorthy @RareDiseaseDad @patientchat Thank you for being on with us!! #cmtwegotthis #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
Popping in late! A1. Twitter is a great place to start! You can connect with others who have your condition/disease, as well as organizations that do advocay in that area. But remember, sharing your story here is advocacy, too! #PatientChat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@ohhiialexa Girllll, I WISH. I’m done with ignorance. 🤬 #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@beth_morton Better late than never! Thanks for joining us :) #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@carlyflumer Let me start the grant process! 😂 #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T5: not in clinical trial hunt personally (at the moment) but recommend checking out emerging digital trial options. F'rinstance, @Medidata (HT @stales 😎) And there's always ClinicalTrials-dot-gov, but pack a lunch. https://t.co/cFMAsu4Vbx #patientchat
T5: I don't even look at clinical trials as I'm not interested in being "cured" & I know what treatments work& are safe- it's just difficulty in the money to pay for some of them. Research, I use Duck Duck Go to look things up every now & again, likewise looking at allies who⤵
focus more on the research than I do. What has barely changed at all in over a 100 years isn't going to suddenly flip in my 3 month gaps of looking things up... #PatientChat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
A2. I work behind the scenes on research with a few organizations. I support other organizations' events (raising money and awareness). But my own project is #MigraineChat which is a chat, but also a space for people to talk #migraine anytime! #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ C…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
[REDACTED USER] @RareDiseaseDad @malkabethwendy I've really felt that loss of in-the-room energy feedback since 'rona landed. After years of constant travel for meetings and cons, the last 10 months have really de-energized me ... #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat CT: There's so much to consider when it comes to advocacy. Many avenues to pursue, yet when we first start, it's overwhelming (at least it was for me). Connections, leaning into communities (i.e. #patientchat), supporting & being supported are all essential. One step at a time!
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
CT: Every #patientchat makes me realize more and more how I wish pharma/medical science/medical schools/etc had more patient panels and input. I’m certain we’d have a better society.
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
CT if you find an interesting patient, on a chat like #patientchat, reach out to them regardless of diagnosis. New friends fight loneliness, they also open the next door.
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat CT# I learned of new rare disease organizations through this chat! Thank you! I heard other rare disease patients speak of the same problems I face and it motivates me to keep on advocating for my illness! Thank you @patientchat for having me:) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thank you Bernadette @CMTNeuropathy for joining us today and sharing your thoughts! #patientchat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
A3. @amfmigraine has a site to look up headache specialists (https://t.co/w6nINwzCiF), but I also love this patient-vetted list on @migrainemeander's website: https://t.co/ImuPR0J2GR #PatientChat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
CT: my never-ending manta here is Start where you are Use what you have Do what you can (Arthur Ashe) That's my guiding star. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat CT: I probably said it better in the closing tweet of my #RareAdvocacyAdvice thread. #patientchat https://t.co/ayP2smuJO9
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @MightyCasey: CT: my never-ending manta here is Start where you are Use what you have Do what you can (Arthur Ashe) That's my guiding s…
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
@patientchat CT# Thank you so much!! It was a great chat! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Join us for a “Let’s Talk Mental Health” Empowered #patientchat on Friday, February 5th @ 10 AM PT| 1 PM ET! https://t.co/DqIn5bc5vT https://t.co/iOIyNa894u
HereditaryNeuropathy @CMTNeuropathy
RT @patientchat: Thank you Bernadette @CMTNeuropathy for joining us today and sharing your thoughts! #patientchat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
A4. Great question. I think I usually am trying to convey my major symptoms, how it impacts the reason I'm seeing them (comorbidities). I usually also try to give a global sense of impacts of the condition on my life. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats with the hashtag #patientchat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
A5. I follow a bunch of #migraine/#headache journals and researchers here on Twitter, subscribe to newsletters and daily news alerts, and have some clinical trial alerts set up (but also occasionally check). #PatientChat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@beth_morton Beth, this is such a wonderful example of someone creating a community to help & support. I don't have migraines, but I see the work you do with the chat & space designed to help those who do, & it's commendable. Thanks for all that you do there & elsewhere! 💚 #patientchat
Beth Morton @beth_morton
Brain ran out of gas... occasionally check https://t.co/GDeufcyM63. #PatientChat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@PatientWorthy Thank you for the work you do to help with this incredibly important endeavor, @PatientWorthy! It is much appreciated & incredibly valuable to so many! 💚 #patientchat
Nush @djnush_
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @beth_morton Beth, this is such a wonderful example of someone creating a community to help & support. I don't have mig…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@MightyCasey [REDACTED USER] @malkabethwendy I traveled, presented, & interacted with people (in education) before my condition rudely moved in. Adding a pandemic on top of that shortly thereafter is brutal. Hope we can all meet soon. Well, for my sake; others may not be so excited to put up with me in person! #patientchat
#patientchat content from Twitter.