Policy Social Media

Found 56 results for "Policy"

Policy Hashtags 3 of 56

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#CUEForumHealthcare Conferences
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College of Operating Department Pracititioners Bi-Annual Forum, 8th July 2013. This forum provides opportunties for clinical staff and educators to di…
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#pm19hmsHealthcare Conferences
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5th annual Precision Medicine Conference presented by the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School in Boston
#LilleyMellorHCHealthcare Tweet Chats
Roy Lilley in conversation with Dame Julie Mellor at the Kings Fund - the issue of health care complaints
#ECPC13Healthcare Conferences
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The european pathway association and the Scottish Pathway Association organise the European Care Pathway Conference in Glasgow. More info on http://ww…
#RareDiseasaSAHealthcare Conferences
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National annual event taking place on Friday to focus on broad conversations about policy and patient advocacy in the rare diseases space during the h…
#rcpePH14Healthcare Conferences
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RCPE Symposium: Public Health - Use of evidence in health inequalities policy, Thursday 8 May 2014. Addressing health inequalities by refocusing upstr…

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