#AAFPCoD Conference Hashtag

AAFP Congress of Delegates
Sat 3rd Oct 2020 - Tue 13th Oct 2020 Open dates in Symplur Signals

The Congress of Delegates is the AAFP’s policy-making body. Its membership consists of two delegates from each constituent chapter. Special constituencies include new physicians, residents, students, and other constituency groups represented at the National Conference of Special Constituencies. The Congress elects new officers and three members to serve on the Board of Directors for the following 12 months. AAFP members are welcome to participate in hearings of the six reference committees: Advocacy, Bylaws, Education, Health of the Public and Science, Organization and Finance, and Practice Enhancement. During the two and one-half day meeting (held prior to the Scientific Assembly), the Congress agenda includes addresses from AAFP officers, resolutions from chapters, and reports fr…

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