#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
It's #patientchat time, everyone. https://t.co/K3HfswiTHc
Patient Chat @patientchat
The Empowered #patientchat is a project of @power4patients and @intakeme
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Guest moderating today's #patientchat is Christina @btrfly12
Hi all, Kim here from WI. Hope this times out ok unable to attend, scheduled tweets so I can “be here”. Challenging week! #patientchat https://t.co/UItIOc7XvL
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please note that Notifications/DMs will be checked and followed up on by @power4patients in the days following the chat. #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@patientchat Clara Health happy to be here to help bust myths that keep patients from understanding the truth about their health! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Hi all :) I'm passionate about community engagement and health. I'm often found at #gyncsm #nsgcgenepool #breakthroughcrew #patientchat
hi, burt from @HealthSparq and #WTFix is here and excited for one of my fave chats! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
Hi everyone! I'm Kelby. Ankylosing spondylitis and thyroid disease. Kt tape knees. On the struggle bus today. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
Hi. I'm Beck @bbhomebody with @Cpnervecenter Pt, nurse & advocate In lovely rural Washington state #patientchat
Happy Friday! It’s time for #patientchat #epilepsy
Georgina Copson @thecopsonclan
RT @patientchat: You're invited! Join the "Common Myths of Healthcare" #patientchat Fri 10/20 1pmET https://t.co/XsFStbqcmX https://t.co/Ij…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Excited as always to be surrounded by so many working to make healthcare better for themselves and others. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Howdy! Andrea from PEN joining you today #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@fireflyrn84 Hi Kim. Hope you're feeling a lil better #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & history. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & his…
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette & Guidelines, along with past chat transcripts, at https://t.co/99wmvHL0S2 #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Hi everyone! I've made it. Looking forward to chatting with everyone! #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
@PeachyPains The "struggle bus." I love this and can totally relate - can I steal it? Take care of yourself today. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
Hey there! Rachel here excited to breakdown barriers between patients and care! #patientchat #HappyFriday https://t.co/MWYq5GXUi0
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
@patientchat Hi everyone. I'm Nicole Rochester, MD, founder of Your GPS Doc, LLC. I help patients and caregivers navigate health care #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is Common Myths of Healthcare https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@Cpnervecenter @fireflyrn84 Wishing you well from the whole team at Clara! #patientchat
alishambridges.com @AlishaMBridges
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Common Myths of Healthcare https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @patientchat: Join us in a few minutes for the Empowered #patientchat. Info/Topics: https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Pls include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful :) #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to emp…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Common Myths of Healthcare https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
Patient Chat @patientchat
Great group gathering and Topic 1 (T1:) coming right up... #patientchat
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Chuck here.... #Cbus, workflow > #patientchat!
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: FACT or MYTH: Few health decisions are appropriate for Shared Decision-Making (SDM). #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: FACT or MYTH: Few health decisions are appropriate for Shared Decision-Making (SDM). #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
Hi Everyone! Tatiana from #PDX jumping into today's #patientchat https://t.co/cNoHd9wgCp
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: Excited as always to be surrounded by so many working to make healthcare better for themselves and others. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@wareFLO Welcome! Great to see you here :) #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Common Myths of Healthcare https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is Common Myths of Healthcare https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & his…
Katie @katie5280
@patientchat Got it! I'm getting my flu shot & grabbing lunch, so this'll be an interesting chat for me! #patientchat #multitasking
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: T1: FACT or MYTH: Few health decisions are appropriate for Shared Decision-Making (SDM). #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T1: FACT or MYTH: Few health decisions are appropriate for Shared Decision-Making (SDM). #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Learn more about the Empowered #patientchat series and how to participate here: https://t.co/UENH6hX6z9
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Great group gathering and Topic 1 (T1:) coming right up... #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
@patientchat can't wait! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Pls include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @power4patients: Howdy! Andrea from PEN joining you today #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: Hi all :) I'm passionate about community engagement and health. I'm often found at #gyncsm #nsgcgenepool #breakthroughcrew #p
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
HAIIII - will be here for about :20!! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Please note that Notifications/DMs will be checked and followed up on by @power4patients in the days following the chat. #…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: You can view our Chat Etiquette & Guidelines, along with past chat transcripts, at https://t.co/99wmvHL0S2 #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Guest moderating today's #patientchat is Christina @btrfly12
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to emp…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@MightyCasey We'll take it! :):):) #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: The Empowered #patientchat is a project of @power4patients and @intakeme
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Here’s an article with more tips for participating in tweet chats: https://t.co/5JyoTGvZvH #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we'll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat here: https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF
ToteMan @TheRealToteMan
RT @CfEpilepsy: Happy Friday! It’s time for #patientchat #epilepsy
alishambridges.com @AlishaMBridges
RT @patientchat: Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & his…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Can't think of a single decision in which patient shouldn't have a say based on goals & what's important to them. Can you?? #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T1- Myth! Most decision making involves patient & provider willingness #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T1 Myth. All decisions can be shared. Depends on the style of the patient calling the shots. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T1: FACT or MYTH: Few health decisions are appropriate for Shared Decision-Making (SDM). #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T1: As an approach, it is appropriate in the majority of situations. Adjusting as needed per PATIENT preference and ability. #patientchat
T1: Myth, i feel like as the patient you need to share in all decisions about your care. & i can't believe #SDM is an acronym! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T1: Myth. I strongly belive in Shared Decision Making. Afterall, i have to live with my body the rest of my life! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
Hello, Trifecta Richard here, Care for Mom (cardiac), BIL (Epilepsy) and self (chronic nerve & back pain) looking for good chat.#patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A1: MYTH MYTH MYTH all healthcare is ripe for shared decision making. Nothing about me without me! #sdm #s4pm #rightcare #patientchat
T1: MYTH; SDM allows pts and drs to discuss treatments & alternatives—can be utilized for many health decisions. Empowers pt #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@kreisr1 hello friend :) #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Cpnervecenter I tried to race you here, lol #patientchat https://t.co/3eusXRYE96
