Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project

Hashtags were popularized during the San Diego fires in 2007 when @nateritter used the hashtag “#sandiegofire” to identify his updates related to the disaster. – Twitter Fan Wiki

Twitter was All So Simple

When Twitter co-founder, Jack Dorsey, (aka @jack) sent his first tweet it was pretty simple and straight forward.

Jack Dorsey's First Tweet

Furthermore, if anyone wanted to find his tweet, that was pretty simple too, because Jack’s tweet was the very first tweet … ever!  So there wasn’t much competition.  It didn’t fall unbelievably far down everyone’s home-feed in just a few heartbeats, and it wasn’t lost among the barrage of tweets about last night’s game, the news story of the day, or what all of your friends were having for dinner.


Original Twitter Sketch


Even today, four and a half years after Jacks historic announcement, Twitter, as created by its founders, is really pretty simple … until you try to find tweets that are all talking about a common subject that interests you.  That’s because Twitter has no built in method of categorizing all those tweets.  And when I say “ALL those tweets”, keep in mind that Twitter went from roughly 400,000 tweets in the first quarter of 2007 to 4,000,000,000 (yes, that’s billions) in the first quarter of 2010.  Nearly 45 million tweets per day!  And while recent figures suggest that this mercurial growth rate is leveling off, it is, and will be for a long time … a BIG number.


The Twitter Community Mobilizes

Some of the most interesting innovations on Twitter seem to be routinely generated by its users, and they recognized this lack of search ability in the platform early on.  Enter the hashtag.  That funny little “#” symbol placed in front of one or more keywords in a tweet so as to identify the subject(s) of the message.  With these categories now incorporated right in the tweet, users can filter their home-feed to just see tweets about particular subject matter.  If they search for “#baseball”, only tweets whose subject is “baseball” will appear.


Healthcare on Twitter … Making the Simple Complex  :-/

Unfortunately, healthcare isn’t as simple as baseball.  And to make matters worse, we all know how healthcare loves to use abbreviations, technical jargon, and even use different terminology that essentially all means the same thing.  Now lay on top of that the fact that Twitter hashtags are home-grown, without any rules, and without informing the rest of the healthcare community on Twitter what exactly your chosen hashtag means.  Take all these issues, stir them up in a pot and healthcare hashtags often become more like mishmash-tags.

Since I started using Twitter I’ve felt that so many of us who wish to meet other people interested in healthcare and who wish to participate in the many healthcare related conversations have been kept apart because of what should be a common language … hashtags.  With that in mind, we at Fox ePractice have embarked upon an ambitious project.  One in which we are searching for the many Twitter hashtags that are in use that are specific to the field of healthcare, and to organize that data in some of the following ways …

  • Allow exploration by either hashtag or healthcare subject matter.
  • Show hashtags that are related to one another in the healthcare field.
  • Capture and list hashtags for healthcare conferences.
  • Demonstrate frequency of use of related hashtags so as to facilitate hashtag selection.
  • Identify most frequent users and most frequent @mentions with each hashtag so as to find the influencers to follow on your healthcare topic of choice.
  • Determine which healthcare hashtags overall are most popular at any given time.
  • To provide a live feed of conversations related to each hashtag so as to easily explore what’s currently being shared on Twitter in your healthcare topic of choice.
  • To encourage visitors to vote on which hashtags are most useful in hopes of bringing multiple conversations together.  (example:  #pediatric, #pediatrics, #pediatrician, #pediatricians)


Time for the Healthcare Twitter Community to Mobilize and Organize

Our hope is that we can lower the barriers of entry, decrease the learning curve, and enhance the experience of new users.  But we’d also like to introduce experienced healthcare Twitter users to a fresh look, to new information, and to new people who share your passions.

We’re already working on future features based on some pre-release discussions with several well respected individuals in our Twitter healthcare community.  Establishing methods for more visitor input that can be shared by others is high on our list.  Also, while we’ve focused this initial release around the “business of healthcare”, in an upcoming phase we hope to include a complete disease index in this hashtag listing so as to help facilitate patient exploration as well.

This project is a work in progress … and literally always will be.  It’s a controlled database, not a wiki, because we want to assure that every hashtag on the list has been vetted, has a level of critical mass, and that its relationships are well thought out.  However, at the same time this is a “social project”, one in which we’re soliciting your input for the betterment of all.

So come step into the first official “Healthcare Hashtags Project” … take it for a spin, let us know what you think, and help us to build a more well connected healthcare community.


The Healthcare Hashtag Project


Symplur - @symplur

Symplur creates products purpose-built for healthcare to make the move from insight to action as simple as possible.

