#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Happy to be here #patientchat 🤗
Patient Chat @patientchat
I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’m excited to be moderating the last #patientchat of this crazy year
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs & history. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
Hi #patientchat friends! ❤️ Alexa back again to chat, and change the world with each of our voices. What we do here betters our world.
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Hey there! I’m Carly, an #AYA #thyca patient and #thyca network manager for @power4patients! 🦋#patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@patientchat I’m Nykema from PEN! Grateful to have made it through 2020! Anyone else looking forward to 2021? #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
Hello #patientchat! Vera here from NY. HIM prof. Artist. Poet. Writer. #Patient advocate. #Healthy #longevity strategist.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@carlyflumer Hi Carly! Hope your week went well 😊 #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@malezebra20202 Hi and welcome! Don't forget to use #patientchat in all your tweets so everyone can see :)
Leslie Krongold, EdD @Leslie_GHF
Hi! I'm Leslie from the Glass Half Full Podcast in Northern California. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette & Guidelines, along with past chat transcripts, at https://t.co/mKfy3dIc2W #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@malezebra20202 Welcome! You'll enjoy it! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@ohhiialexa Hi Alexa! It’s always great to have you here ❤️ #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Leslie_GHF #patientchat hi Leslie
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat Hi all. I'm Adam, a #RareDisease patient diagnosed with mitochondrial myopathy & extrinsic restrictive disease. I'm now what I call a #DadVocate...a dad who is also an advocate. Nice to be here with everyone. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
Hello tribe! Casey Q aka the Mighty Mouth here, loud for a living in service of rattling cages/nerves to push healthcare to be more human, less $$-focused. #healthjustice #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat topic is A Year in Review: Looking back on 2020 and Ahead to 2021 https://t.co/zf6pC87BTQ
David Ross @mensraredisease
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat Hi Adam #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@malezebra20202 @patientchat Hi @malezebra20202! Good to see you on the chat. I hope you're doing well. #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat Hi! Diverse Health Hub team here! Looking forward to the last #patientchat of 2020!
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@power4patients Love this community! ❤️ #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat Good thanks first #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2...Please include corresponding T# at front of every answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@malezebra20202 Happy first #patientchat! Happy to have you here and hope you enjoy!
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@MightyCasey Definitely less $$$ focused! Welcome! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat Dadvocate is...#patientchat https://t.co/yUe4yCjlUz
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: For your personal Empowered Patient Year in Review, what are you proud of? What are your goals for 2021? #patientchat https://t.co/O76bwUxkLN
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@MightyCasey Hi Casey! Happy to have you here! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
[REDACTED USER] @power4patients So true! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
[REDACTED USER] Hi Nigel, happy you can join us today 😊 #patientchat
JeffD @PatientPower2
Hello #patientchat! Jeff from Jersey here. #patientempowerment blogger and pharmaceutical marketing researcher.
David Ross @mensraredisease
@patientchat Setting up a rare disease male group via zoom and plan to set one up online for next #Patientchat #T1
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@power4patients Always get here if at all possible! #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Q1: Definitely proud of setting up a support group for #thyca patients with @ohhiialexaband and @ancan501c3! Shameless plug that our first virtual group is next Wednesday! DM us for details 😊 #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@Power2Patient Hi Jeff! Welcome and Happy Friday 😊 #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T1: I am deeply humbled with what I, and the CPAT team at @CancerAdvocacy accomplished this year. Patients belong in the political space, and it was my goal for 2020 to advocate at this level. We were a necessary voice in the #COVID world. #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@carlyflumer @ancan501c3 Sounds great #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T1: "I survived 2020" (well, until Dec. 11, stay tuned for updates) - I think we all deserve a t-shirt. Kept my podcast @hilarious_is going. More podcasting in 2021, and (crosses fingers) actual in-the-room conferences by Q4? Hoping so. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@carlyflumer @ancan501c3 Wow congratulations to all of you — @ohhiialexa and @ancan501c3! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@carlyflumer @ancan501c3 That was going to be my next tweet, LOL!! But yes, we worked on this together for half a year?? (Wow!) and thrilled it’s finally come together. #thycabesties #patientchat
JeffD @PatientPower2
T1: #COVID19 and the #BLM protests led me to research and blog about the lack of #healthequity in our country. #patientchat A lot more to learn in 2021!