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T1: Myth! All health decisions should be shared between patients and providers (and sometimes caregivers). #patientchat https://t.co/iJ2ZEMmPbe
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: @kreisr1 hello friend :) #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: T1: Myth, i feel like as the patient you need to share in all decisions about your care. & i can't believe #SDM is an acrony…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T1: Myth! In most situations, patients can work with their health care provider to make the best decisions. #PatientsHavePower #patientchat
Agreed! Patients should be involved in every decision process regarding their health. #patientchat https://t.co/tlnzIVpVky
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T1: I actually wish it was a standard practice to do SDM! Afterall, i'm the other expert in the room. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T1 Caregiver decisions can be share too. Once again it's up to the caregivers preferred style. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@ShereesePubHlth Adorable. Which one am I? LOL
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @ShereesePubHlth: @Cpnervecenter I tried to race you here, lol #patientchat https://t.co/3eusXRYE96
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @PeachyPains: T1: Myth. I strongly belive in Shared Decision Making. Afterall, i have to live with my body the rest of my life! #patien
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T1: MYTH! The more brains coming together the more informed the decision and the better the results for the patient. #PatientChat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @fireflyrn84: T1: MYTH; SDM allows pts and drs to discuss treatments & alternatives—can be utilized for many health decisions. Empowers…
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T1: Myth! Decisions SHOULD be a shared responsibility. It's up to the dr and patient to work together on a good solution #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: T1: Myth, i feel like as the patient you need to share in all decisions about your care. & i can't believe #SDM is an acrony…
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @MightyCasey: A1: MYTH MYTH MYTH all healthcare is ripe for shared decision making. Nothing about me without me! #sdm #s4pm #rightcare #…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: T1: Myth. I strongly belive in Shared Decision Making. Afterall, i have to live with my body the rest of my life! #patien
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
T1 Myth, but pt preference, health literacy, abilities, etc. need to be taken into account. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Cpnervecenter The one that's winning, lol #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
Hello, Richard from #minneapolis #patientchat https://t.co/03M7g2FzlE
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@PeachyPains Yes! Expert indeed! #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @PeachyPains: T1: I actually wish it was a standard practice to do SDM! Afterall, i'm the other expert in the room. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
@burtrosen I believe you need to be main decision maker in your care and take docs opinions into account. #patientchat
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Sorry to be such a NOOBY, but is there a link re #patientchat? How often? Did it used to have a different time? Today's topics, etc...
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @brkthrough_crew T1: Myth. Patients, caregivers & practitioners all bring a valuable perspective to any decision. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T1: MYTH! Decisions are best formed when all sides and options are examined! The more help the better! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T1: Care decisions have to play out in a real person's life - so really confused as to why SDM isn't standard of practice :) #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T1 Myth. As we move toward #PrecisionMedicine , shared decision-making in all facets becomes more appropriate than ever. #patientchat
Georgina Copson @thecopsonclan
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to emp…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @btrfly12: T1: Care decisions have to play out in a real person's life - so really confused as to why SDM isn't standard of practice :)…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@wareFLO Bi-weekly on Fridays 1pmET - Here you go: https://t.co/crvGcY3Rv3 #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: @Cpnervecenter The one that's winning, lol #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @richardzhao: Hello, Richard from #minneapolis #patientchat https://t.co/03M7g2FzlE
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T3:) coming up... https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Cpnervecenter: @PeachyPains Yes! Expert indeed! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @kreisr1: @burtrosen I believe you need to be main decision maker in your care and take docs opinions into account. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: that is! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @wareFLO: Sorry to be such a NOOBY, but is there a link re #patientchat? How often? Did it used to have a different time? Today's topics…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RachelBasso: T1: MYTH! Decisions are best formed when all sides and options are examined! The more help the better! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T1 Myth. As we move toward #PrecisionMedicine , shared decision-making in all facets becomes more appropriate than eve…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T1 Myth. As we move toward #PrecisionMedicine , shared decision-making in all facets becomes more appropriate than eve…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@wareFLO Sometimes there are popup chats but its been every other Friday for a long time #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: @wareFLO Bi-weekly on Fridays 1pmET - Here you go: https://t.co/crvGcY3Rv3 #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@btrfly12 I agree. It's common sense.....isnt it? Maybe not so common. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
It starts with the patient demanding more! Better care! Better information! Better relationships! :) #patientchat https://t.co/kRTp6ws71i
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@CfEpilepsy YES! It is THEIR health, making the patient the expert on the topic. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: T2: that is! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Topic 2 (T3:) coming up... https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
RT @btrfly12: T1: Care decisions have to play out in a real person's life - so really confused as to why SDM isn't standard of practice :)…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
T1: how often do we see everyone agree on an answer! Pretty amazing! #patientchat
RT @RieOfLetters: T1: Myth! In most situations, patients can work with their health care provider to make the best decisions. #PatientsHave
RT @Clara_Health: T1: MYTH! The more brains coming together the more informed the decision and the better the results for the patient. #Pat
RT @tatiskomski: T1: Myth! Decisions SHOULD be a shared responsibility. It's up to the dr and patient to work together on a good solution #…
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @patientchat T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A2: MYTH MYTH MYTH f2f human interaction is where healthcare happens, and where transformation will rise. #s4pm #rightcare #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: It starts with the patient demanding more! Better care! Better information! Better relationships! :) #patientchat https://…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Cpnervecenter: @btrfly12 I agree. It's common sense.....isnt it? Maybe not so common. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: @wareFLO Sometimes there are popup chats but its been every other Friday for a long time #patientchat
@patientchat T2: Myth, people and transparency are the center, technology is just the enabler #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: T1: how often do we see everyone agree on an answer! Pretty amazing! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: @CfEpilepsy YES! It is THEIR health, making the patient the expert on the topic. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T2: Nope. Tech is revolutionizing HC but empathy always needs to be at the center #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: RT @patientchat T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
