#patientchat Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #patientchat hashtag.
See #patientchat Influencers/Analytics.

Patient Chat @patientchat
You can find the topics we’ll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat with Amanda, @LALupusLady: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv
Patient Chat @patientchat
Welcome to #patientchat - where patients, care partners, and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Put on your favorite tunes and join @patientchat now! #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we’ll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat with Amanda, @LALupusLady: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: You can find the topics we’ll cover on today’s Empowered #patientchat with Amanda, @LALupusLady: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv
Patient Chat @patientchat
We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat
@patientchat Hi! I'm Victoria and I have #depression with a seasonal pattern and #ADHD. #PatientChat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat Hey! I'm Jemela! Very happy to be back for another #patientchat!
Patient Chat @patientchat
@aggievic14 Hi Victoria! Glad you could join today's #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Excited to have Amanda, @LaLupusLady joining our #patientchat today!
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
I am so excited to join @patientchat for an Empowered #PatientChat on #Music and #MentalHealth today.
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: Excited to have Amanda, @LaLupusLady joining our #patientchat today!
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] @LAlupusLady Hi Annie-Danielle! Welcome back! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Please continue intros and welcomes. I’ll share a couple “ground rules" :) #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: I’m Kara from @power4patients and I’m looking forward to today’s #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@patientchat ✨🌟🙌🏻🌟✨ #PatientChat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @Memej99: @patientchat Hey! I'm Jemela! Very happy to be back for another #patientchat!
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's chat is solely informational and not a substitute for speaking with a doctor who's familiar with your medical needs and history #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: @aggievic14 Hi Victoria! Glad you could join today's #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: We start out with introductions - Those joining in, please take a moment to introduce yourself. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@Memej99 Hi Jamela, Happy Friday! #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: Here’s an article with more tips for participating in tweet chats: https://t.co/5JyoTGvZvH #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
You can view our Chat Etiquette and Guidelines at https://t.co/XO3X3JyAcV #patientchat
Tinu Abayomi-Paul aka Empress of Twerk. NO DMs @Tinu
RT @patientchat: New to tweet chats? Follow hashtag #patientchat and include it in every tweet during the next hour. You can engage with ot…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Today's #patientchat is “What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?” Topics: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv https://t.co/VwfSYxKXEo
Jed Finley @JediMaster941
Im Jed. Ankylosing Spondylitis patient leader and advocate. Im popping in during my lunch break. Ready to chat with some patients! #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat is “What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?” Topics: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv https://t.c…
Patient Chat @patientchat
@JediMaster941 Hi Jed! Welcome to #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Today's #patientchat is “What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?” Topics: https://t.co/s2y9xyFUQv https://t.c…
Patient Chat @patientchat
I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpful #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] Hi Nigel! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Healthy and happy #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth celebrating the power of #Music on #PatientChat today… and always.
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: I will introduce new Topics with T1, T2... Please include corresponding T# at front of answer - hard to remember but helpf…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start our topics. Here comes T1: #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @JediMaster941: Im Jed. Ankylosing Spondylitis patient leader and advocate. Im popping in during my lunch break. Ready to chat with some…
Patient Chat @patientchat
T1: Do you consider music to play a big role in your mental health or daily life? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Hi I am Amanda, a #Lupus warrior living with fibromyalgia too. Thrilled to share with the #patientchat community today.
T1: Absolutely music plays a big role. Certain genres help lift my mood, or focus throughout the day. #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T1 I believe that music plays a role on my #MentalHealth I know that certain songs can improve my mood, reduce stress and transform my state of mind. #PatientChat when you live with chronic pain #MusicMatters https://t.co/BXFH4pnJbi
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat T1: Music plays a HUGE role in my daily life & my #mentalhealth! I love music & listen to it daily. It helps me thru my toughest days, whether it's pain, missing my deceased friends, it uplifts me in my lowest moments. Listening to music can change your whole outlook #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @Memej99: @patientchat T1: Music plays a HUGE role in my daily life & my #mentalhealth! I love music & listen to it daily. It helps me t…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Memej99: @patientchat T1: Music plays a HUGE role in my daily life & my #mentalhealth! I love music & listen to it daily. It helps me t…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 2 (T2:) coming up... #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T2: What is your favorite song at the moment and how does it make you feel? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T2: What is your favorite song at the moment and how does it make you feel? #patientchat
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T2: What is your favorite song at the moment and how does it make you feel? #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@LAlupusLady @leefrostwrites Yes! We would love to check them out #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T2 My song of the moment is @ladygaga ‘s “Hold My Hand” it touches my heart and soothes my soul. The music has an emotional tone that empowers me. The impact of great lyrics and talented musicians usually improves my mood. Illustration by [REDACTED USER] #PatientChat https://t.co/aW459RQnBL
Patient Chat @patientchat
[REDACTED USER] Listening to this now, thanks for sharing! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T2 Bonus during #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth is that @ladygaga dropped the video, one hour ago… so right now I am proof that #Music impacts #MentalHealth #PatientChat fun!