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@power4patients @carlyflumer @ancan501c3 Thank you so much! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat That is incredible! Wishing you all the best in 2021! #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@MightyCasey @hilarious_is Let me know if you would like a guest! 😉 #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
RT @carlyflumer: Q1: Definitely proud of setting up a support group for #thyca patients with @ohhiialexaband and @ancan501c3! Shameless plu…
Leslie Krongold, EdD @Leslie_GHF
T1: I'm most proud of 2 online speaking engagements I had the opportunity to do - University of Utah & Canada MD org. '21 Goals: more great podcast episodes, finish my book, continued radical self-care. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
T1: I’m not the best at celebrating/being proud of myself, but I’m the first one to tell others they need to do that themselves. So, thank you for posing the question. It’s been good for me to reflect on what has really been a big year for me, challenges & all. #patientchat 1/2
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
I began really processing my diagnosis from Oct 19, started a Twitter account in July, launched a website/blog to own my story & hopefully help others, was a podcast guest, & have “met” many incredible folks in the #RareDisease community that I’m thankful for. #patientchat 2/2
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@MightyCasey @hilarious_is I would love a t-shirt 😂 #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T1: speaking of @hilarious_is here's the latest ep with one of the most dedicated peer health network builders out there, @theERIKABrown, Founding Mayor of @colontown https://t.co/UJ67c0H441 #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Leslie_GHF Sounds really positive #patientchat
@patientchat Hi! I’m Jill, myeloma patient and patient advocate. Happy to be here! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up... #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Q1: I’m also proud of all the work the PEN managers have done to spread awareness and comfort to other cancer patients. I was there at the conception of the program, & I’m thrilled to see how far it has come! @power4patients #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@JillZitzewitz @patientchat Hi Jill! Happy to have you here 🤗 #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @carlyflumer: Q1: I’m also proud of all the work the PEN managers have done to spread awareness and comfort to other cancer patients. I…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: Is there something you wish you did differently this year? Do you have plans to try something new in 2021? #patientchat https://t.co/RydCxlCBu7
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @carlyflumer: Q1: I’m also proud of all the work the PEN managers have done to spread awareness and comfort to other cancer patients. I…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@carlyflumer Wow, Carly — yes, I completely agree! Our Network Manager program continues to flourish and we are so grateful to all of you!! #patientchat Interested in learning more about our Network Managers? https://t.co/4Bs6fRlPat
Andrea @BraveBosom
RT @MightyCasey: T1: speaking of @hilarious_is here's the latest ep with one of the most dedicated peer health network builders out there,…
T1: I’m most proud of my efforts taking over as leader of our local multiple myeloma support group this year. For next year, my goal is to use my science skills to advocate for #myeloma patients. #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@patientchat #T2 #patientchat yes didn't give myself a break from patient advocacy as feel the work never ending but I need time to focus on myself to be a better person
Leslie Krongold, EdD @Leslie_GHF
No regrets but I am slowly learning more about SEO and other social media platforms. There's always so much to learn and so little time when #selfcare is critical. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T2: I did the best I could in 2020, and I am satisfied with what I was able to accomplish with the constraints of COVID, and the sheer mental fatigue from it all. Goals for 2021: Keep on truckin’ 🤠 #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat I like this #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@patientchat T2: Personally, I wish I learned to say “no” this year. Throughout the pandemic, as tasks piled up, I didn't take enough time for myself. In 2021, I’ll be learning more about mindfulness at our PEN-Powered Guided Meditation. Register here: https://t.co/ql5CLv1zZ9 #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: I think (at least since March 11) we've ALL had to do things differently - networking has been tough, Zoom's OK but not anywhere near as effective as f2f interaction. AFA 2021 goes, I'll just keep on making noise/causing trouble in service of #healthjustice #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Leslie_GHF So true about #selfcare #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @carlyflumer: Q1: Definitely proud of setting up a support group for #thyca patients with @ohhiialexaband and @ancan501c3! Shameless plu…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@power4patients @carlyflumer I am very glad to have my network manager on speed dial!! Love you so much, Carly!! 🥰 ❤️ 🦋 #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@ohhiialexa @power4patients All the love to you, girl ❤️❤️ #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@MightyCasey @hilarious_is Love all of this! And yes, in-the-room conferences would be nice! I started my advocacy venture during the pandemic. I'd love to meet all of you amazing people in person sometime (although you all might not feel the same after experiencing my shenanigans in person!). #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T2: Planning on returning to something I've loved since I was 16yo (in 1969, for those playing at home) - going to get my scuba gear sorted out, and start diving again. Haven't gotten bottom time since cancer dx ... IN 2007. It's time =) #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@JillZitzewitz Congratulations Jill! You will definitely meet that goal for next year! #patientchat