Clearly time to lay that myth to rest! #Mythbusters #patientchat https://t.co/SFVUYqNNlD
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: @patientchat T2: Myth, people and transparency are the center, technology is just the enabler #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 Myth. Technology is a tool. Creating an everyone included environment is how #healthcare will change. #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
Hey! Angela from Wisconsin! Sorry I’m late... #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @power4patients: T2: Nope. Tech is revolutionizing HC but empathy always needs to be at the center #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @abrewi3010: T2 Myth. Technology is a tool. Creating an everyone included environment is how #healthcare will change. #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
RT @burtrosen: @patientchat T2: Myth, people and transparency are the center, technology is just the enabler #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @angelee828: Hey! Angela from Wisconsin! Sorry I’m late... #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T2: Myth. My local ER hospital can't talk to my PCP who is affiliated with a different hospital via technology. Only via fax! #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T2: Myth - the systems of the human body are the center #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
This needs to be listed on @Eventbrite Digital Sherpa™ Workshop – Philadelphia https://t.co/wvr3vtQvvF #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
RT @abrewi3010: T2 Myth. Technology is a tool. Creating an everyone included environment is how #healthcare will change. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T2 Tech is part of the equation but the human factor will ALWAYS be there. What if the tech goes down ie med recs? Need Humans! #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T2: Myth. Patients are at the center of healthcare transformation. Patients are using technology, so healthcare is moving there #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: T1: how often do we see everyone agree on an answer! Pretty amazing! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: This needs to be listed on @Eventbrite Digital Sherpa™ Workshop – Philadelphia https://t.co/wvr3vtQvvF #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T2: Myth - the systems of the human body are the center #patientchat
@MightyCasey looking forward to meeting you at #S4PM, you will be there, correct? #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: T2: Myth. Patients are at the center of healthcare transformation. Patients are using technology, so healthcare is moving…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T2. MYTH. How about community as the center of healthcare transformation? #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Cpnervecenter: T2 Tech is part of the equation but the human factor will ALWAYS be there. What if the tech goes down ie med recs? Need…
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @Clara_Health: T2: Myth. Patients are at the center of healthcare transformation. Patients are using technology, so healthcare is moving…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@PeachyPains Fax??? Yikes :) #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T2: Myth. Patients need 2B at the center but technology can certainly help. #patientchat https://t.co/OpdSI6Jznh
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: This needs to be listed on @Eventbrite Digital Sherpa™ Workshop – Philadelphia https://t.co/wvr3vtQvvF #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T2: Too often methods that leverage natural healing potential of the body are pooh-poohed as too simple. #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
T2 Clearly a myth, but it's amazing how much time & energy is focused on tech, as if a better app is The Answer. #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
T2 Technology will improve the excess of information #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @power4patients: @PeachyPains Fax??? Yikes :) #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: T2. MYTH. How about community as the center of healthcare transformation? #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: @MightyCasey looking forward to meeting you at #S4PM, you will be there, correct? #patientchat
alishambridges.com @AlishaMBridges
RT @patientchat: T2: FACT or MYTH: Technology is the center of healthcare transformation. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @btrfly12: T2. MYTH. How about community as the center of healthcare transformation? #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
@power4patients I'm lucky if i can get a fax, to be honest. ;) sometimes my pcp doesn't know i was in the ER until i call them. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T2: Too often methods that leverage natural healing potential of the body are pooh-poohed as too simple. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T2 Myth: PPL are at the center of HC transformation. Tech enhances, not overshadows the human experiment #patientchat https://t.co/3wcjajfn5p
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: T2: Myth. Patients need 2B at the center but technology can certainly help. #patientchat https://t.co/OpdSI6Jznh
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T2: Myth! People are at the center! Tech can be a powerful agent, but is not sole part of transforming health care #patientchat
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Thank you! #PatientChat https://t.co/aBA5z604w1
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
OMG - the faxing, the faxing. Daily reminded of at my new gig. smh #patientchat
Chuck Webster MD, MS AI, MS Systems Engineering @wareFLO
Thank you! #PatientChat https://t.co/AG8Z9Xedjv
T2: MYTH; it is large piece, but not center. Focusing on quality of care, cost, access & delivery are center. Tech helps this. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T2 technology can be used for remote visits, vital sign monitoring, so much more! #patientchat
@power4patients @PeachyPains #axethefax! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T2- Yesterday I saw Docs in Puerto Rico seeing pts in the dark with no machines or med recs. HUMANS ARE BEYOND NECESSARY! #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T2: Fact. Technology is what will continue propelling new and better treatments forward, and that is what I need as a patient. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @richardzhao: T2 Technology will improve the excess of information #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @AnnePolta: T2 Clearly a myth, but it's amazing how much time & energy is focused on tech, as if a better app is The Answer. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @PeachyPains: @power4patients I'm lucky if i can get a fax, to be honest. ;) sometimes my pcp doesn't know i was in the ER until i call…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T2 Myth: PPL are at the center of HC transformation. Tech enhances, not overshadows the human experiment…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: @power4patients I'm lucky if i can get a fax, to be honest. ;) sometimes my pcp doesn't know i was in the ER until i call…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @wareFLO: Thank you! #PatientChat https://t.co/aBA5z604w1
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
RT @Clara_Health: T2: Myth. Patients are at the center of healthcare transformation. Patients are using technology, so healthcare is moving…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @tatiskomski: T2: Myth! People are at the center! Tech can be a powerful agent, but is not sole part of transforming health care #patien
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
T2, Technology has to be develop for #patients, not the other way around #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
@btrfly12 WHYYYYY!!!! Now that's the struggle bus. ;) #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: OMG - the faxing, the faxing. Daily reminded of at my new gig. smh #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @wareFLO: Thank you! #PatientChat https://t.co/AG8Z9Xedjv
