#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
I’ll be at the Empowered #patientchat on Fri 10/6 1pmET. Join me! https://t.co/EMV4WAsSyi via @power4patients
Patient Chat @patientchat
The Empowered #patientchat is a project of @power4patients and @intakeme
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: The Empowered #patientchat is a project of @power4patients and @intakeme
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
#Gastroparesis patient and advocate. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’m excited to be moderating today’s #patientchat
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to emp…
RT @patientchat: New to tweet chats? Follow hashtag #patientchat and include it in every tweet during the next hour. You can engage w/ othe…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
hi Burt here from @HealthSparq on a great day in #PDX #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @patientchat: Welcome to #patientchat - where patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to emp…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & history #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
Kat the @DPCNavigator ready to join #patientchat about "How to Find a Doctor Who Listens" #PatientEmpowerment with #DirectPrimaryCare!👊 #DPC
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette & Guidelines, along with past chat transcripts, at https://t.co/99wmvHL0S2 #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Hi, it's Andrea from PEN. Happy Friday, everyone #patientchat
Mary MACK @MaryOCMack
Hi all, my name is Mary #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
Hi there #patientchat! Excited to be here (@annerskg on behalf of HealthSparq) from #PDX today!
I made it! Hey all! Whit here. Epilepsy and healthcare advocate. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: Today's chat is solely informational & not a substitute for speaking w/ a doctor who's familiar w/your medical needs & his…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
Hi Becky here from @Cpnervecenter #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat - Bob Tufts, 8+ year myeloma patient, currently 6 months into clinical trial. Same oncologist and team for that entire time.
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
HI everyone! Tatiana from Portland here. Joining my first #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
via buffer: First #patientchat since Feb 2015 that I've missed! Waving hi and sending you all positive energy. Excited to guest mod 10/20
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
Happy, happy Friday #patientchat!! Grace, private cancer patient advocate joining in from NJ. https://t.co/n2DohxaVjw
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@CfEpilepsy Hi Whitney!!! How are you? #PatientChat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@Cpnervecenter Hi Becky! How has your week been? #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@burtrosen @HealthSparq Hi Burt! Long time no see (speak?) #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@GraceCordovano Heck yes! Friday! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is How to Find a Doctor That Listens https://t.co/9qVBNzzqNw
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is How to Find a Doctor That Listens https://t.co/9qVBNzzqNw
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Pls include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
I'm Nicole Rochester, pediatrician, former caregiver to my dad, patient advocate, and founder of @yourgpsdoc. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
Come join us! #patientchat https://t.co/8J1HAWoa7m
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat Hi everyone! Happy to be part of the conversation today
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is How to Find a Doctor That Listens https://t.co/9qVBNzzqNw
@HealthSparq Hey!!!! I’m good! Long time no tweet! ☺️ #PatientChat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@HealthSparq Hi. Great week here minus the chill in the air. #patientchat
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat topic is How to Find a Doctor That Listens https://t.co/9qVBNzzqNw
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@CfEpilepsy I know! I've been terrible the last couple months, back on it for fall! #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
Calling all doctors & nurses! There are so many incredible ones who are taking the time to truly listen, empathize, & care. #patientchat https://t.co/jixPZA7o8H
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Hi Polly. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Amanda #Lupus #Fibro patient/advocate/warrior ready to rock #patientchat despite the ice pack on my wrist.
Sorry a little late, Kim here! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @GraceCordovano: Calling all doctors & nurses! There are so many incredible ones who are taking the time to truly listen, empathize,…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@fireflyrn84 Hi Kim🖑#patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T1: Come prepared for your appt! Speak up. Engage the dr. Take the front seat every single time. You need to drive your appt. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T1 Make written list of questions & topics you'd like 2 discuss in advance. Prioritize so most important concerns are addressed #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T1- You must openly share your concerns with doctors, ask questions, and make sure you understand the answers. #patientchat
gail simmons @jurylady5
RT @GraceCordovano: Calling all doctors & nurses! There are so many incredible ones who are taking the time to truly listen, empathize,…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Hello all. #patientchat was on my mind in a meeting today. Let's find some docs who listen. I'm Shereese here in Maryland. https://t.co/RvxPgbW802
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat burden really lies on the clinician to identify patient's anxieties and communicate appropriately to alleviate such anxiety
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
A1 Make a list, take notes but during the appointment look your HCP in the eyes and connect, engage and share. #patientchat
T1: Make list of ?s before visit, be frank, this is a relationship that needs developed. Let your doc really know your needs #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T1. Always speaking up for yourself and asking questions certainly helps make sure the care is at least personalized! #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@fireflyrn84 Hey stranger! Wouldn't be a chat without you :) #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@fireflyrn84 Morning Kimberly! Happy Friday! #PatientChat