T2: I have no regrets for 2020. I’m happy I accomplished all I did! For 2021, I plan to continue to develop my patient advocacy skills to help #myeloma patients. #mmsm #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@RareDiseaseDad @hilarious_is Shenanigans? #patientchat https://t.co/M1A6QQyfL6
David Ross @mensraredisease
@RareDiseaseDad @MightyCasey @hilarious_is I'd so love to meet a fellow rd dad such as you #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@ohhiialexa Keep on truckin’ I love that! We have to keep on pushing! Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store! #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Q2: Probably not taking enough time for my mental health, but I’m rounding out the year doing just that! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat In the words of Michael Scott from The Office “Gotta Keep the Troops Entertained!” 😂 #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up... #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@MightyCasey @RareDiseaseDad @hilarious_is The #patientchat in person party...will need NDA’s for the level of shenanigans! 😂😂😂
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@MightyCasey @hilarious_is Hahaha! That’s my point. 😂 I’d love to meet you, but have I? ⬇️ https://t.co/0o1p7eHmZ0
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T1: 2020 - No regrets. Several accomplishments including joining and participating in Breast Cancer United and helping create AHIMA's consumer engagement strategy. Goals 2021 - Keep on. Find more ways to advocate for #healthequity. @chisite #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: Which healthcare trends were important to you in 2020? What trends would you like to see gain momentum? #patientchat https://t.co/UggoU8a03u
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@DHealthhub Keep on Truckin’ and Use the Force!! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T3: Health Disparities!! And it is up to all of us to keep that conversation going in 2021. It’s NOT okay! #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@patientchat #patientchat #T3 #mentalhealth #chronicpain are two areas that need more focus on for next year. More support and lack of awareness in these 2 areas
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T2: 2020 has been difficult to say the least. I would have found ways to stay engaged (which has been a challenge). 2021 - I will be finding virtual ways to help the cause! You ain't seen nothing yet! #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T3: Digital literacy was a big one this year especially due to COVID-19. I’m happy we were able to launch our virtual version of digital sherpa™, Digitally Empowered™. This course helps lessen the digital divide among older patients. #patientchat https://t.co/6CLfJzxGlH
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@ohhiialexa 😂😂😂 yes, we can’t forget about the force #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
A1. #patientchat I'm proud I'm ending the yr in a better mental place then I started w I'm working on ME & doing what I need 2 do 2 b someone who doesn't just exist as a patient but lives! In 2021 Im going 2 break the boundaries of what I thought my body could do w this disease
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T2: Initially, I was thinking I wish I would've started advocating earlier in 2020. But, I don't think that's fair to the me from a few months ago, so I'm okay with it. It's a journey, & I wasn't ready to jump in until I did. I will hone in on my goals more in 2021. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T3: Ripping the curtain off every single part of America's lack of social contract - #blacklivesmatter, #healthjustice, #healthequity That some inside the ivory tower are listening = hopeful sign. https://t.co/uj9kgYrM8s #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Purrfectly_Rare Sounds hopeful #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
A2. #patientchat I can't say I would change anything bc I believe I needed 2 go down the path I did 2 reach where I am now. I have plans 2 try EVERYTHING new in 2021...when it is safe to do so
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T3: Health equity. Social determinants. Diversity in clinical trail participants! #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @power4patients: T3: Digital literacy was a big one this year especially due to COVID-19. I’m happy we were able to launch our virtual v…
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Purrfectly_Rare I'd love to come back to the USA and meet you as soon as it is possible #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@patientchat T3: Not everyone is getting the same out healthcare. Period. This has been a long standing trend that has been greatly exacerbated this year! Our fight will continue for #HealthEquityforALL #patientchat
JeffD @PatientPower2
@power4patients Very discouraging that only 12% of Americans can obtain the info they need to make basic decisions about their care. Kudos to #PEN on your efforts to boost that number. #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
RT @DHealthhub: @patientchat T3: Not everyone is getting the same out healthcare. Period. This has been a long standing trend that has be…
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@vrulon Hey Vera - you a member of @_DiMeSociety? #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @Power2Patient: @power4patients Very discouraging that only 12% of Americans can obtain the info they need to make basic decisions about…
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
A3. #patientchat I think we need 2 reimagine #telehealth. I think we r learning that 4 some areas of medicine it can be an amazing tool, but doesn't translate well in others. We have 2 remember this isn't a 1 size fits all option I also like the idea of hybrid conferences.