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: @power4patients @PeachyPains #axethefax! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: T2 technology can be used for remote visits, vital sign monitoring, so much more! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @fireflyrn84: T2: MYTH; it is large piece, but not center. Focusing on quality of care, cost, access & delivery are center. Tech helps t…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RachelBasso: T2: Fact. Technology is what will continue propelling new and better treatments forward, and that is what I need as a pati…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Cpnervecenter: T2- Yesterday I saw Docs in Puerto Rico seeing pts in the dark with no machines or med recs. HUMANS ARE BEYOND NECESSARY…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: @btrfly12 WHYYYYY!!!! Now that's the struggle bus. ;) #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T2: Technology plays a role in advancements, but patients are central to advances, especially in #clinicaltrials #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@tatiskomski Technology is the vehicle, but the people are the drivers. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @Clara_Health: @tatiskomski Technology is the vehicle, but the people are the drivers. #patientchat
alishambridges.com @AlishaMBridges
T2: Myth. Although we have come far, I don't think we are utilizing tech to its fullest potential when it comes to healthcare #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T2 Myth: PPL are at the center of HC transformation. Tech enhances, not overshadows the human experiment…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @AnnePolta: T2 Clearly a myth, but it's amazing how much time & energy is focused on tech, as if a better app is The Answer. #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@patientchat T1-Myth! All the shared-decision making! Pts can empower themselves so they can be involved in every step of their health care #patientchat
T2: Patients are the center of healthcare transformation! Technology is the tool to help us achieve the needed transformation. #patientchat
alishambridges.com @AlishaMBridges
RT @richardzhao: T2, Technology has to be develop for #patients, not the other way around #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up... https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @AlishaMBridges: T2: Myth. Although we have come far, I don't think we are utilizing tech to its fullest potential when it comes to heal…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: @tatiskomski Technology is the vehicle, but the people are the drivers. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @Clara_Health: @tatiskomski Technology is the vehicle, but the people are the drivers. #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T2: Myth-consider that "Fitbit" type technology is touted as the way to incentivize movement to defeat Sedentary Death Sybdrome #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: Topic 3 (T3:) coming up... https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
@Clara_Health YES! Couldn't have said it better myself. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @CfEpilepsy: T2: Patients are the center of healthcare transformation! Technology is the tool to help us achieve the needed transformati…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @angelee828: @patientchat T1-Myth! All the shared-decision making! Pts can empower themselves so they can be involved in every s…
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
@btrfly12 If we only had a universal EMR... #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 until things like paywalls & costs come down we can rely on tech as our savior. Tech brings access questions. Health a right #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @tatiskomski: @Clara_Health YES! Couldn't have said it better myself. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T2: Myth-consider that "Fitbit" type technology is touted as the way to incentivize movement to defeat Sedentary Death S…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T2: Myth because SeDS cause(s) are not understood #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @abrewi3010: T2 until things like paywalls & costs come down we can rely on tech as our savior. Tech brings access questions. Health a r…
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
RT @RachelBasso: T2: Fact. Technology is what will continue propelling new and better treatments forward, and that is what I need as a pati…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: @btrfly12 If we only had a universal EMR... #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @patientchat: T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @patientchat: T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
@Clara_Health @tatiskomski well said! #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
Yes Whitney! This is exactly it. #patientchat https://t.co/Qv9EopEd9G
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
I love this! Technology is the tool, but we are the center! #patientchat https://t.co/zC6YzorRmv
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @patientchat: T3: FACT or MYTH: It takes years of education and training to deal with health issues. #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
By patients and for patients! #transformtechnology #patientchat https://t.co/NezL7P568I
RT @Cpnervecenter: T2- Yesterday I saw Docs in Puerto Rico seeing pts in the dark with no machines or med recs. HUMANS ARE BEYOND NECESSARY…
[REDACTED USER] @treadwellness sounds like a new acronym is born, SDS #Patientchat
Heather 🇺🇸 @ZHeatherChamp
A3: Depending on who's dealing w them. Pretty much myth tho either way. #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T3: Myth patient engagement in processes supporting better health can be taught in a couple of weeks or less in many cases #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T3: MYTH. With time and experience skills improve, but you don't need to have a PHD to be the expert of your own health. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
A3: If you can communicate at all, you can understand ALL OF THE THINGS to participate in your care. No degree required! #s4pm #patientchat
Lyon🦁🌺🇺🇸🎗️ @softcrush
RT @MightyCasey: A1: MYTH MYTH MYTH all healthcare is ripe for shared decision making. Nothing about me without me! #sdm #s4pm #rightcare #…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T3: Myth! As many of us can attest to, with diagnosis, we became rapid experts in knowledge & lived experience! #patientchat
RT @Clara_Health: T3: MYTH. With time and experience skills improve, but you don't need to have a PHD to be the expert of your own health.…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T3 It may be a better assessment 2 say it takes yrs of experience. Health is about prevention, & early dx, tx, QOL, & outcomes. #patientchat
@PeachyPains 10/24 @ 5 @ legal harborside 3rd floor. ive tweeted at #pinksocks, #hcldr #HITsm #WTFix #patientchat & others. feel free to spread the word!
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T3: MYTH #1 in my book! Everyone can develop basic but useful level of health literacy https://t.co/QUXhS74pkw @mightycasey #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@patientchat T2-Myth. People are the center (Pts/providers/caregivers) Tech is helping connect them and revolutionize they do things. #PatientChat
Heather 🇺🇸 @ZHeatherChamp
@patientchat A2: MYTH. It's always about the PERSON, they are center. Technology can enhance their lives and management of medical status. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @power4patients: T3: MYTH #1 in my book! Everyone can develop basic but useful level of health literacy https://t.co/QUXhS74pkw @mightyc
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
T3 Hmm, I'd say both. I'm the expert on my own experience but may lack science or technical skills. DIY surgery? Nope. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T3: Ooo. Tricky!! #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T3: Myth, again! Look around us right now. This chat is full of patients who are more educated on their health than most #drs #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T3: MYTH. Patients and caregivers get "crash training". But as a doc, I often noticed things only because of my training. #patientchat https://t.co/jXX82kM3WU
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T3 Sort of? There is a learning curve for patients and clinicians. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T3 Both. Evolution states we get smarter with time/practice. However patients/caregivers don't operate same clock as evolution #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T3: Patient Dependent. I learned quickly, but i wanted too. Honestly, i'm still educating myself. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
RT @Clara_Health: @tatiskomski Technology is the vehicle, but the people are the drivers. #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
And knowledge accumulated + AI will improve patient health #PatientChat https://t.co/FxAN1MnDx1
RT @tatiskomski: T3: Myth, again! Look around us right now. This chat is full of patients who are more educated on their health than most #…
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
