#twitfrg Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #twitfrg hashtag.
See #twitfrg Influencers/Analytics.

Calum @cabetalol
Hi, sorry I'm late! Calum here, final year at Cambridge #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
Look for other sources of info: OOHGP ref letter, old notes, recent dc/clinic letter? #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
Last few weeks any other neuro sx: dropping things, feeling wobbly? #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
AMTS to quantify confusion, no real guide other than cough so examine all over – look for source of infection/dehydration #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
Have a good look all over to make sure we're not missing cellulitis/pharyngitis or something #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
Better do a neuro too! #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
FBC (infxn, anaemia), CRP, U&E (dehydration), Calcium (high could cause confusion), LFT, TSH #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
High Hb could be chronic from smoking -> hypoxia, but could also be due to cancer. Low Na if euvolaemic could be SIADH from lung ca #twitfrg
Calum @cabetalol
Hypertonic saline to correct low Na but correct slowly (over couple of days). Treat the cancer and fluid restrict #twitfrg
#twitfrg content from Twitter.