Eye disease Social Media

Found 36 results for "Eye disease"

Eye disease Hashtags 3 of 36

#myopiaDisease Hashtags
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Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs if the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved.
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#MacularDegenerationDisease Hashtags
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Macular Degeneration, is a medical condition that usually affects older adults and results in a loss of vision in the center of the visual field (the …
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#ocularmelanomaDisease Hashtags
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Ocular Melanoma is a type of cancer that develops in the cells that produce pigment.
#trachomaDisease Hashtags
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Trachoma is an infectious disease caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
#demodexDisease Hashtags
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The Demodex mite is an ectoparasite that can reside in our hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
#blepharitisDisease Hashtags
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Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids.
#MeibomianGlandDysfunctionDisease Hashtags
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Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is blockage or some other abnormality of the meibomian glands so they don't secrete enough oil into the tears.…

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