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
Q3: I think covid showed the nuances of healthcare that need to be addressed now rather than later: #healthequity, #healthdisparities, diversity in #clinicaltrials, and #telehealth. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @DHealthhub: @patientchat T3: Not everyone is getting the same out healthcare. Period. This has been a long standing trend that has be…
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@Power2Patient Thank you! We are trying and we are not giving up any time soon! Everyone deserves to have all information needed to make the best decisions and achieve #BetterCancerCare #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up... #patientchat
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@patientchat #patientchat 2020 proud: earning 3 awards when I was sooo sick most of the year #ValleyFever Still made a difference to someone. 2021 goals: live life to the fullest in each moment without guilt of what I can/cant do.
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@DHealthhub @patientchat #patientchat https://t.co/kp3N8R934P
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@MightyCasey @_DiMeSociety No, not. Am familiar with their work on digital via one of my clients. How do I join? #patientchat
Terry Wilcox @Terrilox
RT @Purrfectly_Rare: A3. #patientchat I think we need 2 reimagine #telehealth. I think we r learning that 4 some areas of medicine it can b…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: We want to hear from you! What topics are you passionate about and would like to hear more of in 2021? #patientchat https://t.co/xlQTPDA9Ke
T3: Zoom & other web-based platforms have allowed support groups to keep meeting, patients to work safely with flexibility, and patients to seek health care remotely. Let’s hope the good parts of our virtual world help patients even after this pandemic ends. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
@BarbyIngle @patientchat Congratulations on your awards! I hope you achieve all your 2021 goals and more! #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
@malezebra20202 @patientchat Yes! #mentalhealth & #chronicpain are 2 important topics. But I'm happy 2 see that mental health is finally getting some spotlight. #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@BarbyIngle @patientchat That's sounds a good mindset about 20201 goals #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@Purrfectly_Rare Excellent point. #Telehealth actually includes a myriad of digital health - #AI etc. etc. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
@vrulon @_DiMeSociety Here ya go! It's under $50/yr (IIRC it's $30) - Slack channels are really good, they do webinars and journal clubs and all sorts of other stuff. https://t.co/IOWR5fGM1q
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @carlyflumer: Q3: I think covid showed the nuances of healthcare that need to be addressed now rather than later: #healthequity, #health
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T4: Health equity. Health equity. Health equity. Health equity. Oh, did I mention health equity? #patientchat
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
#patientchat T2: In 2020 I wish I had paid more attention to my pharmacogenomic results before Nov. I could of got help faster with less side effects. Now I know, 2021... and beyond, I will be paying full attention!
