Bladder Social Media

Found 32 results for "Bladder"

Bladder Hashtags 3 of 32

#BedwettingDisease Hashtags
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Nocturnal Enuresis or nighttime urinary incontinence, commonly called bedwetting, or "'sleepwetting'" is involuntary urination while asleep after the …
#IncontinenceDisease Hashtags
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Incontinence is the inability to restrain natural discharges or evacuations of urine or feces.
#blcsmDisease Hashtags
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Bladder Cancer is a common form of cancer that begins in the lining of the bladder as a superficial tumor.…
#NocturiaDisease Hashtags
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Nocturia is a condition in which you wake up during the night because you have to urinate.
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#cie16Healthcare Conferences
CIE has now been established as a highly educational scientific meeting offering a program full of innovation, knowledge exchange and valuable network…
#SIUD2018Healthcare Conferences
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42° National Symposium SIUD - Società Italiana di Urodinamica. SIUD has the aim to promote and spread knowledge in dysfunctions of the lower uri…

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