#ukmedlibs Transcript

Healthcare social media transcript of the #ukmedlibs hashtag.
See #ukmedlibs Influencers/Analytics.

Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
RT @samanthaclare:
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
Well, well, well ... on this day of a #ukmedlibs chat on #HIW2020 we’ve woken up to some interesting news. Has there ever been worse health information delivered to the public? https://t.co/mC8AKJUeIr
Patient Information Forum (PIF) @PiFonline
We're proud to support #HIW2020. Don't forget to join the #ukmedlibs chat from 12.30pm today.
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
RT @PiFonline: We're proud to support #HIW2020. Don't forget to join the #ukmedlibs chat from 12.30pm today.
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
RT @tomroper:
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
Excited to be talking about #HIW2020 latre today with #UKMedLibs ! 12:30pm if you're interested.
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
Just over half an hour to go until the #HIW2020 #ukmedlibs chat! https://t.co/bOhLDsCj0s
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
RT @Healthinfoweek: Excited to be talking about #HIW2020 latre today with #UKMedLibs ! 12:30pm if you're interested.
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
RT @Hollingtonn: Just over half an hour to go until the #HIW2020 #ukmedlibs chat! https://t.co/bOhLDsCj0s
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to May's #ukmedlibs chat. Let's kick off with introducing ourselves and tell me, what's for lunch? I'm Holly from the HEE LKS team and rather boringly it's a salad today.
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
#ukmedlibs Lindsay Snell from the #HIW2020 team here. Carrot soup for lunch today.
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs Vicky here, from @rbhlibrary, also boring with a chicken salad sandwich as in the office today
Jenny Emmel @jenny_emmel
Hi I'm Jenny from Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. Quiche and salad today #ukmedlibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Gosh, very jealous of all these lovely sounding lunches! Just a reminder to use the hashtag to keep our tweets together #ukmedlibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Let's kick off with Q1. Have you been involved in Health Information Week before? If so, what did you do?#ukmedlibs
NHS Grampian Libraries @NHSGLibraries
Eilidh from NHS Grampian Libraries here. Lentil Bolognese! #ukmedlibs
Lynsey Hawker @partylibrarian
#ukmedlibs Hi all, I'm Lynsey, a librarian at The King's Fund and today I'm having mashed banana on toast for lunch!
Jenny Emmel @jenny_emmel
Worked with partners in Leeds (council, social prescribing NHS Trusts). We have a webpage which we promote a resource on a particular theme for each day of HIW. Lots of Social Media activity too. We have also done specific LTHT events in the library #ukmedlibs - e.g. PAT dog
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Lindsay Snell, clinical librarian from Derby. Q1 #UKMedLibs we have done displays around our organisation, and in the public library, and contributed to our Trust's health information talks.
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
@LibraryUnedited Oh what's a tweetorial?! Sounds excellent #ukmedlibs
Lynsey Hawker @partylibrarian
@UKMedLibs A1 #ukmedlibs we've been involved before, last year we held a special book group devoted to graphic novels and using these and other books to deliver health information
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs I'm pretty new, so not done HIW before, but the @rbhlibrary has done stands, one jointly at the public library with Berkshire Healthcare and displays
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Q1 And also promoted it on social media #UKMedLibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
@LibraryUnedited Ahh shame! That is a great idea though, thank you for sharing #ukmedlibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
I'm going to post the next question, but carry on answering Q1 if you want to #ukmedlibs
lynne holroyd @HolroydLynne
Q1, Lynne from Wakefield Libraries, we have library information stands in our local hospitals #UKMedLibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Q2. Before covid-19, what were you planning to do this year? #ukmedlibs
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Q2 we were planning physical displays and training sessions for the public with our local public libraries #UKMedLibs
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Q2 we had also started liaising with clinical teams about tbem working with us and joining us on the displays #UKMedLibs
Lynsey Hawker @partylibrarian
#ukmedlibs q2, we had no firm plans other than to revisit some of the social media type stuff we'd done in the past. Hoping to get some ideas today from this chat!
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs we were hoping to do a healthy recipe book with staff contributions, and maybe a collaboration with some experience sharing and training with local public libraries. One might still happen. We were still going to have stands.
