AAFP Social Media

Found 12 results for "AAFP"

AAFP Hashtags 3 of 12

#AAFPNCHealthcare Conferences
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The AAFP National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students is an annual event that provides attendees the opportunity to learn th…
#AAFPFMXHealthcare Conferences
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AAFP Assembly is now the AAFP Family Medicine Experience (FMX). FMX is more interactive, immediate, and customizable. As health care becomes about mor…
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#USAFP2016Healthcare Conferences
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Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Annual Conference at Denver, Colorado. Health is Primary! Focusing on military readiness, rapid boar…
#FMXChatHealthcare Tweet Chats
Join the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) community Wednesday night, 7/20/16, on Twitter at 8pm ET for ‪#‎FMXChat‬. We’ll be discu…
#AAFPChatHealthcare Tweet Chats
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AAFPChat is a live Twitter-driven event which takes place twice per month at 7pm CT. It is hosted by the American Academy of Family Physicians (@AAFP)…
#FMAS17Healthcare Conferences
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Join family physicians from around the country to represent your patients and your profession. The Family Medicine Advocacy Summit (The Summit) is the…
#KAFPAMHealthcare Conferences
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This is the annual CME meeting of the family physicians of Kansas, sponsored by the Kansas Academy of Family Physicians and accredited for 15.75 presc…
#AAFPCoDHealthcare Conferences
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The Congress of Delegates is the AAFP’s policy-making body. Its membership consists of two delegates from each constituent chapter. Special constitu…

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