RT @power4patients: T3: MYTH #1 in my book! Everyone can develop basic but useful level of health literacy https://t.co/QUXhS74pkw @mightyc
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
[REDACTED USER] It is the obligation of those with training and education to share tools and resources with patients who need to learn. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@power4patients & @Intakeme think a little EPatient101 training can go a long way empowering pts #patientchat https://t.co/xD4562KhGO
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T3 (cont.) #health #literacy is key! Knowledge is power. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
@AnnePolta DIY surgery is a no go for me too! Doctors are definitely with purpose! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @btrfly12: @power4patients & @Intakeme think a little EPatient101 training can go a long way empowering pts #patientchat https://t.co/xD…
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T3: I've been told i have an honorary medical degree. Or told i should've gone into medicine. Anyone else? #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @Clara_Health: T3: MYTH. With time and experience skills improve, but you don't need to have a PHD to be the expert of your own health.…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @btrfly12: @power4patients & @Intakeme think a little EPatient101 training can go a long way empowering pts #patientchat https://t.co/xD…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@ShereesePubHlth I like this experience idea. Patients have years of experience with their body. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@btrfly12 @power4patients @Intakeme So true. Good info #patientchat
T3: MYTH. Some training/education needed. Utmost importance for dealing with health issues is: COMMON SENSE & CRITICAL THINKING #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T3: Myth. Patients are learning under fire. It's learn fast or fall faster. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@btrfly12 Exactly my intent. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @Clara_Health: [REDACTED USER] It is the obligation of those with training and education to share tools and resources with patient…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Me! I probably should have listened too. Physician, heal thyself! #patientchat https://t.co/ymKvootbBW
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up... https://t.co/bvCJCVA4rF #patientchat
Julie Thoren @JulieThoren
RT @tatiskomski: T3: Myth, again! Look around us right now. This chat is full of patients who are more educated on their health than most #…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @RachelBasso: T3: Myth. Patients are learning under fire. It's learn fast or fall faster. #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@fireflyrn84 Let's not forget compassion! #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
So true. #patientchat https://t.co/5E0pgzX0Lz
@PeachyPains Same here! I start to question that myself sometimes haha #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: FACT or MYTH: #ClinicalTrials should only be considered as a last resort. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
[REDACTED USER] Good point #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @patientchat: T4: FACT or MYTH: #ClinicalTrials should only be considered as a last resort. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T4: FACT or MYTH: #ClinicalTrials should only be considered as a last resort. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T4: FACT or MYTH: #ClinicalTrials should only be considered as a last resort. #patientchat
@fireflyrn84 and dont forget #empathy #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T4: MYTH!!! MYTH!! MYTH!!! Unfortunately, it's proposed as a last resort. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
@PeachyPains Yes indeed! This speaks volumes about how as patients we are the experts. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T4: MYTH The medical science can't move forward w/o #clinicaltrials but so many fail to enroll or enrollment not diverse. #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
It's a partnership. I didn't have the knowledge to recognize a rare chemo complication but the onc knew what to do. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
[REDACTED USER] If there was more access to curated health information and the ability to email your doc this problem would decrease. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T4: There is so much education needed around #clinicaltrials. In cancer, often you get the best care in them even on standard. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
[REDACTED USER] great to see you! thanks for all you do for patients! #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@patientchat T3-Myth. Pts, Caregivers, and Providers bring different sets of knowledge/experience. IMO All should be respected. #patientchat
Katie @katie5280
@patientchat T1: Myth! ALL decisions are SDM. Providers should encourage pt participation. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T4: We think it's such a huge & common MYTH that we produced a whole program on the topic https://t.co/c6rF8na2c0 #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
RT @angelee828: @patientchat T3-Myth. Pts, Caregivers, and Providers bring different sets of knowledge/experience. IMO All should be respec…
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T4: Myth. Perhaps the biggest myth yet! Clinical trials are an option for anyone, even healthy participants. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @Clara_Health: T4: Myth. Perhaps the biggest myth yet! Clinical trials are an option for anyone, even healthy participants. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T4 Myth. Clinical trials = options. Options = hope. Hope = Higher QOL! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Great org'w working to combat #clinicaltrial myths are @power4patients @brkthrough_crew @CCTAwareness @DanaFarber #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T4: It's why i got involved with @Clara_Health and @brkthrough_crew #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
Clinical trials can allow patients access to the most cutting edge treatments - they are so much more than a last resort. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
[ I'm always so bad with the T#'s... lol as a chat moderator... ] #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @PeachyPains: T4: MYTH!!! MYTH!! MYTH!!! Unfortunately, it's proposed as a last resort. #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T4: Myth. myth, myth! #clinicaltrials can be INCREDIBLY beneficial to patients and should be considered at any time! #patientchat
Katie @katie5280
@patientchat T2: Technology plays a big role, but people drive the technology. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T4: Myth! Myth! #clinicaltrials should be considered as a valid option early on following a diagnosis. No need to wait! #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T4 Myth: We need 2 know: Does tx work, work better than other txs? Does it have side effects? CTs R designed 2 answer these Qs #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T4: #clinicaltrials should be evaluated as an option at every decision point, diagnosis through treatment! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @RieOfLetters: T4: Myth! Myth! #clinicaltrials should be considered as a valid option early on following a diagnosis. No need to wait! #…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
RT @btrfly12: T4: MYTH The medical science can't move forward w/o #clinicaltrials but so many fail to enroll or enrollment not diverse. #pa
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T4 MYTH! Everyone should know about clinical trials & research & we want to help. [REDACTED USER] , @breakthroughcrew, @researchloop, #patientchat
Yes! #BreakthroughCrew #patientchat https://t.co/cZYaSJRPHJ
Katie @katie5280
@patientchat T3: It can be true as people, technology & methods evolve. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @Clara_Health: Clinical trials can allow patients access to the most cutting edge treatments - they are so much more than a last resort.…
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @power4patients: T4: We think it's such a huge & common MYTH that we produced a whole program on the topic https://t.co/c6rF8na2c0 #pati
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
T3 patientshave to leverage their social power to breakdown the silos, forcing #payer and #hmo to share information! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @Clara_Health: Clinical trials can allow patients access to the most cutting edge treatments - they are so much more than a last resort.…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@btrfly12 @brkthrough_crew @CCTAwareness @DanaFarber Thanks!