@Cpnervecenter Hey there! #patientchat
T1: Make sure you have some understanding of issues (if you can) and be prepared to ask about new concepts if they can help #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T1: Coming prepared with what you want to discuss before the visit and being persistent to cover those topics during the visit! #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T1 - time is limited, I always come with 5 questions to focus discussion. I will not leave until they are answered @MLIWI
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Hello all. #patientchat was on my mind in a meeting today. Let's find some docs who listen. I'm Shereese here in Ma…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @fireflyrn84: T1: Make list of ?s before visit, be frank, this is a relationship that needs developed. Let your doc really know your nee…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
Know thyself. Being an empowered patient goes a long way toward finding the right care and provider. #patientchat
@GraceCordovano Aww thanks! You too! #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T1 Make certain doc has rec'd all medical records before appointment & research your illness as much as possible prior 2 visit #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A1 Write down your issues in order of importance. Ask for a long enough appt to cover your list #patientchat
@HealthSparq Same to you! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @burtrosen: T1: Make sure you have some understanding of issues (if you can) and be prepared to ask about new concepts if they can help…
T1: always be prepared for your appointments. Bring questions, notes. Listen but also ask questions. Have a two way convo #PatientChat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T1 come to the visit as a whole person with a quality of life, not a collection of symptoms #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Know thyself. Being an empowered patient goes a long way toward finding the right care and provider. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T1: Bring a #carepartner! Having a support person & advocate, especially during difficult conversations, is essential. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Hello all! Mostly lurking today. Looking forward to learning from all of you. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: Bring a #carepartner! Having a support person & advocate, especially during difficult conversations, is essential.…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
There it is... #patientchat the best reason to be an "empowered patient." https://t.co/TM1G0A4lKb
Cannot stress how important this is !!!! #patientchat https://t.co/PuvRR7mF3J
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat Attentive observation peaks curiosity which can improve listening skills...a necessity for optimal healthcare delivery
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T1: We published a list of 15 helpful tips to help you get ready for your next Dr's appt https://t.co/48vQoEmhM8 #patientchat
RT @tatiskomski: T1: Coming prepared with what you want to discuss before the visit and being persistent to cover those topics during the v…
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Know thyself. Being an empowered patient goes a long way toward finding the right care and provider. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @yourgpsdoc: T1- You must openly share your concerns with doctors, ask questions, and make sure you understand the answers. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@melissarvh Being prepared is key! You wouldn't show up to a business meeting unprepared. 1000X more important than any meeting you go to #patientchat
Mary MACK @MaryOCMack
T1: If you don't understand something ask for examples #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: Bring a #carepartner! Having a support person & advocate, especially during difficult conversations, is essential.…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A2 Be concise. Healthcare providers are looking for certain objective, facts more than longwinded explanations. Be honest #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T1 but will the HCPs be willing and able to see patients as people not a collection of symptoms with a list of meds? #PatientChat https://t.co/1tQ9c7L9KP
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@ShereesePubHlth Hey Shereese! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up… #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Know thyself. Being an empowered patient goes a long way toward finding the right care and provider. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @TuftsB: #patientchat T1 - time is limited, I always come with 5 questions to focus discussion. I will not leave until they are answere…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @power4patients: T1: We published a list of 15 helpful tips to help you get ready for your next Dr's appt https://t.co/48vQoEmhM8 #patie
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @power4patients: T1: We published a list of 15 helpful tips to help you get ready for your next Dr's appt https://t.co/48vQoEmhM8 #patie
Quit making Drs and other practitioners schedule 15 minute appointments! You can't listen and answer everything in 15 minutes! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: T1: Make sure you have some understanding of issues (if you can) and be prepared to ask about new concepts if they can help…
Especially with new docs and new diagnosis...this is essential! So much information and you forget things. #patientchat https://t.co/bvTzjs676Y
RT @ShereesePubHlth: Know thyself. Being an empowered patient goes a long way toward finding the right care and provider. #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T1 - whenever there is a conference on a change in treatment, a caregiver's presence is almost mandatory. @MLIWI
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @CfEpilepsy: T1: always be prepared for your appointments. Bring questions, notes. Listen but also ask questions. Have a two way convo…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@LAlupusLady Seems I followed you here, lol #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@TuftsB @MLIWI Preparation is key! Also, knowing next steps & being clear on what to do AFTER you leave the appt is essential #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T1 Want doc to see you has a person, come with good & bad symptoms. People care about people. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @melissarvh: T1 Make certain doc has rec'd all medical records before appointment & research your illness as much as possible prior 2 vi…
