Monthly Archives: November 2012


Regular tweet chat focusing on issues concerning Israeli people with diabetes.


Goals and objectives The Royal College invites all health care professionals to experience the latest innovations in simulation-focused learning, research and practice at the 2012 Simulation Summit. This year's event … Continued


2ª Jornada Interhospitalaria de Fuenlabrada


For hospitals and physicians today, a growing focus on value, population health, and care cooordination means that alignment is more important than ever. So it is no surprise that healthcare … Continued


The Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit is an opportunity for marketing and strategy executives from hospitals, health systems, medical group practices, and other delivery systems to share best practices and network … Continued


XIII Jornada científica realizada por ASEBI con motivo del día mundial de la espina bífida el 21 de Noviembre. A través de mesas redondas, médicos, expertos, profesionales en otros ámbitos … Continued


A 5 day course held by the University of Maryland Emergency Medicine in Baltimore to promote faculty development and education worldwide.


CONMEMORACIÓN DEL DÍA MUNDIAL DE LUCHA CONTRA EL VIH/SIDA. “48 horas de acción” durará el reto nacional que invita a los creadores de contenido a reflexionar sobre la sexualidad responsable, … Continued