64 Responses to “Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project”

  1. Audun Utengen

    Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers #hcsmeu #sochealth #hcsm

  2. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  3. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  4. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  5. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  6. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  7. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  8. Nexus News & Reports

    RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers

  9. Andrew Spong

    RT @NexusNR: RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers #hcsmeu

  10. Andrew Spong

    RT @NexusNR: RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers #hcsmeu

  11. Alex Fair

    RT @andrewspong: RT @NexusNR: RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers #hcsmeu

  12. Alex Fair

    RT @andrewspong: RT @NexusNR: RT @foxepractice: Healthcare Hashtags Project: aim to lower the Twitter entry barrier for providers #hcsmeu


    @foxepractice Our pleasure! It is a great resource! Sharing great content is what social media is all about. #hcsm


    @foxepractice Our pleasure! It is a great resource! Sharing great content is what social media is all about. #hcsm

  15. Gunter Dymkova-Fuchs

    #Healthcare #Hashtags – a Social Project – great edcuational blog

  16. Bill Skowronnek

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project

  17. Rick N

    Healthcare hashtags social project #hcsmanz

  18. Rick N

    Healthcare hashtags social project #hcsmanz

  19. Rick N

    Healthcare hashtags social project #hcsmanz

  20. Rafael Pineda-Perdom

    @RNchat awesome! now there is a great service to transcript Healthcare hashtags @foxepractice

  21. RNchat

    RT @rapinedape: @RNchat awesome! now there is a great service to transcript Healthcare hashtags @foxepractice

  22. Audun Utengen

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project #hcsm #hcmktg

  23. Craig Fukushima

    @michaelbenidt @HollyCreek Beth, here's a blog done by @tmlfox on healthcare hashtags-I think you'll find it enlightening

  24. Craig Fukushima

    @michaelbenidt @HollyCreek Beth, here's a blog done by @tmlfox on healthcare hashtags-I think you'll find it enlightening

  25. Craig Fukushima

    @michaelbenidt @HollyCreek Beth, here's a blog done by @tmlfox on healthcare hashtags-I think you'll find it enlightening

  26. Craig Fukushima

    @michaelbenidt @HollyCreek Beth, here's a blog done by @tmlfox on healthcare hashtags-I think you'll find it enlightening

  27. Eileen O'Brien

    @mommysfabulous Since closed, I've been using health care specific one from @foxepractice for transcripts

  28. Eileen O'Brien

    @mommysfabulous Since closed, I've been using health care specific one from @foxepractice for transcripts

  29. Eileen O'Brien

    @mommysfabulous Since closed, I've been using health care specific one from @foxepractice for transcripts

  30. BabyProFinder

    @fossmg Have seen this? Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @foxepractice

  31. MedilinkYH

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project #hcsmeu

  32. SocialMedia Sencillo

    ¿Te interesan los temas de #salud20? Échale un vistazo a Healthcare Hashtag project:

  33. SHF NursingResearch

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur

  34. Angela Victor

    Healthcare Hashtags – a social project #hcsm ineresting and helpful

  35. Nancy Shepherd

    @NannetteSC @tmlfox Thx for heads-up on @hashtag project. Good explanation Search worked, but influencer section not so

  36. Kellie

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur #SocMed

  37. Dr. Bronwyn Hemsley

    All healthcare practitioners and consumers – see Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur #HCSManz #AHPRA

  38. Haylee

    All healthcare practitioners and consumers – see Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur #HCSManz #AHPRA

  39. Allison Sullivan

    All healthcare practitioners and consumers – see Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur #HCSManz #AHPRA

  40. tmerrill

    Healthcare Hashtags – a Social Project via @symplur

  41. Stop Fishing for the Right Hashtag | Mountain Star Health Care Blog

    […] the Healthcare Hashtag Project by whose goal is to “make the use of Twitter more accessible for providers and […]

  42. #ACR14 Social Media Bootcamp & Tweetup

    […] great resource if you’re new to using Twitter and hashtags at a medical meeting is Symplur’s Healthcare Hashtag Project, who currently has an #ACR14 Conference Hashtag page, which is helpful in getting an overview of […]

  43. Twitter: The Healthcare Hashtag Project | Innovations in Health Communications

    […] The goal of the Healthcare Hashtag Project is to make the use of Twitter more accessible for providers and the healthcare community as a whole. By lowering the learning curve of Twitter with a database of relevant hashtags to follow, we hope to help new and existing users alike to find the conversations that are of interest and importance…read more […]

  44. The Social Nurse | Teach A Nurse To Tweet

    […] community as a method to categorize topics? You can read more about healthcare hashtags via this informative post from our friends […]

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    […] As Thomas Lee said on this website all the way back in 2010: […]

  46. #ACR16 Tweetup - Washington D.C. | Paul Sufka M.D.

    […] to mature. Major medical meetings now have social media as a centerpiece for discussion, indexed on Symplur’s Healthcare Hashtag Project. Online journal clubs have organized, such as our very own #RheumJC, holding monthly sessions with […]

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