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Purrfectly_Rare @patientchat Yes #mentalhealth finally getting some attention but the consistency needs to be there with this #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@JillZitzewitz Yes, it’s so important to stay connected 🤍 #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
[REDACTED USER] Hummm...ideas I never thought of 🤔 I guess I want to try everything that I once thought I couldn't do because of my condition. I need to learn what I am actually limited on vs. what fear has been stopping me from doing. So, no harming of hamsters I promise! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T4: Thyroid Cancer is CANCER. I will not stop shouting this in 2021. BAN “GOOD CANCER” for everyone who is labeled as such!! We need to have dialogue about terms/language around disease. #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
Several mentioned already: #healthequity #SDOH Reaching #underserved more effectively, #clinicaltrials: diversity/inclusion, decentralized and hybrid #patientsincluded #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
Sensing a theme here :)
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T3 #patientchat In 2020 I saw telehealth pick up and be covered by most insurances. It will be here to stay. This is something I had since 2015, but to see it go mainstream is great! Too bad it took covid to reset the system, but a positive out of the negative.
David Ross @mensraredisease
@ohhiialexa Yes totally with you on this one #patientchat my mother had a rare disease but passed away due to #thyroidcancer
T4: For 2021, I’d like to see a continued focus on addressing health care disparities and advocating for diversity in clinical trials because ever patient should have equal access to care. #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T3: Telehealth. I think this is a trend now (maybe it already was?)...I just didn't know about it before. Time is a blur...from "normal" to symptoms in Mar 19' to diagnosis in Oct 19' rocked my world, then the pandemic. I didn't know how much I'd need & depend on it. #patientchat
Carly Flumer (she/her) @carlyflumer
@ohhiialexa Shout it for the people in the back, aka #MedTwitter #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@vrulon Diversity in clinical trials is a huge one and goes hand in hand with addressing medical mistrust! #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
@DHealthhub Yes! Completely agree. @RickiDOVE #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@malezebra20202 I’m so sorry for your loss, and I will never stop advocating for people like her 💜🦋 #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
#patientchat Oopsie this is me!🤦‍♀️ Hey everyone I'm Marni from NY. I'm a #RareDisease & #ChronicPain / #chronicillness patient/advocate But aren't most patients advocates in one way or another?
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
T4: Would love to hear more patients + caregivers share their stories. Shared stories bring hope + encouragement to others. It gives the extra push to seek that second or third opinion. There's no guilt in doing what’s best for YOU #patientchat Share your story with us at PEN!
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @JillZitzewitz: T4: For 2021, I’d like to see a continued focus on addressing health care disparities and advocating for diversity in cl…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Last Topic (T5:) coming up... #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @JillZitzewitz: T4: For 2021, I’d like to see a continued focus on addressing health care disparities and advocating for diversity in cl…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: How can we empower others and get more people involved? What can we do to foster collaboration? #patientchat https://t.co/gL7QCwoi7G
David Ross @mensraredisease
@ohhiialexa Thanks yeah 5 years ago on the 28th December she passed away. Every Christmas time has been tough but got to keep advocating #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
@JillZitzewitz Agree with ALL of this Jill! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
"Shameless plug" sucess! Anybody interested in a #thyca support group see below:
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
[REDACTED USER] I am so sorry you experienced that! 😢 I don’t like comparison game or, what I call “The Suffering Olympics”. Chronic and rare diseases suck, cancer sucks, THERE IS ENOUGH COMPASSION TO GO AROUND!! You don’t need a label for something to SUCK! #patientchat
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
@patientchat Thanks for the # assist. #patientchat 😁
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @ohhiialexa: T4: Thyroid Cancer is CANCER. I will not stop shouting this in 2021. BAN “GOOD CANCER” for everyone who is labeled as such!…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@carlyflumer THYROID CANCER IS CANCER!! #patientchat https://t.co/TKuI1xZc6D
Spencer Health Solutions @spencerhealth
Never stop pushing. Share, promote, and explain. Education never ends. #PatientChat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
T5: Build trust by reaching out, networking, especially locally - the grass roots - healthcare is personal. Collaboration needs to happy outside the #healthcare system too. #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
A4. #patientchat I am passionate about cats & football, but I doubt either would make great topics 🤣 I think the chats have been great about addressing current issues. I think I'd like to see that stay & have topics dictated by the needs at the time....or there is always cats.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @vrulon: T5: Build trust by reaching out, networking, especially locally - the grass roots - healthcare is personal. Collaboration needs…
David Ross @mensraredisease