Once you have a relationship established, then it is much easier to address the whole person. Initially difficult #patientchat https://t.co/F6jJMCxAlh
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
#DirectPrimaryCare doctors join the #patientchat happening right now by including "#patientchat" in your tweets & replies. 🤓
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @yourgpsdoc: T1- You must openly share your concerns with doctors, ask questions, and make sure you understand the answers. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@JotallyWalksome Reviewing medical history & current meds prior to doctor coming in saves time. Use the time with the nurse to your benefit #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@GraceCordovano #patientchat https://t.co/b0BhyEp14p
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
@DaniScotchIrish #patientchat - and that 15 minutes includes infuriating computer time. Want my doc to look in my eyes, see my fears not a screen @MLIWI
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@burtrosen So true! My Doc is more inclined to try my suggestions when I can back them up with Data #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
T2: number of pts, time for visit, experience with this condition, best communication route, staff coverage when gone, priority #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Great minds chat together. #HITsm #patientchat Happy Friday. https://t.co/6fx3Vb3Jjt
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @fireflyrn84: Once you have a relationship established, then it is much easier to address the whole person. Initially difficult…
RT @DPCNavigator: #DirectPrimaryCare doctors join the #patientchat happening right now by including "#patientchat" in your tweets & replies…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
T2. Its not always just about Qs, its also about personality & seeing if we "click"...that ensures we can work together! #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
@GraceCordovano A #carepartner was so helpful for me. It can be overwhelming that you forget things or your notes become unreadable. #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@fireflyrn84 It definitely takes time to establish a strong relationship. #Patientchat
Mary MACK @MaryOCMack
T2: How familiar are you with rare diseases and the fact that they can be syndromic?#patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
@patientchat T2: How much time do visits last? How long of wait time to see my doctor? Does my doctor offer discounted Rx & lab work? #patientchat #DPC
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T2 How long have you specialized in my condition & how many patients w/ my condition have you treated? #patientchat
@Cpnervecenter @burtrosen I've gone to dr appts with studies pulled up on my phone so that I can show them the research #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T2: Conversation should be natural, discuss what you value. You don't necessarily need answers to get a sense of a good fit. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A2 Be disease specific! If they aren't sure how to treat you will they learn so they can treat u effectively #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
T2: How much time do visits last? How long of wait time to see my doctor? Does my doctor offer discounted Rx & lab work? #patientchat #DPC https://t.co/qp92WmOTcj
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Since my #ptexp in healthcare is a journey as a person wish that the HCPs could understand my concern for QOL and ROM. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @fireflyrn84: Especially with new docs and new diagnosis...this is essential! So much information and you forget things.…
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @HealthSparq: T2. Its not always just about Qs, its also about personality & seeing if we "click"...that ensures we can work together! #…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 what's the docs definition of quality of life? What do they do for fun? #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T2- Ask how they deal with uncertainty. Most docs can handle the common stuff. What do they do when they don't know? #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @HealthSparq: @fireflyrn84 It definitely takes time to establish a strong relationship. #Patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T2 Finding the right oncologist is difficult, We're here to help make this important decision easier https://t.co/9yq3xXxAg5 #patientchat
@HealthSparq BINGO! You usually get that feeling within the first visit or two #patientchat
T2: what they like to read and how they like to learn about new ways to treat people, i want holistic care, not just a pill #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @HealthSparq: T2. Its not always just about Qs, its also about personality & seeing if we "click"...that ensures we can work together! #…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@MaryOCMack So important! Similar to patients opting for particular procedures. Asking how often the dr does the procedure is key. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T2 Interview is also about how attentive doc is & how well he communicates & demonstrates concern/empathy. Just as significant. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @abrewi3010: T2 what's the docs definition of quality of life? What do they do for fun? #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T2 - What is their experience w/the disease? What is menu of treatments? You suggest X, why? What are signs of failure? @MLIWI
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T2: For me, it's more about that gut feeling (no pun intended) I get when talking with a doctor #IBDpuns #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: T2: what they like to read and how they like to learn about new ways to treat people, i want holistic care, not just a pill…
@fireflyrn84 @Cpnervecenter i try to remember to always bring my purple binder with all my test results so that all my docs can see what each other do #patientchat https://t.co/U3ydJO9x19
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@RieOfLetters It can be a lot to process. We've been taught to use the buddy system as children. Then we grew up. Should still apply #patientchat