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat T2: One of my favorite songs right now is "As I Am" by H.E.R. It's an upbeat, empowering song that I listen to when waking up that makes me feel happy & ready to take on the day! Empowering songs are my favorites. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @Memej99: @patientchat T2: One of my favorite songs right now is "As I Am" by H.E.R. It's an upbeat, empowering song that I listen to wh…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Big #PatientChat yes. https://t.co/7eIf2cZ0rD
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@JediMaster941 Thank You so much. #PatientChat 💓
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
[REDACTED USER] [REDACTED USER] Accentuate the positive. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 3 (T3:) coming up... #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T3: Do you think music can be used as a coping mechanism? If so, how? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T3: Do you think music can be used as a coping mechanism? If so, how? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T3 The power of music is that it can lift a patient’s mood as well as relieve pain AND at the same time remind us of memories. Songs are therapeutic and help me cope. #Music makes good days better and hard days easier during #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth and beyond. #PatientChat https://t.co/zu24fqTYvj
Patient Empowerment Network @power4patients
RT @patientchat: T3: Do you think music can be used as a coping mechanism? If so, how? #patientchat
@patientchat T1: absolutely! Different music for Different moods. Sometimes loud and shout (metal) and sometimes soothing and calm. Ska punk for cleaning (upbeat). I NEED music in my life #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @LouWaters_QI: @patientchat T1: absolutely! Different music for Different moods. Sometimes loud and shout (metal) and sometimes soothing…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: T3 The power of music is that it can lift a patient’s mood as well as relieve pain AND at the same time remind us of memor…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat T3: Yes, because I use music as a coping mechanism all the time. It's gotten me thru #sicklecell crises & times of grief & #depression. Music can uplift & inspire you. You can hear a song and it can bring you back to a beautiful memory and change your whole outlook. #patientchat
SickleCellProdigy @SCProdigy
Totally agree with you Amanda @LAlupusLady
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat A1: Absolutely! Music is so important for me to function for the most part. It's on a majority of the time. A former housemate knocked on my door once to check if I was alive because he didn't hear any because it is on THAT much. #patientchat
@LAlupusLady @ladygaga [REDACTED USER] Just asked Alexa to play it, thanks 😊 #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@StrongerThanT1D Hi Cayla! Thanks for stopping by #patientchat
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat Hey there. I'm late to this but I'm a freelance journalist who writes about mental health (coming up!), death, politics, social advocacy, & sometimes even fun stuff because, well uh heavy stuff deserves balance. You can read my work here: https://t.co/DaMTwYByLW #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Sometimes music and @bobmarley songs inspire me to share my advocate voice. #PatientChat https://t.co/KjHwLS1v8x
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 4 (T4:) coming up... #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
@Scandalous Hi Jennifer, thanks for joining in today! #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T4: What ways can we incorporate music into patient care? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T4: What ways can we incorporate music into patient care? #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T4 @patientchat #Music can be used used in healthcare treatment-specifically as a tool to relax patients before and during procedures (from lab work to major surgery) and as an supplement to traditional medications to reduce anxiety and stress. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
RT @LAlupusLady: T4 @patientchat #Music can be used used in healthcare treatment-specifically as a tool to relax patients before and during…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T4 Recently had oral surgery and the DDS asked me if I had a musical choice or playlist that we could listen to during the procedure? The #Music helped me relax and eased my anxiety. #PatientChat https://t.co/lE3JvDoRXF
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T4 whether at home or in the hospital, people (patients!) can “use music” to easily and almost immediately shift their mood and improve their state of mind. #PatientChat https://t.co/Kypx8theEn
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat T2: I've been listening to Goo Goo Dolls- Name which is on a playlist to remember my deceased sister Jessica Giannerini (Thomas). It's not my favorite but it thematic for the moment as I'm working on a book about her & other loved deceased. Say their names! ❤️🖤🪦#patientchat
@patientchat T4. an funny example was when I was in therapy for OCD. My therapist joked about the song by MC Hammer "Can't Touch This". I went home, whacked it on loud and on repeat and my pure stubbornness meant I was unusually productive.... like "oh yes I can" #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @LouWaters_QI: @patientchat T4. an funny example was when I was in therapy for OCD. My therapist joked about the song by MC Hammer "Can'…
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat I also have moments of silence too! It's so silly how sometimes these little things help us process. I'm so glad that you've found yours & that it serendipitously overlaps with mine a bit. #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: T4 @patientchat #Music can be used used in healthcare treatment-specifically as a tool to relax patients before and during…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Need to add #Music to the prep for procedures! If it works… and it does I’m in. #PatientChat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat T4: By incorporating things like individual music playlists for patients, starting music therapy as a part of their treatment. It's clear that music is healing and that would be great for patients. It would especially be helpful in surgeries like @LAlupusLady said! #patientchat
