Head and Neck Surgery Social Media

Found 11 results for "Head and Neck Surgery"

Head and Neck Surgery Hashtags 3 of 11

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#AAOHNSHealthcare Conferences
the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO EXPO℠ is the premier education and networking event for the otolaryngology - head and neck surgery community. …
#ZenkersDisease Hashtags
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#OrbitalDecompressionHealthcare Tweet Chats
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orbital decompression surgery. For this approach, your otolaryngologist and eye surgeons work together. They use endoscopy and CT-guided navigation to…
#HNCreconstructionHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Depending on the size, location and spread of the cancer, some people may need reconstructive surgery to restore mouth function. Otolaryngology-Head a…
#LurieHNCHealthcare Conferences
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The Lurie Cancer Center Multidisciplinary Head & Neck Symposium is a two-day interactive program on the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of…
#ENT2024UpdatesHealthcare Conferences
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ENT Updates on the Beach 2024 is a specialized conference that offers an extensive and thorough examination of the latest clinical advancements releva…

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