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Bookmarked this to look at later! Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy for knowledge! #patientchat https://t.co/FtoSTZccA7
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
New treatments can take decades to leave the clinical stages. This shouldn't prevent access from patients who need them. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
RT @CfEpilepsy: Yes! #BreakthroughCrew #patientchat https://t.co/cZYaSJRPHJ
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T4: Anyone propose a clinical trial as an option to their healthcare provider? #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
RT @Cpnervecenter: T4 MYTH! Everyone should know about clinical trials & research & we want to help. [REDACTED USER] , @breakthroughcrew, @researchl
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @Clara_Health: New treatments can take decades to leave the clinical stages. This shouldn't prevent access from patients who need them.…
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
RT @abrewi3010: T4 Myth. Clinical trials = options. Options = hope. Hope = Higher QOL! #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T4: MYTH. But this is a common misconception. #patientchat https://t.co/pCZYkbqhzb
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
RT @RieOfLetters: T4: Myth! Myth! #clinicaltrials should be considered as a valid option early on following a diagnosis. No need to wait! #…
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
RT @power4patients: T4: #clinicaltrials should be evaluated as an option at every decision point, diagnosis through treatment! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
I just filled out my research study enrollment paperwork this morning :) :) #patientchat
Katie @katie5280
@patientchat T4: MYTH! Many clinical trials have led to successful treatments that approved ones did not. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up... #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
RT @Cpnervecenter: T4 MYTH! Everyone should know about clinical trials & research & we want to help. [REDACTED USER] , @breakthroughcrew, @researchl
T4: MYTH; clinical trials can and should be considered at any point with a medical condition. Pt should be made aware. #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Happy to provide education and resources to bust this myth! Clinical trials are a viable option at any stage of illness. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @Clara_Health: [REDACTED USER] @patientchat Happy to provide education and resources to bust this myth! Clinical trials are a viab…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: MYTH. But this is a common misconception. #patientchat https://t.co/pCZYkbqhzb
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Great question. Often, providers won't volunteer CT information. The patient should venture to ask. #patientchat https://t.co/A9XVMY6Wj6
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: T4: Anyone propose a clinical trial as an option to their healthcare provider? #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T4 no patient/caregiver should ever hear someone say "last resort". Those 2 words are just cruel. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @RieOfLetters: Bookmarked this to look at later! Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy for knowledge! #patientchat https://t.co/FtoSTZccA7
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Great question. Often, providers won't volunteer CT information. The patient should venture to ask. #patientchat https…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: Yes Whitney! This is exactly it. #patientchat https://t.co/Qv9EopEd9G
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: By patients and for patients! #transformtechnology #patientchat https://t.co/NezL7P568I
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: What can we do to dispel some of these common myths? #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@PeachyPains @brkthrough_crew We are so glad you did! Patients who are active participants in their health know the truth. Trials = more options. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: [REDACTED USER] @treadwellness sounds like a new acronym is born, SDS #Patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: T3: MYTH. With time and experience skills improve, but you don't need to have a PHD to be the expert of your own health.…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T3: Myth patient engagement in processes supporting better health can be taught in a couple of weeks or less in many cas…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ZHeatherChamp: A3: Depending on who's dealing w them. Pretty much myth tho either way. #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@patientchat T4- Myth. Clinical trials and research studies can be helpful to you and others. Get educated! Why wait? #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
Many providers are not aware. Patients can be a valuable source of information. #patientchat https://t.co/LEroUzlw2y
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RieOfLetters: T3: Myth! As many of us can attest to, with diagnosis, we became rapid experts in knowledge & lived experience! #patientc
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @MightyCasey: A3: If you can communicate at all, you can understand ALL OF THE THINGS to participate in your care. No degree required! #…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T3 It may be a better assessment 2 say it takes yrs of experience. Health is about prevention, & early dx, tx, QOL, &…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @burtrosen: @PeachyPains 10/24 @ 5 @ legal harborside 3rd floor. ive tweeted at #pinksocks, #hcldr #HITsm #WTFix #patientchat &…
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T5: Question what one thinks one knows; have intellectual curiosity; For instance it is a commonly held belief that exercise #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @power4patients: T3: MYTH #1 in my book! Everyone can develop basic but useful level of health literacy https://t.co/QUXhS74pkw @mightyc
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ZHeatherChamp: @patientchat A2: MYTH. It's always about the PERSON, they are center. Technology can enhance their lives and manage…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @angelee828: @patientchat T2-Myth. People are the center (Pts/providers/caregivers) Tech is helping connect them and revolutioni…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: T3: I've been told i have an honorary medical degree. Or told i should've gone into medicine. Anyone else? #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @btrfly12: @power4patients & @Intakeme think a little EPatient101 training can go a long way empowering pts #patientchat https://t.co/xD…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @Clara_Health: [REDACTED USER] It is the obligation of those with training and education to share tools and resources with patient…
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T4: I love working with [REDACTED USER] to bust this myth daily. There are many great treatments only accessible through trials. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RachelBasso: T3: Myth. Patients are learning under fire. It's learn fast or fall faster. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: What can we do to dispel some of these common myths? #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @fireflyrn84: T3: MYTH. Some training/education needed. Utmost importance for dealing with health issues is: COMMON SENSE & CRITICAL THI…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
I tweeted this last night, but ICYMI Home - https://t.co/7XUk7kQNA3 https://t.co/s67VC9hGYR #patientchat
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T5: must be of the "no pain, no gain" variety. This is a myth not a fact. #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
Great point. Oftentimes a clinical trial should be the *first resort.* #patientchat https://t.co/QGvPk6WhRQ
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: Many providers are not aware. Patients can be a valuable source of information. #patientchat https://t.co/LEroUzlw2y
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @angelee828: @patientchat T4- Myth. Clinical trials and research studies can be helpful to you and others. Get educated! Why wait? #pati
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T5: Having conversations like this to discuss and address misconceptions helps! #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @ShereesePubHlth: I tweeted this last night, but ICYMI Home - https://t.co/7XUk7kQNA3 https://t.co/s67VC9hGYR #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T5: I'm doing my part through blogging, workshops and speaking. We've got to spread the word. https://t.co/VI2nzZIxLA #patientchat https://t.co/bXu5goIPWb
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RachelBasso: T4: I love working with [REDACTED USER] to bust this myth daily. There are many great treatments only accessible through trials. #…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T5: Question what one thinks one knows; have intellectual curiosity; For instance it is a commonly held belief that exer…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T5: We need to unite and raise our voices. We can all serve as resources and educate others. #patientchat is a great way to get ideas!
