Competition Social Media

Found 4 results for "Competition"

Competition Hashtags 3 of 4

#CleanShotsHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Take your best #Cleanshots In May 2014, the Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia and their Clean Shots photo campaign were the win…
#NKPprijsHealthcare Conferences
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Competition for the most impressive and innovative care pathway project from the Dutch Belgian Netwerk for Clinical Pathways 2013. 6 projects are sele…
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The Ferno Australia Paramedic Simulation Challenge is a high fidelity international competition of clinical excellence taking place during the Paramed…
#TMCInnov17Healthcare Conferences
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A two-day event in the HIMSS Innovation Center at the Global Center for Health Innovation in Cleveland, OH, April 25-26, 2017. Professional and colleg…

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