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
@h_m17 That's interesting! Be good if you can share your learning on that #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@nelft_library Sad it had to be postponed #UKMedLibs
lynne holroyd @HolroydLynne
A2 Wakefield Libraries were to work in partnership with our local hospitals to deliver some training to hospital staff #UKMedLibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Some of this has already naturally come up... Q3. How have you changed your plans in the light of covid-19? #ukmedlibs
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
RT @HeleneGorring:
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@HeleneGorring Yes, we thought it was important to focus on the basics as people really need high quality health information. #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
@librarymoomin @UKMedLibs It’ll be interesting to see how public libraries open up & whether this is exactly the right time for health information #ukmedlibs
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Q3 we're essentially assuming it will just be social media, as we're not on site and working from home as our largest physical library is closed. #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs q3. Difficult as been so busy, we haven't really done much work on it! Probably not the group meeting now, may be able to do the book, but online if so. All a bit at sea to be honest! We may do a twitter quiz on fake covid stories, but it's very up in the air.
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Ahead of the next few questions I just wanted to highlight the Health Information Week website: https://t.co/bcINNZTFdN #ukmedlibs
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
Q3 also clinical staff were initially so busy with covid-19 it would have been inappropriate to ask them to work on it with us #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Q4. What could the national Health Information Week group do better next year? #ukmedlibs
HIFA @hifa_org
#ukmedlibs Great to see so much activity! @HIFA_org willing to help this go global next year? #healthinfo4all #HIW2020 @who
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
@LibraryLyns @SallyReynolds18 @samanthaclare @HHLibService Our public library have also appreciated our input in highlighting sources they can recommend to the public #UKMedLibs
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
@SallyReynolds18 @samanthaclare @HHLibService I think that NHS librarians have a vital part to play in supporting the provision of high quality health information! Not only in supporting the evidence, but we’re also experts in appraising health research #ukmedlibs
Jerry Chen @mrtallerjerry
RT @samanthaclare:
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
This is an interesting question, how do you measure your impact following online events? #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@alisonday3 Might be a bit tricky for this year, don't know what @RuthCarlyle thinks, but we can definitely investigate for a future year! #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@CILIPHLG We have evaluated Health Informtion Week each year - clearly this needs to be publicised better! #UKMedLibs
HIFA @hifa_org
#ukmedlibs A2 b4 COVID-19 we were planning to chair meetings at the Geneva Health Forum on the importance of 1 access to health research, and 2 access to health information in languages other than English. Will now take place in November! c u there! #hiw2020 @Genevaforum
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@UHCWLibrary @samanthaclare Thank you, that's useful feedback #ukmedlibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Q5. What do you think of the new posters and branding? (Just to add: the posters have been slightly delayed by Covid-19, but other promotional materials are available on the website) #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@alisonday3 We haven't - but will take on board for consideration next year #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
HIFA @hifa_org
#ukmedlibs A3: On the HIFA discussion forums we are having by far the longest global health discussion ever. >600 exchanges of experience and expertise on COVID-19 https://t.co/C6Rsj22iCI Come and join us! https://t.co/lkFYI5jebS
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@librarymoomin @HeleneGorring Definitely #HIW2020 #UKMedLibs
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
RT @hifa_org: #ukmedlibs A3: #ukmedlibs A3: On the HIFA discussion forums we are having by far the longest global health discussion ever. >600 exchanges of experience and expertise on COVID-19 https://t.co/C6Rsj22iCI Come and join us! https://t.co/lkFYI5jebS
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs ideas bank is very good, as has been said. Internet just crashed so can't answer 5 or 6 at mo!
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
RT @nelft_library:
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
Yes, let’s share those displays when they’re up!