@abrewi3010 Knowing their hobbies helps to find a common ground and that's a perfect starting point for forming a relationship #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@yourgpsdoc GREAT QUESTION TO ASK! #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @burtrosen: T2: what they like to read and how they like to learn about new ways to treat people, i want holistic care, not just a pill…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @abrewi3010: T2 what's the docs definition of quality of life? What do they do for fun? #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
@fireflyrn84 And that is when you have to decide to stay with them or move on...too much longer & the breakup becomes harder! #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up… #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T2 Are they open to multiple forms of communication? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T2 get the basic info on Dr. online but i ask human questions to engage them get the HCP to "understand" that i am a ePatient. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@tatiskomski Communication is more than verbal. Shared decision making relationship that values the patient's voice requires more than words #PatientChat
@burtrosen @Cpnervecenter Oh I never forget about your binder! I would need a lot of them and aubergine a wagon to pull it with 😊.#patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.? #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @GraceCordovano: @JotallyWalksome Reviewing medical history & current meds prior to doctor coming in saves time. Use the time with t…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @fireflyrn84: @burtrosen @Cpnervecenter Oh I never forget about your binder! I would need a lot of them and aubergine a wagon to…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @LAlupusLady: T2 get the basic info on Dr. online but i ask human questions to engage them get the HCP to "understand" that i am a ePati…
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T2 - problem w/ specialists is that they are brilliant about the disease but not the person - lack communication skills @MLIWI
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @GraceCordovano: @tatiskomski Communication is more than verbal. Shared decision making relationship that values the patient's voice…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@abrewi3010 Different patients have different preferences for communication. Its hard to have a relationship with someone you can't reach #Patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Yes! I want a health care partnership. My provider should be interested in my conditions and be open to learn with me! #patientchat https://t.co/ZGb18h2JEW
[REDACTED USER] @morgan_gleason said it best, focus on what i want to be able to do (for her, ride horses), not just my test results #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @GraceCordovano: @tatiskomski Communication is more than verbal. Shared decision making relationship that values the patient's voice…
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T1 On a doctor visit, take along all your medications prescribed by this doc and other specialists. I need to remember that. #patientchat
Autocorrect everytime...a wagon to pull #patientchat https://t.co/rvg0DY29lr
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
wrist pain is stronger than #patientchat ~ taking a Twitter time out.
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @JKatzaman: T1 On a doctor visit, take along all your medications prescribed by this doc and other specialists. I need to remember that.…
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T3 Respected science-based medical sites are good place 2 begin research, but patient support groups can also provide good info #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@TuftsB @MLIWI Lack #empathy too often too. #patientchat
Kenny @Kenny_pal2
Talk of " #patientchat " on free chat Chat channel https://t.co/sycoW9r9yn
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
#patientchat https://t.co/EFyMWhjo3c
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T3 what is going on with my quality of life at that moment? Does my definition need updating with circumstances? #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 i use the internet to help me prep for HCP appointments and phone calls ~ having the right questions and info is essential. #patientchat
T3: Use nursing resources, medscape, along with friends who are HCP. Find online resources for particular dx and common sense #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T3 - never use Wikipedia. For myeloma, checked with researchers, doctors and sites like MMRF, IMF and Myeloma Beacon. @MLIWI
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T2 Ask doctors what insurance they accept. This is key in case your plan changes, and you have to find another provider. #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A3 I research @ NIH, medscape, mayo, webmd etc & Pt Blogs, which are rich in honest pt info #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T3: Patients must ask for help. Too easy to be mislead by information that isn't evidence-based. Stay away from @goop #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
@GraceCordovano Very true! #PatientChat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat Clinicians... please do become defensive when encountering patients perceived as unpleasant attitude https://t.co/7Z4m4fqc4X
@tatiskomski @melissarvh I'm a human with a story and a life...treat me like that #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T3 Bring summary of information you've found. Discuss w/ your physician whether your research is pertinent 2 your circumstances #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @Cpnervecenter: A3 I research @ NIH, medscape, mayo, webmd etc & Pt Blogs, which are rich in honest pt info #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @melissarvh: T3 Bring summary of information you've found. Discuss w/ your physician whether your research is pertinent 2 your circumsta…
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T3: I use my network of fellow #IBD patients as well as the internet. Being empowered and informed to talk with your dr is key #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @fireflyrn84: @tatiskomski @melissarvh I'm a human with a story and a life...treat me like that #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @tatiskomski: T3: I use my network of fellow #IBD patients as well as the internet. Being empowered and informed to talk with your dr is…
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T3 - and I would never trust a Yelp review of a physician.