@patientchat That's a tough one. I personally think encourage patients to speak about their health and build bridges with all stakeholders to drive patient needs forward. Easier said than done but just got to keep digging deep to push along #patientchat
Coach Bonnie @CoachBon
RT @JillZitzewitz: T4: For 2021, I’d like to see a continued focus on addressing health care disparities and advocating for diversity in cl…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
T5: Be supportive and welcoming! No cliques or hierarchies, playing on the same team instead of us vs them. #patientchat
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
RT @vrulon: T5: Build trust by reaching out, networking, especially locally - the grass roots - healthcare is personal. Collaboration needs…
Dennis Fortier @BrainToday
A particular challenge, and added obstacle, for patients with memory impairing disorders, is the accompanying stigma of their condition. More open education and discussion is the only path forward through that unnecessary murk... #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@Purrfectly_Rare I too am passionate about cats! #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T4: I'm new-ish here, so perhaps this has been discussed before, but I'd like to hear more about general advocacy. Maybe focus on specific advocates/causes occasionally. While I LOVE parents of #Rare kiddos, I'd like to focus on parenting as a #RareDisease patient. #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ohhiialexa: [REDACTED USER] I am so sorry you experienced that! 😢 I don’t like comparison game or, what I call “The Suffering Olympics”.…
Barby Ingle Official @BarbyIngle
T5 #patientchat People have 2b ready for change, which is hard. If someone is ready encourage them 2 do their thing, even if its different from ur thing. We have to be ok w knowing not every1 will agree w us and that doesn't make us or them bad. Diversity improves collaboration.
Diverse Health Hub @DHealthhub
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Agree with this 100% We find strength and inspiration through shared experiences! Events like this remind people that they are not alone! #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@RareDiseaseDad @patientchat This is a very good point! #patientchat https://t.co/FVqjJ5FkLN
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
[REDACTED USER] Excellent idea! HCPs can learn from us, too! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @ohhiialexa: T4: Thyroid Cancer is CANCER. I will not stop shouting this in 2021. BAN “GOOD CANCER” for everyone who is labeled as such!…
T5: Sharing our story, sharing resources and knowledge, building community and walking side-by-side with others are good ways to empower other patients to be their own best advocates. 💙💜💚 #patientchat
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T4 (cont.): Also more personally, I'd like to discuss Long Term Disability plans, & SSDI connections. I'm grappling with a lot of thoughts & happenings here, & it's incredibly difficult. I hope to be a resource here & would be curious to see how it's impacted others. #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @JillZitzewitz: T5: Sharing our story, sharing resources and knowledge, building community and walking side-by-side with others are good…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@Purrfectly_Rare Sasha and Dewey say “Meow Hi meoooww!” 😺 #patientchat https://t.co/jyBrUYafIq
@patientchat A3: Environment and autoimmune medication access. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
[REDACTED USER] Yes! We must support each other, because no matter what, we all deal with suck! #patientchat
David Ross @mensraredisease
@aprilm2011 @patientchat Agree #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @power4patients: T3: Digital literacy was a big one this year especially due to COVID-19. I’m happy we were able to launch our virtual v…
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@BarbyIngle Preach, Barby! 💚 #patientchat
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
CT: I am glad to hear that we have low to no regrets about 2020. This was a year with many challenges, and I feel like we still all contributed a lot in advocacy. Proud of each and every single one of you! #patientchat
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
CT: Although 2020 may have derailed each of us in some way, it was also a learning experience that we are resilient & passionate! 2021 will bring renewed focus on issues that were amplified in 2020: #healthequity, #clinicaltrials diversity, #SODH, the list goes on! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @ohhiialexa: CT: I am glad to hear that we have low to no regrets about 2020. This was a year with many challenges, and I feel like we s…
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
A.5 #patientchat I think we empower others by listening 2 their experiences & not dismissing.Even if they r dif than ours.We need more #empathy & #kindness Collaboration can b born from necessity or trust & we must b careful 2 not break trust,even when its given out of necessity
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat T5: I feel like sharing & owning our own stories helps. The more we can do this, in whatever way is best for us, the better (in my opinion). Joining communities like these has been very helpful & empowering for me, & encourages me when I'm down. So, spread the love! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thanks to all for joining today’s Empowered #patientchat. We'll tweet out the transcript about 15min past the hour.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @Purrfectly_Rare: A.5 #patientchat I think we empower others by listening 2 their experiences & not dismissing.Even if they r dif than o…
David Ross @mensraredisease
@Purrfectly_Rare Well said #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
Just catching the end of #patientchat but loved hearing about everyone's accomplishments and goals. Sending love and light to all.