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
And our final question for today... Q6. What do you think of the new website? #ukmedlibs https://t.co/bcINNZTFdN
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
RT @hifa_org: #ukmedlibs A3: #ukmedlibs A3: On the HIFA discussion forums we are having by far the longest global health discussion ever. >600 exchanges of experience and expertise on COVID-19 https://t.co/C6Rsj22iCI Come and join us! https://t.co/lkFYI5jebS
Jenny Emmel @jenny_emmel
Q5 - I think the branding is eye catching #ukmedlibs
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
@LibraryLyns @SallyReynolds18 @samanthaclare @HHLibService So I guess the impact is - public library staff more aware of high quality resources they can use to support the public #UKMedLibs
Lynsey Hawker @partylibrarian
@UKMedLibs #ukmedlibs Q6 really like the new website and logo, looks very professional and easy to navigate
Victoria Bird @geeksinheritall
#ukmedlibs 6. looks fresh and bright, might be nice to have Web pages rather than documents in resources (although it is hand to have them too it is a bit of a pain to keep downloading things) that's probably just me. 5. I like the logo
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@tomroper Thank you for the info - given the precarious nature of NHS funding we were looking for free resources #HIW2020 #UKMedLibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@SallyReynolds18 @LibraryUnedited @UKMedLibs https://t.co/QiRzsWPugU #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
Holly Case Wyatt @Hollingtonn
@SallyReynolds18 @UKMedLibs The #NHS website is always the first to be signposted for high quality health information. The Health Information Week website is a resource for professionals joining in the week, info on how to assess information & some trusted sources #ukmedlibs
Lynsey Hawker @partylibrarian
Thanks so much for the chat, really useful to hear what others are planning and great to see the new website! #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@UHCWLibrary Again, doubt we'll have capacity to do this this year, but will investigate for next year #HIW2020 #UKMedLibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
We are coming to a close of the official hours chat, but please carry on if you have things to add! The transcript of everything discussed should be available tomorrow #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@Hollingtonn @SallyReynolds18 @UKMedLibs Also this was one of the big things that came out of last year's evaluation - the feedback was that people really wanted a central website, and this was something we could do within available resources #HIW2020 #UKMedLibs
UKMedLibs @UKMedLibs
Thank you to everyone who joined in, those who shared ideas and questions, the @Healthinfoweek group & even you lurkers! Great to see so many people joining in for the first time #ukmedlibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
@tomroper Thank you, that's useful to know. We'll investigate the possibility. #UKMedLibs #HIW2020
Lindsay Snell @LindsaySnell
@samanthaclare Personally I'm quite wary of a single site having a monopoly on information. But generally, e.g. Macmillan will have far more detailed information than https://t.co/ZNU2DJQW5f because of their audience, and NHS website links to other sources #UKMedLibs
Health Information Week @Healthinfoweek
#ukmedlibs it's been great to hear everybody's plans for #HIW2020 and your feedback!
Patient Information Forum (PIF) @PiFonline
Great to see lots of interaction on this chat today. #HIW2020 @Healthinfoweek
jmdtechspot @jmdtechspot
https://t.co/L0cEHtX30j #HappyBirthdayNTR #Kadirgecesi #tiktokexposed #lockdown2020 #sailormoonredraw #sailormoonredrawchallenge #tuesdayvibes #WFDD2020 #TheLastDance #morbidlyobese #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #Viral #LISA #ukmedlibs #rehamkhan
Bhanu Tarak 1 @BhanuTarak11
RT @jmdtechspot: https://t.co/L0cEHtX30j #HappyBirthdayNTR #Kadirgecesi #tiktokexposed #lockdown2020 #sailormoonredraw #sailormoonredrawchallenge #tuesdayvibes #WFDD2020 #TheLastDance #morbidlyobese #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #Viral #LISA #ukmedlibs #rehamkhan
jmdtechspot @jmdtechspot
RT @jmdtechspot: https://t.co/L0cEHtX30j #HappyBirthdayNTR #Kadirgecesi #tiktokexposed #lockdown2020 #sailormoonredraw #sailormoonredrawchallenge #tuesdayvibes #WFDD2020 #TheLastDance #morbidlyobese #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #Viral #LISA #ukmedlibs #rehamkhan
Geneva Health Forum @Genevaforum
RT @hifa_org: #ukmedlibs A2 b4 COVID-19 we were planning to chair meetings at the Geneva Health Forum on the importance of 1 access to health research, and 2 access to health information in languages other than English. Will now take place in November! c u there! #hiw2020 @Genevaforum
#ukmedlibs content from Twitter.