Aged care Social Media

Found 19 results for "Aged care"

Aged care Hashtags 3 of 19

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#AHW16Healthcare Conferences
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The One-Stop-Shop for Healthcare Stakeholders from across the value chain tasked with the design, delivery and operation of Australia's healthcare sys…
#ariiaconference2023Healthcare Conferences
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Facing the Future: Aged Care 2030 and Beyond presents two days of inspiring debate and conversation with innovators and futurists who want to make a r…
#nimac2016Healthcare Conferences

The Nurses in Management – Aged care (NIMAC) Conference and trade Exhibition 2016 brings together nurses in aged care of all levels, managers and pr…
#Ahcf16Healthcare Conferences
Supported by the Nsw Agency for Clinical Innovation, Clinical Excellence Commiission, Health Education and Training Institute and NSW Health
#AAGConf16Healthcare Conferences
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The AAG Conference is a place to share and celebrate new ideas, knowledge, research and the experiences of all people committed to positive ageing in …
#nms13Healthcare Conferences
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Nurses from around Australia will explore leadership and innovation across the areas of clinical skills, business and midwifery. The symposium will al…
#cha2013Healthcare Conferences
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Hundreds of leaders from around the Catholic Health Australia network for the 2013 CHA national conference at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park. Speak…
#RICH2018Healthcare Conferences
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RICH is a one day ‘virtual’ forum linking 20 satellite hubs via a blend of videoconference, live webstreaming and social media across rural NSW to…

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