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
Love! Patients are more than just numbers or a case to figure out. Make sure that your health care team knows what you value. #patientchat https://t.co/iM52PUwGmd
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
YES!! ⬇️ #PatientChat #WTFix https://t.co/NpXitODgMG
@GraceCordovano @goop and webmd...you will be dead every time... don't look there either! #patientchat
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T3 Talk with friends and family members about issues -- good and bad -- they've had with their docs to prep your own questions. #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T3- Reputable internet sources, medical journals, other patients. #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @HealthSparq: YES!! ⬇️ #PatientChat #WTFix https://t.co/NpXitODgMG
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
[REDACTED USER] LOVE THIS. Saw it when u posted b4 . #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T3 - take charge if your disease, keep journsls, do "homework" between visits to prep. @MLIWI
Patient Chat @patientchat
When #patientchat starts trending we get more spam. Please ignore/report.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T3 Most important tip for patient & caregivers don't be passive. Do your research, ask questions & when you need help, ask us! #patientchat
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@RieOfLetters Yes! Patient is the expert of living w/their diagnosis. Treatment plans may have different meanings & needs from patient vs dr #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @power4patients: T3 Most important tip for patient & caregivers don't be passive. Do your research, ask questions & when you need help,…
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @power4patients: T3 Most important tip for patient & caregivers don't be passive. Do your research, ask questions & when you need help,…
True #patientchat https://t.co/bPYjLmAPyu
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat Avoid the awkwardness.....Learn effective, strategic clinician-patient communication tools https://t.co/L0fzDQOwlH
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patie
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @power4patients: T3 Most important tip for patient & caregivers don't be passive. Do your research, ask questions & when you need help,…
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T4 Ask why? If you don't like the answer then fire them. #PatientChat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@power4patients And if you're too tired to research & ask questions, grab a friend, caregiver, helper etc to assist #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T4 Honestly, I'd likely look 4 new doc. I'm not 1 to be left out of convos about my own life & goals. Doc should b open 2 this. #patientchat
T4: Actually had this happen. I found a med that could ? help symptoms. Neuro said it was a cancer med ... #patientchat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @fireflyrn84: @tatiskomski @melissarvh I'm a human with a story and a life...treat me like that #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T4: Speak to the nurse after the appt. See if they can address your questions w/dr. #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat - Leave. We need access to & choice in care. If your doctor is close mouthed & minded, you are missing treatment options @MLIWI
RT @patientchat: T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patie
RT @melissarvh: T4 Honestly, I'd likely look 4 new doc. I'm not 1 to be left out of convos about my own life & goals. Doc should b open 2 t…
T4...he said I didn't have cancer. I told him to use the "phone a friend" option and talk with oncology. Guess who won? Me! #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T4: I would find a new dr. Your dr should be your advocate and discuss everything possible having to do with your disease #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T4: Recognize that not every doctor patient relationship works out. Sometimes you must get your medical records and move on. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
T4 Often trials fail due to low participation. If you see something; say something. Ask your Dr about clinical trials #patientchat
@GraceCordovano Always ask the nurse ;) #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T4 Beyond finding a new doc, I might search 4 clinical trials (& make contact w/those leading them) & continue my own research. #patientchat
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T4 Ask why the doctor won't discuss new treatments. Trials might be closed. Insurance companies might prohibit discussions. #patientchat
[REDACTED USER] @abrewi3010 Amen! #patientchat
Rhinase @Rhinase_
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
[REDACTED USER] Yes but if possible fire any doc in any system if they don't listen. #Patientchat
Rhinase @Rhinase_
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Rhinase @Rhinase_
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T4 - fortunate my doctor regularly works w/ industry, got me on clinical trial in March. His "conflict" is my benefit. @MLIWI
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T4: It depends on why they don't want to discuss a particular treatment or trial. Ask why and go from there. #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @ShereesePubHlth: T4 Often trials fail due to low participation. If you see something; say something. Ask your Dr about clinical trials…
Rhinase @Rhinase_
RT @patientchat: T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patie
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A4 Ask doctor why they won't discuss it. They'll answer, someway. Then decide what to do.Stay, leave, find new Doc. Report it! #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T4: I contact clinical trial study coordinators. Have had great experiences. They spend the time & point you in right direction #patientchat
Second opinions are always a good idea. Any dr that disagrees, probably shouldn't be on your careteam #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @fireflyrn84: Second opinions are always a good idea. Any dr that disagrees, probably shouldn't be on your careteam #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
If Dr. won't discuss w/ you, you can contact sponsoring org directly & work conversation backwards. Most have a outreach plan #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@ShereesePubHlth I like reaching out to trial study coordinators. Often eager to help. Spend time answering all questions. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up… #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T4 If your Dr isn't open to talking with you, it's time to find a new Dr #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@fireflyrn84 @GraceCordovano YES! I tell all my non nurse friends the same thing! Nurses know! #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T4 - sites are popping up that help connect patients to trials, trying to make process easier. @MLIWI
