Medical Physics Social Media

Found 36 results for "Medical Physics"

Medical Physics Hashtags 3 of 36

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#ACR2024Healthcare Conferences
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The ACR 2024 annual meeting continues the celebration of an ACR milestone – 100 years of quality, integrity, leadership, and innovation. In addition…
#trs2024Healthcare Conferences
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The TRS Annual Meeting is the largest statewide gathering of radiologists in Texas with approximately 250 attendees, including Diagnostic Radiologists…
#ACR2022Healthcare Conferences
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The 2022 ACR Annual Meeting will take place at the Washington Hilton, with an option for virtual attendance, from April 24-26, 2022.
#ReachOut4HCSHealthcare Conferences
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The Reach Out for Healthcare Science programme is an exciting initiative across London, providing taster sessions in healthcare science to 300 GCSE st…
#Pint19MADHealthcare Conferences
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The Pint of Science festival aims to deliver interesting and relevant talks on the latest scientific research in an accessible format to the public  
#ASTRO13Healthcare Conferences
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ASTRO's Annual Meeting is the premier radiation oncology scientific event in the world and draws more than 11,000 attendees each year. During the…

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