Sustainable development goals Social Media
Found 3 results for "Sustainable development goals"Sustainable development goals Hashtags 3 of 3
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#Primafamed16 | Healthcare Conferences | family medicine, Medical Education, Primary Care, Primary Health Care, sustainable development goals This is the 8th meeting of the Primafamed (Africa) Network (Primary Care & Family Medicine education network). Primafamed is a network of departme… |
#WHOCC2018 | Healthcare Conferences | healthcare innovation, midwifery, nursing, public health, sustainable development goals, technology, universal health care The conference theme is "Universal Health Coverage: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are everyone's business" |
#OGHI2018 | Healthcare Conferences | confe, global health, public health, research, SDG, sustainable development goals 2018 Otago Global Health Institute Annual Conference is an international meeting organised by the Otago Global Health Institute, a University of Otago… |