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @fireflyrn84: @GraceCordovano Always ask the nurse ;) #patientchat
@Cpnervecenter @GraceCordovano You gor that right! #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: Have you ever had to change doctors? If so, how do you do this? #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
@GraceCordovano Exactly. They are sometimes more informed & more willing to discuss than some Drs. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@RieOfLetters Sometimes the patriarchial way of practicing medicine gets in the way of authentic patient care. No fix. Move on #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
@Clara_Health has great resources for clinical trials as well as #NIH too #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
My office sends a review after almost every appt. If i have an issue with doc I relay it EVERY TIME #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@fireflyrn84 Nurses are often the ones who truly "care" for the patient. #patientchat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat Clinicians... please DO NOT become defensive with PATIENTS encounter perceived as unpleasant attitude https://t.co/7Z4m4fqc4X
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @patientchat: T5: Have you ever had to change doctors? If so, how do you do this? #patientchat
HealthSparq @HealthSparq
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
T5: absolutely. when a dr tells you your condition doesn't exist it might be time to find someone new! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T5: Have you ever had to change doctors? If so, how do you do this? #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
If you can't find another doctor near you, try @SherpaaHealth. It's an online #primarycare platform that's relationship-based. #patientchat https://t.co/Vto4dJt0dh
That's why I became a nurse...because I cared #patientchat https://t.co/Ie30bBx3mN
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T5 Yes. Left previous 1 unannounced. Asked 4 recommendations 4 new doc from friends & support groups. Searched online reviews. #patientchat
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @melissarvh: T5 Yes. Left previous 1 unannounced. Asked 4 recommendations 4 new doc from friends & support groups. Searched online revie…
RT @patientchat: T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patie
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat - T5 never changed but didn't want ASCT if possible. Doc helped arrange 2nd opinion, knowing I may leave as patient. @MLIWI
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T5 ask for another referral. #PatientChat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T5: I've changed doctors because of the doc and because of the staff. Review your insurance directory, get personal referrals. #patientchat
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T5 I've changed docs within a network because first doc moved farther away (something I said?). Easy to reconnect locally. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T5: Very straightforward. Go to front desk. Sign medical records request. Decline follow-up appt. #patientchat https://t.co/PudlzWy6eI
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A5 Fired my husbands doc in hospital. I asked the nurse, she handled the rest. Wasn't difficult in Hosp setting #patientchat
Patients’ View Partners (formerly PVI) @PatientVoices
RT @GraceCordovano: T1: Bring a #carepartner! Having a support person & advocate, especially during difficult conversations, is essential.…
Shereese Maynard, MS; MBA @ShereeseMayMba
RT @GraceCordovano: T5: Very straightforward. Go to front desk. Sign medical records request. Decline follow-up appt. #patientchat https:/…
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
@GraceCordovano I absolutely agree, @GraceCordovano! That is one huge reason I am looking for a new rheumatologist. #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
RT @GraceCordovano: T5: Very straightforward. Go to front desk. Sign medical records request. Decline follow-up appt. #patientchat https:/…
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T5: Oh yeah! My entire childhood consisted of Drs telling me I was ok. Thank god for my mom who wouldn't take no for an answer #patientchat
Mary MACK @MaryOCMack
T5: Yes, a few times. I have to great doc's that helped facilitate. I quietly just don't return. #patientchat
T5: I’ve changed doctors multiple times. Ultimately at the end of the day there is a detachment but it’s a business #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 6 (T6:) coming up… #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@tatiskomski Thank God for moms. They are often the secret weapon. #patientchat https://t.co/6rIFLUCAQf
@yourgpsdoc @GraceCordovano My doctor cares a lot. I've worked with so any who also do. But there are ones that aren't there for the right reasons #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
So hard to change docs if u need chronic pain/opioid tx. U get a bit stuck with whoever will help u & may have no other choice #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T5 - under new value rubrics doctors may pawn you off as difficult case: too costly or hurt their scoring. Be careful! @MLIWI
Patient Chat @patientchat
T6: Who else can you go to, beside the doctor, to ask questions, seek information, or lean on? #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
@GraceCordovano I don't know where I would be without her and her persistence #patientchat
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T5 Had to change dentists three times in few years because they stopped accepting insurance. Had to go online to find next doc. #patientchat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @melissarvh: T2 Interview is also about how attentive doc is & how well he communicates & demonstrates concern/empathy. Just as signific…
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@yourgpsdoc @fireflyrn84 💯 many wish for more time with their patients. But there is a different demeanor exhibited. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
T6 Online groups specific 2 illness have been best source of support & info; patient orgs & medical assocs relevant 2 disease. #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
T6: incredible support groups on twitter. Like #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T2: When you are ‘interviewing’ a potential doctor, what questions should you ask them? #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