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @AnnePolta: Great point. Oftentimes a clinical trial should be the *first resort.* #patientchat https://t.co/QGvPk6WhRQ
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: I tweeted this last night, but ICYMI Home - https://t.co/7XUk7kQNA3 https://t.co/s67VC9hGYR #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T5: continue to advocate and share your story. it's the most valuable tool. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @treadwellness: T5: must be of the "no pain, no gain" variety. This is a myth not a fact. #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @yourgpsdoc: T5: I'm doing my part through blogging, workshops and speaking. We've got to spread the word.…
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RachelBasso: T5: Having conversations like this to discuss and address misconceptions helps! #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @ShereesePubHlth: I tweeted this last night, but ICYMI Home - https://t.co/7XUk7kQNA3 https://t.co/s67VC9hGYR #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
@btrfly12 AMAZING!!! #patientshavepower #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @RieOfLetters: T5: We need to unite and raise our voices. We can all serve as resources and educate others. #patientchat is a great way…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T5 keep sharing our stories so we can show/inspire others to do the same. "How might we...?" works best with many human voices #patientchat
Richard Kreis @kreisr1
RT @PeachyPains: T5: continue to advocate and share your story. it's the most valuable tool. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@ShereesePubHlth Nice to see that .gov site get an update. Will be curious on if more trials get enrollment and what pts think #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T5 Present real facts and cite the sources. Dispelling myths takes savvy. Be informed #patientchat
T5: the more we talk about them in public the more we can dispel them, this chat is a great example of that #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T5-We must cont to flood the web, SocMe, news & Med offices with clin trial & research info. Takes time & a village #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T5 Present real facts and cite the sources. Dispelling myths takes savvy. Be informed #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: T5: the more we talk about them in public the more we can dispel them, this chat is a great example of that #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
T5: Continue learning to be my own best advocate and speaking up when things are less than patient-centered. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T5: be honest with our doctors as well. bring evidence and ask for a second opinion. it's how i avoided cholesterol medication! #patientchat
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T5: Use every resource available to stay educated. Try out Clara Guides to bust myth number 4: https://t.co/tGewGxIPXK #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @PeachyPains: T5: be honest with our doctors as well. bring evidence and ask for a second opinion. it's how i avoided cholesterol medica…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @AnnePolta: Great point. Oftentimes a clinical trial should be the *first resort.* #patientchat https://t.co/QGvPk6WhRQ
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @Clara_Health: T5: Use every resource available to stay educated. Try out Clara Guides to bust myth number 4: https://t.co/tGewGxIPXK #p
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @Clara_Health: T5: Use every resource available to stay educated. Try out Clara Guides to bust myth number 4: https://t.co/tGewGxIPXK #p
Treadwell Corporation @SitWalkingSystm
T5: Interested in a hypothesis for the Sedentary Death Syndrome antidote - tweet me #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Key points right here! Citing reputable sources helps you become a trusted source of knowledge. #patientchat https://t.co/HBm1hZIDYh
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @RieOfLetters: T5: We need to unite and raise our voices. We can all serve as resources and educate others. #patientchat is a great way…
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T5: remember you are not alone. #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
T5 Educate, advocate, share the data. This requires thoughtful conversation & listening - not always easy. #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
T5: Never stop asking questions. By constantly asking for explanations, you can feel confident in your decisions. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @AnnePolta: T5 Educate, advocate, share the data. This requires thoughtful conversation & listening - not always easy. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
sneaking in a Bonus Topic as we near the wrap up... T6: What other healthcare myth is top on your mind to bust? :) #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @Clara_Health: T5: Use every resource available to stay educated. Try out Clara Guides to bust myth number 4: https://t.co/tGewGxIPXK #p
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @RieOfLetters: Key points right here! Citing reputable sources helps you become a trusted source of knowledge. #patientchat https://t.co…
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @Cpnervecenter: T5-We must cont to flood the web, SocMe, news & Med offices with clin trial & research info. Takes time & a village #pat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @patientchat: sneaking in a Bonus Topic as we near the wrap up... T6: What other healthcare myth is top on your mind to bust? :) #patien
M&B Sciences @mbsciencesinc
T6: We want to bust the myth that patients are weak. Patients hold all the power! #patientchat #patientshavepower
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
[REDACTED USER] True, Lucy! We can and should encourage ourselves and others to question to learn and be critical thinkers. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T5: Agree w/ those who have said keep listening, talking, sharing stories & having more open & honest discussions like today's #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @power4patients: T5: Agree w/ those who have said keep listening, talking, sharing stories & having more open & honest discussions like…
T6: just because science hasn't studied it doesn't mean it can't work #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T6 Myth: #HIPAA is an obstacle to patient-provider Social media interaction. #patientchat
T5: Get the FACTS out to public. Have educational brochures; even a website dedicated to myths. Everyone deserves the truth! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T6: to see the phrase "but you don't look sick" disappear #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@ShereesePubHlth OMG - this one! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T6 Myth: #HIPAA is an obstacle to patient-provider Social media interaction. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @burtrosen: T6: just because science hasn't studied it doesn't mean it can't work #patientchat
Rachel Rufo @RufoRachel
RT @Clara_Health: T6: We want to bust the myth that patients are weak. Patients hold all the power! #patientchat #patientshavepower
Angela Hemans is on Threads, LinkedIn, TikTok @AngelaHemans
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T6 Myth: #HIPAA is an obstacle to patient-provider Social media interaction. #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
BT That prevention is always possible and if you're sick it's because you didn't make "good choices." #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @PeachyPains: T6: to see the phrase "but you don't look sick" disappear #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @AnnePolta: BT That prevention is always possible and if you're sick it's because you didn't make "good choices." #patientchat
Matt Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher
How about expand that statement and just say it's a myth that #HIPAA is barrier in almost every instance. So much confusion. #patientchat https://t.co/IeOos5fFxv
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
@ShereesePubHlth Good one!