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients or @patientchat anytime.
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: #patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients or @patientchat anytime.
Patient Chat @patientchat
Thank you all for a great year of #patientchat! There will be no chat on 12/25 due to the holidays. We hope to see you again in 2021!
Vera Rulon FAHIMA @vrulon
Another fabulous #patientchat! Thanks for having me. Looking forward to 2021 and more chatting!!!
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
T5: That digital outreach thing you sent me this week is great - will set that up to fly around (via my Hootsuite dashboard) starting this weekend. #patientchat
Mighty #HeathenSlut Casey🇺🇦🌟 @MightyCasey
RT @patientchat: #patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients or @patientchat anytime.
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @RareDiseaseDad: @patientchat T5: I feel like sharing & owning our own stories helps. The more we can do this, in whatever way is best f…
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@Purrfectly_Rare Awwwwww! 🥺 ADORABLE!! 😍#patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @Purrfectly_Rare: A.5 #patientchat I think we empower others by listening 2 their experiences & not dismissing.Even if they r dif than o…
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @JillZitzewitz: T5: Sharing our story, sharing resources and knowledge, building community and walking side-by-side with others are good…
Patient Chat @patientchat
If you have a topic in mind for a future #patientchat or would like to be a guest host in 2021, please let us know! :)
CT: In my 1st #patientchat, I am reminded that I can use my voice to help other #myeloma patients. I’m excited to find new ways to continue to advocate for patients in 2021, and I’m grateful for this community of patient advocates, who are teaching me so much! 💚🌻💜 #mmsm
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats - tweet things of interest to empowered patients with hashtag #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
Happy Holidays everyone! See you all soon in 2021! #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
Yess! There is no us v them- or at least there shouldn't be. We all have a place in the community! #patientchat
Christina Lizaso @btrfly12
RT @power4patients: Happy Holidays everyone! See you all soon in 2021! #patientchat https://t.co/UyM5HMvFYd
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@patientchat CT: Celebrate the successes, allow yourself to feel the emotions you have, lean into the communities that are so supportive (such as #patientchat), keep advocating, keep seeking & providing support. We are #StrongerTogether & that will continue to be the case. Thank you all! 💚
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
I can't believe it needs to be said There is NO good #cancer There is NO good #RareDisease There is NO good #chronicillness We need to #support each patient and their family. PERIOD! #patientchat
Spoon Central 🦓🥄 @spoon_central
RT @Purrfectly_Rare: I can't believe it needs to be said There is NO good #cancer There is NO good #RareDisease There is NO good #chronicil
Adam Johnson - DadVocate @RareDiseaseDad
@malezebra20202 @MightyCasey @hilarious_is Thanks, @malezebra20202! https://t.co/96hc6BGiOe
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
Ct: #patientchat I realize there r so many more ppl out there like me. Who want 2 help & show #support 2 those who r suffering the most Sometimes I need a reminder that there's more good than bad,more alike than different & more hope than despair when we unite This=that reminder
Alexa Jett 🦋 @ohhiialexa
@Purrfectly_Rare And chronic/rare vs cancer battles have to stop, especially from outsiders belittling people by comparison! One of my friends is an MS advocate, and we are so much more alike than different! #patientchat
Marni Cartelli @Purrfectly_Rare
Yesss! We are so much alike! We should be each other's greatest allies but I think, like you said, the outside world messes that up. We need to put in earplugs & then work together! #patientchat
#patientchat content from Twitter.