@burtrosen This, along with my favorite: "are you feeling depressed?" If a provider uses that as a 'go to' instead of listening. Bye! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T5 Many Drs are good but your health is MUCH TOO important to work w/ Dr whom isn't a good fit for you https://t.co/qlTwI4MS1e #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @GraceCordovano: T6: incredible support groups on twitter. Like #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T6: Who else can you go to, beside the doctor, to ask questions, seek information, or lean on? #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
T6: Fellow #IBD patients, friends, and family. Sometimes educating my friends and family is where I learn the most #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
[REDACTED USER] @SherpaaHealth @SherpaaHealth is your personal healthcare advocate at your fingertips They have a network of specialists they can refer you to #patientchat
T6: #patientadvocate, case managers, family, friends, support groups for similar conditions #patientchat
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
T6 Your friends and relatives aren't doctors, but they have experience to tap into. Make their questions your questions to ask. #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A2: I ask potential physicians if they are open to trying new treatment options & if they value my input when making decisions #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
Also, nurses! #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat -T6 Too often we hide our illness. I reached out to my entire network. Didn't just get sympathy, also got great info! @MLIWI
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
[REDACTED USER] @RieOfLetters "That's the way we've always done it". *yawn* #patientchat
[REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @RieOfLetters I actually got asked it I was a munchausen patient!!!! #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
RT @TuftsB: #patientchat -T6 Too often we hide our illness. I reached out to my entire network. Didn't just get sympathy, also got great in…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
A6 Clinic or hosp med director, nurse, #patientchat, online groups, friends, family. Most will help if u ask. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @fireflyrn84: T6: #patientadvocate, case managers, family, friends, support groups for similar conditions #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A1: Make a list of questions for each physician before your visit. Always ask what you can do to help them in-between visits. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
[REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano Yikes! I assume that was the last time you saw that endocrinologist, [REDACTED USER]! #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A2: I ask potential physicians if they are open to trying new treatment options & if they value my input when making d…
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T6 if you have a tribe them. Science sucks, patient stories are much easier to understand and relate too #PatientChat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
@TuftsB @MLIWI We must disrupt stigma of a diagnosis. We have to stop being so embarrassed, ashamed, afraid. Ask for help. People want to help #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T3: What resources do you use to prepare to ask your doctor questions regarding treatment options, genetic testing, etc.?…
[REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @RieOfLetters I asked if they were a munchausen is return 🙄 #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@fireflyrn84 [REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano @RieOfLetters Ugh! Wow. Insulting! #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
T6- Patient advocates, friends and family members, other patients. #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A3: May be taboo, but I google health concerns 1st & then discuss it w/ my patient community. Last step is asking Dr about it #patientchat
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
RT @power4patients: T5 Many Drs are good but your health is MUCH TOO important to work w/ Dr whom isn't a good fit for you https://t.co/qlT…
Kenny @Kenny_pal2
If you chat on the theme " #patientchat " Free chat channel https://t.co/sycoW9r9yn
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat T1: We must overcome our fears and reservations about clinicians in order to improve trust/connect. https://t.co/3FPS3r9bFJ
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A3: Our patient community always has vast knowledge on new symptoms I may be experiencing or treatments I am considering. #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
@fireflyrn84 [REDACTED USER] @GraceCordovano What a thing to ask!! I can't even imagine.... That is horrid. #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
T6 #PatientChat, #hcsm, #wtfix are excellent hashtags to follow for help/advice/friendship
#patientchat https://t.co/IuFgHArVvH
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T4: Say you found out about a new treatment or trial and your doctor won’t discuss it with you. What should you do? #patie
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
[REDACTED USER] @RieOfLetters Sometimes it just doesn't work. There are plenty of drama who want to help and do care. Move on with pride. #patientchat
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
This 💪🏻 #patientchat https://t.co/08br0g2LRp
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
RT @patientchat: T1: What are your tips to make sure you get the best, personalized care every time you see a doctor? #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A4: I have asked old Drs about new treatments when current one wasn't effective. If continuously resistant...time for a new Dr! #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat T6 - off the track, but do any of you use email, texts to communicate? I do on my clinical trial and it is helpful. @MLIWI
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@TiffanyAndLupus I don't think that's taboo at all! Thats just Smart. Patients know specifics and they'll tell u honestly . #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
RT @melissarvh: T6 Online groups specific 2 illness have been best source of support & info; patient orgs & medical assocs relevant 2 disea…
Same boat here! I did ask for one though and it helps...a little...I still do most of the work though he. #patientchat https://t.co/WBaYiXLmN2
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @abrewi3010: T6 #PatientChat, #hcsm, #wtfix are excellent hashtags to follow for help/advice/friendship
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A4: My current doctor & I make compromises. When my levels are consistently stable for x time then we can try something new. #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @yourgpsdoc: T4: Time to move on. I blogged about the 5 signs it's time to fire you doctor. https://t.co/hwoEGyGTv2 #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T5: Have you ever had to change doctors? If so, how do you do this? #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @RieOfLetters: Yes! I want a health care partnership. My provider should be interested in my conditions and be open to learn wit…