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
@AnnePolta Prevention is almost never the most appropriate word. Risk reduction better. And blame game always bad. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@btrfly12 I'd love to shelve that one for good, lol #patientchat https://t.co/HbthxpRsrL
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @PeachyPains: T6: to see the phrase "but you don't look sick" disappear #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
T6: that #arthritis only affects those of old age. FACT: Two-Thirds of those diagnosed are under the age of 65!! #patientchat
Tomahawk Shoes&Amps @TomahawkSandA
What kind of ethical notions without being turned aside from the view that good and their relations is now relevant limits. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
T6 Myth-Opioids & Marijuana lead to Heroin use & addiction. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Too many patients are missing great pain relief! #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T6 that #chronicpain pts choose between #opioids and "alternative pain management methods. It's all pain management #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Matt_R_Fisher Too true. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
CT: that the fax machine is behind the VCR. LOL HAHA ;) #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @Clara_Health: Clinical trials can allow patients access to the most cutting edge treatments - they are so much more than a last resort.…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
CT: Today was super fun. So glad I got to spend some time w/ you all thinking about healthcare and how to make it better. #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @Clara_Health: T4: Myth. Perhaps the biggest myth yet! Clinical trials are an option for anyone, even healthy participants. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
CT: that your last option shouldn't be clinical trials. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @PeachyPains: CT: that your last option shouldn't be clinical trials. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @abrewi3010: T6 that #chronicpain pts choose between #opioids and "alternative pain management methods. It's all pain management #patien
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @Cpnervecenter: T6 Myth-Opioids & Marijuana lead to Heroin use & addiction. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Too many patients are missing great pain relie…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @PeachyPains: T6: that #arthritis only affects those of old age. FACT: Two-Thirds of those diagnosed are under the age of 65!! #patient
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @power4patients: T4: #clinicaltrials should be evaluated as an option at every decision point, diagnosis through treatment! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @PeachyPains: T6: that #arthritis only affects those of old age. FACT: Two-Thirds of those diagnosed are under the age of 65!! #patient
Angela Cohen @angelee828
RT @abrewi3010: T4 Myth. Clinical trials = options. Options = hope. Hope = Higher QOL! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
CT: Patients Have a Voice. Patients Have Power! #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
CT: Thr number of myths in healthcare is scary! Patients, docs, and caregivers must work together to dispel these myths. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
So much this! I made the 'right' choices. I still got sick. 'Good' lifestyle choices are important, but can only go so far. #patientchat https://t.co/PGX5N19hvs
CT: public discussions are incredibly valuable in dispelling myths #patientchat
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
Yup. Too often it's seen in simplistic terms. #patientchat https://t.co/y5YcAzimCk
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
Ct all it takes is one voice/idea/knowledge to change the world. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@PeachyPains YES! I have makeup on to cover the rings under my eyes and my pale face! Its smoke & mirrors so I look halfway normal. #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
CT: That we are the other expert in the room. Medical degree or not. :) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @PeachyPains: CT: That we are the other expert in the room. Medical degree or not. :) #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
CT: Be involved in your care, help others when you can, and choose kindness for yourself and others! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @abrewi3010: Ct all it takes is one voice/idea/knowledge to change the world. #patientchat
Richard Zhao @richardzhao
Great discussion again as usual! Have a nice weekend everyone. #patientchat https://t.co/UmLapkfh30
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@yourgpsdoc Agree, the sheer number of myths is staggering but we persevere! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Join us for the next Empowered #patientchat on Fri November 3rd at 1pm ET | 10am PT https://t.co/Pihg2CPGYa
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @PeachyPains: CT: That we are the other expert in the room. Medical degree or not. :) #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Join us for the next Empowered #patientchat on Fri November 3rd at 1pm ET | 10am PT https://t.co/Pihg2CPGYa
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Have a great weekend everyone #patientchat https://t.co/8OmLkPr0JF
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
CT everyone has a voice, let's not be so greedy & only listen to the loudest or perceived coolest! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
RT @abrewi3010: CT everyone has a voice, let's not be so greedy & only listen to the loudest or perceived coolest! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@PeachyPains Great Line! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour. #patientch
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
It was an honor and a privilege to guest moderate today. Thanks to each of you for all you do for yourself and other patients. #patientchat
thanks for the always great, heartfelt and human chat! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
Thanks everyone for a great chat & for making me feel better. :) I'm now in the front row of the struggle bus close to exit #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats - tweet things of interest to empowered patients with hashtag #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@ShereesePubHlth You go first Shereese.....u get to win this time 😀Lol
Patient Chat @patientchat
reminder for today's chat - Notifications/DMs will be checked and followed up on by @power4patients in the coming days #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
CT Thanks so much everyone. I'm always inspired after this chat. HAPPY WEEKEND! #patientchat https://t.co/V6n1KtLkeK
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @PeachyPains: Thanks everyone for a great chat & for making me feel better. :) I'm now in the front row of the struggle bus close to exi…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@Cpnervecenter Thanks, lol #patientchat https://t.co/CseFGtmqYN
Anne Polta @AnnePolta
@PeachyPains Sending you a virtual ticket to the happy Friday limo. ;) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
CT Thankful for a diverse group of participants and diverse opinions and insights. We are better when we come together. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @RieOfLetters: CT: Be involved in your care, help others when you can, and choose kindness for yourself and others! #patientchat
Kelby 🍑 @PeachyPains
@AnnePolta thank you <3 #patientchat
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@patientchat T6: Just bc I don’t look sick or in pain, doesn’t mean I’m not. They’re called an #invisibleillness for a reason. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@ShereesePubHlth Woohoo!
CT: Sorry I missed what I'm sure was another awesome chat and also missed all of you! Looking forward to the next one! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @angelee828: @patientchat T6: Just bc I don’t look sick or in pain, doesn’t mean I’m not. They’re called an #invisibleillness for a reas…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@angelee828 @patientchat AMEN TO THAT! Maybe if I didn't shower and wore my robe shopping around town it would be more obvious? LOL #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @Cpnervecenter: @angelee828 @patientchat AMEN TO THAT! Maybe if I didn't shower and wore my robe shopping around town it would be m…
Taurus - It's Me! @_taurus_247
Taurus Lady Buy now=> https://t.co/LceT3gF9gx #taurusmug #tauruslegging #tauruslongsleeve #taurustshirt #patientchat https://t.co/pd8nsdJ8vD
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @Cpnervecenter: @btrfly12 I agree. It's common sense.....isnt it? Maybe not so common. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Top Influencers of #patientchat 👉 [REDACTED USER] @shereesepubhlth @btrfly12 [REDACTED USER] @kreisr1 https://t.co/JzhRoh3IXc via @symplur
Angela Cohen @angelee828
@Cpnervecenter @patientchat Lol Right? Sometimes I think I should dress how I feel so people get the gravity, but then I don’t think I should have to! #patientchat
[REDACTED USER] I try; couldn't be completely absent 😉#patientchat
I ran out of characters!! Always empathy and compassion! Always always always!! #patientchat https://t.co/I2kWKQKNb9
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @RieOfLetters: Bookmarked this to look at later! Yaaaaaayyyyyyyy for knowledge! #patientchat https://t.co/FtoSTZccA7
[REDACTED USER] I hope so too. It's going to be a Rollercoaster for a while. Chest incision for port placement not going to mix with crutches #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
delayed CT: So many of these healthcare myths are pretty clearly myth - yet day2day world of healthcare often operates opposite #patientchat
@RieOfLetters I miss all of you!! #patientchat
#patientchat content from Twitter.