A popular feature on the Healthcare Hashtag Project is the customizable healthcare analytics page. You select a time period, we give you analytics with participation metrics, influencer metrics, and some beautiful graphs. We’ve mostly seen it being used for healthcare tweet chats and healthcare conferences. It’s just a simple way to quickly see what an impact an event had, and who was involved. Great for use in proposals and reports. We’re now adding some new features to this analytics page.
To get to the analytics page, go first to your favorite hashtag. Then click the “Get Analytics” button. Example.
Healthcare Analytics: Tweet Reach or Impressions
People love metrics and the best use of metrics is to compare them to past periods or other competing/comparable metrics. For a certain time period, let’s say a healthcare tweet chat, we have in the past provided metrics for how many tweets were produced and how many people were involved. We’re now taking it one step further with a metric for how far and wide your messages have reached. Total Impressions.
How is the Impression Metric Computed?
“Impressions” is a metric for how many impressions a healthcare hashtag has made in users’ tweet streams. Symplur computes total impressions by taking the number of tweets per participant and multiplying it with the number of followers that participant currently has. This is done for all participants in this time period and then finally the numbers are added up.
Top 10 Influencers by Impressions
Impressions, as you can see, is a metric that can quickly become a very large number. An individual with a very large following can have a large impact on this metric with just a few tweets. But that is also the point of this metric – another way to slice the data. We’ve created a top 10 list of the individuals who created the most impressions. From our testing, this list will vary greatly from the two other top 10 lists we have (top mentions, and top tweets), in other words, it will give you another way to look at the data.
Tweet Activity Graph for any Time Period
We’ve also added another graph on the healthcare analytics page. Tweet volume across the whole period. And since you can decide where the period will start and stop, this graph can show data for a week, 24 hours, 1 hour etc. It will measure 10 time points in your periods on the x-axis and will default to your local time zone.
Custom Healthcare Analytics – More Ways to Slice the Data
Creating publicly available tools for displaying the data in our database is really fun and rewarding. But there is only so much one can do with tools that need to be generic. The really interesting answers are found when one digs deep into the data with custom problem solving tools and algorithms. That’s where the true potential for valuable healthcare analytics lies. So if you have research or marketing questions you want answers to, let us know. We literally have millions of healthcare tweets with thousands of different variables in this huge relational database.
All the Participants
Still on the analytics page is the beautiful collage of profile images of all the participants. Great for slides!
Thanks for all your support, especially to the organizations and individuals who contribute to this project. We will keep on moving forward with new features.
85 Responses to “New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media”
Shwen Gwee
Cool! RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/ToaEbl18 #SXSH
Shwen Gwee
Cool! RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/NSvtTMgl #SXSH
Andrew Spong
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Dinesh Chindarkar
MT @andrewspong: RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytic features for healthcare social media http://t.co/UUik2N1Y #hcsmin #hcsmeu
Digital MedCom
Top Tweets: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/hU97YoIY #hcs… http://t.co/CzOnalEP #hcsm
Nick van Terheyden
Top Tweets: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/hU97YoIY #hcs… http://t.co/CzOnalEP #hcsm
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/9wbChQTq
Dan Baxter
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media on http://t.co/3YakHVmc http://t.co/QPZ1pGM5 #hcsmeu
Hilary Farrington
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
New Healthcare Analytics Features for #Social #Media http://t.co/g6xe569j vía @symplur
Thomas M. Lee
RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/hkjnjny7 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Susan Hocking
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/MRvJwPfw #hcsm #hcsmeu
Matthew Katz
RT @tmlfox: RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/0An31Bzm #hcsmca #hcsmeu
RT @tmlfox: RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/0An31Bzm #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Ginny Dillon
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Natrice Rese
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
M Van
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/MRvJwPfw #hcsm #hcsmeu
Digital MedCom
Top Tweets: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/e3R0IkRZ #hcsm #hcsmeu: New Hea… http://t.co/huFd5spS #hcsm
Maureen Wilkinson
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Candida Abrahamson
New #Healthcare Analytics Features for #SocialMedia http://t.co/yQU2ojTh via @symplur
Net Stangle-Castor
Nice tool. RT @symplur: New #Healthcare Analytics Features for #SocialMedia http://t.co/BVLGHZE8 #hcsm #hcsmeu
Craig Fukushima
Cool stuff! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/iDWLiXTj #hcsm
.@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/rTJOLkI3 #hcsmca #hcsmeu
Go! Healthcare
Cool stuff! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/iDWLiXTj #hcsm
Audun Utengen
MT @shwen: Cool! RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/XrIaCAlj #hcsm #hcsmeu
Paul Tunnah
MT @shwen: Cool! RT @colleen_young: .@symplur unveils new analytics features for healthcare social media http://t.co/XrIaCAlj #hcsm #hcsmeu
Howard Luks
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/HKl7XjLk via @symplur
hippocampi health