Jim Katzaman - Get Debt-Free One Family at a Time @JKatzaman
CT When seeking a doctor who listens, try to find current patients to get their opinions. Mouth-to-mouth referrals are best. #patientchat
CT: Use your gut instincts when choosing a dr. You know your body better than anyone else and don't let them tell it different #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
T6: I have met so many wonderful people online, which is especially helpful with a #RareDisease! I lean on my husband, a lot. #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A5: If u need to change doctors make sure to request your entire medical record (including notes) from them. Illegal to say no! #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
RT @patientchat: T6: Who else can you go to, beside the doctor, to ask questions, seek information, or lean on? #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
CT: It's all about shared decision making = patient is at the center of care, not on the periphery https://t.co/RfqpVcnK4k #patientchat
Kat Quinn, MBA HIT @DPCNavigator
If you want doctor that listens & advocate for your #wellbeing, #DirectPrimaryCare is way to go! i.e. https://t.co/RTCuOTJika #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
[REDACTED USER] @IBDAZDelta Maybe That's why those docs chose colorectal. Not much front end face to face discussion Lol. #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A6: Find an online patient community that you can trust with your health concerns & questions. Many have been where we are b4 #patientchat
Nonye Tochi Aghanya Msc. RN. FNP-C @nonyet777
#patientchat T2: Focus more on the clinician's qualifications, mannerisms, empathy....Not on culture, nationality https://t.co/IawGw2TCrv
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
CT: Looking to for an amazing group of people that supports shared decision making, patient empowerment? Follow & join @S4PM #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
CT Keep it Simple Stupid. Start with your QOL and go. Remember human causes errors/mistakes have human centered answers #PatientChat
AmericasLastChance @BeholdAmerica
RT @DPCNavigator: If you want doctor that listens & advocate for your #wellbeing, #DirectPrimaryCare is way to go! i.e. https://t.co/RTCuOT…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
[REDACTED USER] @TuftsB @MLIWI Yes! I love the email system. Usually it's faster than. Callback. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
CT Find doc who relates & consider switching to 1 who's better fit if you're not satisfied w/ your care & can't resolve issues. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients or @patientchat anytime
Enlightening Results 💡 @GraceCordovano
Thanks for a terrific chat! Til next time #patientchat https://t.co/MynPZjJ3cq
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour #patientchat
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
A6: Patient/health communities I have found helpful: #rheumchat #lupuschat #bcsm #dsma #lcsm #btsm & #patientchat
@Cpnervecenter [REDACTED USER] @TuftsB @MLIWI I use the portal all the time for messages. So much easier #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: Thanks to all for joining our Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour #patientchat
CT: tons of ways to find help & support & to learn more about what you are going through. help teach the Drs too! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: A6: Patient/health communities I have found helpful: #rheumchat #lupuschat #bcsm #dsma #lcsm #btsm & #patientchat
Tatiana Skomski @tatiskomski
CT: Trust yourself and your body! Never feel bad for finding a new dr or speaking up during your appointment! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Join us for the next Empowered #patientchat on Fri October 20th at 1pm ET | 10am PT https://t.co/hM6TvegKBD
Your GPS Doc, LLC @yourgpsdoc
CT- The doctor-patient relationship is a partnership. If you're not an equal partner look for a new doc. #patientchat
#patientchat https://t.co/wfkQ1JnYII
Teens get cancer too @trials4now
Ask -- How many children with this type of cancer have you treated AND What #ClinicalTrials do you have open #patientchat #childhoodcancer https://t.co/K3925qaRhi
Tiffany ⁷ @TiffanyAndLupus
CT: There is an online twitter community for almost every health condition, find yours! 💓 #patientchat
Capricorn - It's Me! @_capricorn_247
Capricorn Tshirt, I Love C... Buy now=> https://t.co/Q0Vx3I1Duu #capricornsweatshirt #capricorncup #capricornhoodie #patientchat https://t.co/x2kDZt36Lb
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: CT: There is an online twitter community for almost every health condition, find yours! 💓 #patientchat
this is always such a human, authentic and caring chat. I love when i can be a part of it! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @yourgpsdoc: CT- The doctor-patient relationship is a partnership. If you're not an equal partner look for a new doc. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats - tweet things of interest to empowered patients with hashtag #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
CT Be honest & concise with Dr. Suggest what u need for good QOL & research all of your options from Doc to treatments to meds #patientchat
Bob Tufts @TuftsB
#patientchat - CT - you are a unique person, not a disease. Find people who will be positive and acknowledge your basic humsnity @MLIWI
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @patientchat: Keep the conversation going between chats - tweet things of interest to empowered patients with hashtag #patientchat
Alan Brewington @abrewi3010
RT @fireflyrn84: @abrewi3010 Knowing their hobbies helps to find a common ground and that's a perfect starting point for forming a relation…
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
@burtrosen Agreed! This chat is SPECIAL! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @burtrosen: this is always such a human, authentic and caring chat. I love when i can be a part of it! #patientchat
CP Nerve Center @Cpnervecenter
RT @TiffanyAndLupus: CT: There is an online twitter community for almost every health condition, find yours! 💓 #patientchat
I got asked to moderate a caregiver/family forum for rare diseases this week...shh it's a secret :) #patientchat
Rie Lopez, MPH (she/her) @RieOfLetters
CT: Be your own best advocate and push for the best care possible. You deserve it! Remember to ask for help when you need it. #patientchat
Melissa VanHouten @melissarvh
RT @RieOfLetters: CT: Be your own best advocate and push for the best care possible. You deserve it! Remember to ask for help when you nee…
#patientchat content from Twitter.