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat It is, but it's also important work for me. My sister Jessica was unfortunately lost to domestic abuse. I would link my published work about her but I don't want to upset folks because it's heavy. Thank you for the hugs. This is pulling a lot out of me to do. #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
Topic 5 (T5:) coming up... #patientchat
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat Thank you for the lovely discussion today. Sorry, I'm late. I'm so grateful to see things on my timeline with this @LAlupusLady #patientchat
Cayla @StrongerThanT1D
T4 I would have to think more about this one but definitely finding ways to patients are able to listen to music in a variety of healthcare settings (I don’t mean loud music that could disturb other patients, just for them if they want to but to be given a choice.) #patientchat
Patient Chat @patientchat
T5: If you have a go-to music playlist, leave it in the replies below! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: T5: If you have a go-to music playlist, leave it in the replies below! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
T5 “What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. Stand a little taller.” @kellyclarkson ‘s anthem is an empowering song suitable for a @patientchat playlist. #PatientChat https://t.co/ZrNsbzV5cp
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat T3: Yep! Music is incorporated into therapy. I've been thinking about this a lot & am considering writing about it. I know of several folks who have used music as a way to navigate things with or without a professional therapist. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Not a playlist, there are too many to pick from but thought I would share a few resources on #Music and #MentalHealth for the @patientchat community. https://t.co/vLgnQLbkf8 https://t.co/t5APZTEQ8q https://t.co/VnxYTqEvvH https://t.co/TiHjTCqjXr #PatientChat https://t.co/buZQSlxr0O
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
[REDACTED USER] @patientchat Dear person I don't know yet, you're going to make me cry. This makes my heart ever so happy & full. Thank you. It means a LOT. I recently just went to her stone for the first time since she died. My heart! #patientchat
Jennifer Stavros ✍️🖤💀⚰️ @Scandalous
@patientchat T4: While I don't work in hospice I'm told by folks in hospice that it is used in patient care to help folks find comfort during their time of transition. I might be biased but I really like that as a thought let alone as a practice. #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Thank you @patientchat for allowing me to discuss how I use and believe in as “#Music as Therapy”. Let’s continue to share how music impacts each of us… and favorite songs all year long. Empowered #PatientChat during #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth
Patient Chat @patientchat
Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ CT: #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat I do! I have a #SickleCellPain Playlist that I use when I'm having #sicklecell pain or crises or just when I'm feeling down, cause we all have those days. It's full of different genres, artists, mainly slow tempo, but some upbeat, songs.🤎 #patientchat https://t.co/MCLlCSwcGT
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: T5: If you have a go-to music playlist, leave it in the replies below! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Typing to fast during #PatientChat because everyone is sharing incredible insights and songs I need to add to my playlists…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ C…
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
CT Grateful to @patientchat and @power4patients for hosting the Empowered #PatientChat I am proud to be a part of this community. Sharing today’s topic was a joy. Please know that if you need a friend to join you in a dance party or anything, I am here.
Patient Chat @patientchat
#patientchat is your community. Thanks for helping make it great. Reach out to @power4patients and @patientchat anytime.
Patient Chat @patientchat
Huge thank you to Amanda, @LALupusLady for joining us today and sharing your thoughts! #patientchat #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #lupusawarenessmonth
Patient Chat @patientchat
Have you heard of Twitter spaces? If so, would you be open to having a special Empowered #PatientChat on Spaces? We want to plan something special for June. Leave your answer below!
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
@patientchat CT: Music heals! It can help you thru your worst of times & can help improve your #mentalhealth, by boosting & lifting our mood. What I ❤️ about music is that it's universal, there's something for Everyone. Thank you for Kara @patientchat 4 this amazing conversation! #patientchat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
Thank you for the commUNITY conversation and hope. This was a truly EMPOWERED @patientchat #PatientChat https://t.co/KKbV6XY7FO
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
RT @patientchat: Huge thank you to Amanda, @LALupusLady for joining us today and sharing your thoughts! #patientchat #mentalhealthawarenes
Jed Finley @JediMaster941
CT: Music today is atrocious and commercial radio has been ruined by big business. We need to do more to save music. As we discussed, music has the ability to heal. Let's stand up against the destruction of music. I'm Tom Hanks. #PatientChat
Amanda G @LAlupusLady
@patientchat 💞 #PatientChat
The Lupus Rainbow @thelupusrainbow
RT @patientchat: Huge thank you to Amanda, @LALupusLady for joining us today and sharing your thoughts! #patientchat #mentalhealthawarenes
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @patientchat: Time to start sharing closing thoughts (CT) on what you learned, were reminded of, or can implement. Start your tweet w/ C…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: Thank you for the commUNITY conversation and hope. This was a truly EMPOWERED @patientchat #PatientChat https://t.co/KKb…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: Thank you @patientchat for allowing me to discuss how I use and believe in as “#Music as Therapy”. Let’s continue to shar…
Patient Chat @patientchat
Keep the conversation going between chats with hashtag #patientchat
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: T5 “What doesn’t kill you make you stronger. Stand a little taller.” @kellyclarkson ‘s anthem is an empowering song suita…
Memej99-SickleCellLifeOfMemej @Memej99
RT @LAlupusLady: Need to add #Music to the prep for procedures! If it works… and it does I’m in. #PatientChat
Patient Chat @patientchat
“What Role Does Music Play in Your Mental Health?” #patientchat Transcript: https://t.co/ebvBgVbZsS via @symplur
#patientchat content from Twitter.