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/MRvJwPfw #hcsm #hcsmeu
Howard Luks
Very cool! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/IFB2P0Ia via @symplur
Jeffrey Tingle
Going to have to spend time with this….RT @symplur: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/2tphFcIX #hcsm #hcsmeu
Very cool! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/IFB2P0Ia via @symplur
Cheryl Abrams
RT @JohnNosta: Very cool! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/s9bm496H via @symplur #NewhousePRSM
Audun Utengen
Going to have to spend time with this….RT @symplur: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/2tphFcIX #hcsm #hcsmeu
Great work! MT @symplur: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/JUgg7ge0 #hcsm #hcsmeu
Craig Fukushima
RT @johnnosta: Very cool! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/PwumkiyD via @symplur
Alex Djuricich MD
Very cool! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/IFB2P0Ia via @symplur
jane lee
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/tg35qAsW
Andy Tattersall
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/wSkgDlsS via @symplur
Restorative Medicine
RT @tmlfox New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/m5ydwOB6 #hcsm #HITsm #medsm via @symplur
Angela Dunn
The @symplur folks have been busy! New analytics 4 #Healthcare #Social Media >> http://t.co/xz1hKKRD Nice @audvin @tmlfox! #sm
The @symplur folks have been busy! New analytics 4 #Healthcare #Social Media >> http://t.co/xz1hKKRD Nice @audvin @tmlfox! #sm
Audun Utengen
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/KAAlcZup via @symplur #hcsm #hcsmeu
Howard Luks
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media – Hashtag Tw project just keeps getting better! http://t.co/HKl7XjLk kudos @symplur
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media – Hashtag Tw project just keeps getting better! http://t.co/HKl7XjLk kudos @symplur
RT @hjluks: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media – Hashtag Tw project just keeps getting better! http://t.co/IFB2P0Ia kud …
Thomas M. Lee
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eoNr4X3A #hcsm #health #healthcare
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eoNr4X3A #hcsm #health #healthcare
RT @tmlfox: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/CET1RtY9 #hcsm #health #healthcare
Digital MedCom
Top Tweets: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/JdiWXQQu #hcsm #health #healthc… http://t.co/HUVJvDq3 #hcsm
Dennis Plucinik
Reading: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media: http://t.co/9lLp4ru6
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/ocF3gRqP
Camilo Erazo
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eivSI8Vi vía #HITsm cc @asalinaf
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/P8Rjqbuy #analytics
RT @CamiloErazoL: New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/1rh6kKa4 vía #HITsm cc @asalinaf
Gunter Dymkova-Fuchs
must read! New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media #hcsm #doctor http://t.co/9R3HxPnY
Jennifer T.
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/3zmT3Xpy
Foundation Radiology
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/bWDR1nnG
Paco Diaz
Interesante análisis sobre twitter en el mundo, en el sector salud http://t.co/8RSg1f7E
Red Salud Andalucía
Interesante análisis sobre twitter en el mundo, en el sector salud http://t.co/8RSg1f7E
José Luis Rubio
Interesante análisis sobre twitter en el mundo, en el sector salud http://t.co/8RSg1f7E
Curso GCV en Salud
Interesante análisis sobre twitter en el mundo, en el sector salud http://t.co/8RSg1f7E
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media | Progress in Mobile Health | Scoop.it
[…] New features for Healthcare Analytics for Social Media. A metric for how many impressions a healthcare hashtag has made in tweet streams. […]
Social Media Analytics for Healthcare
[…] first steps into the realm of analytics.Update: Take a look at the New Features for Social Media Healthcare AnalyticsWhat is Social Media Analytics for Healthcare?There are so many questions we can answer with all the […]
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/g6xe569j vía @symplur
Committed Network
#NHS was a late entry to the social media arena, now it seems they can't get enough! Good stuff >> http://t.co/mcJisLKk via @symplur
Committed Network
#NHS was a late entry to the social media arena, now it seems they can't get enough! Good stuff >> http://t.co/mcJisLKk via @symplur
Audun Utengen
@colleen_young Here’s how impressions are calculated: http://t.co/KAAlcZup 3rd paragraph
Colleen Young
thx RT @audvin: @colleen_young Here’s how impressions are calculated: http://t.co/87Qvm29v 3rd paragraph
Clive Roach
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eEoMNMAi
Noël Benítez
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/Z8xH0Nsl via @symplur
Job Vogel
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/VyC8H8Cf via @symplur
#bePNDaware: Looking Back at Postnatal Depression Awareness Week through a Social Media Lens | meta4RN
[…] @Mamamia, with its very large Twitter following, had the greatest amount of “Tweet Reach” of all those who used the #bePNDaware hashtag . In fact, Mammia accounted for nearly half of the #bePNDaware impressions as calculated by Symplur (explanatory note here). […]
Clive Roach
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eEoMNMAi
Gunter Dymkova-Fuchs
Great stuff! – Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media #hcsm #doctor http://t.co/2GedDuP4
Mike Thompson, MDPhD
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media (eg, "impressions") via @Symplur http://t.co/hoNqPWKX
Digital Health Com
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media (eg, "impressions") via @Symplur http://t.co/hoNqPWKX
Clive Roach
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eEoMNMAi
Frederique Nagtegaal
New Healthcare Analytics Features for Social Media http://t.co/eEoMNMAi
Lisa Fields
Benefit LIVE Tweeting 4 Conference see U R Analytics. # of People U reached http://t.co/kOMe5QUZ @RichDuszak @mtmdphd @fischmd cc: @symplur