#COVID19 Social Media
Found 8 results for "#COVID19"#COVID19 Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#IFAD2020 | Healthcare Conferences | #COVID19, Critical Care, fluid stewardship, fluids, guidelines, maintenance, resuscitation, sepsis A neglected topic for way too long, the interest in fluid therapy seems to be quickly rising as the medical community is making a shift from looking a… |
#2021ACMT | Healthcare Conferences | #COVID19, adverse events, clinical toxicology, medical toxicology, pharmacology, toxicology The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) is an opportunity for specialists in the field of medical toxicology… |
#uconndigital21 | Healthcare Conferences | #COVID19, health communication, healthcare social media, misinformation The COVID-19 pandemic has made it abundantly clear how misinformation on the internet can have dire public health consequences and the important role … |
#IKDS2021 | Healthcare Conferences | #COVID19, #DoençaDeKawasaki, #EnfermedadDeKawasaki, #KawasakiDisease, #MIS-C, #MISC, #PIMS, PIMSTS This is the most important and recognized international Kawasaki disease conference where world leading experts reunite and global research is present… |
#ACMTGNACIR | Healthcare Conferences | #COVID19, COVIDPersistente, Salud Evento virtual organizado por el 'Centro de investigación y difusión de la #COVIDPersistente' @CIR_longCOVID |
#VacunasYa21 | Regular | #COVID19, #COVIDvaccine, #lasvacunasfuncionan, #vaccinessavelives, #vaccineswork, #vacunaCOVID, vaccines, vacunas |
#SpacesCIR | Healthcare Tweet Chats | #COVID19, COVID Persistente, Health, Long Covid, Salud El Centro de investigación y difusión de la COVID Persistente ofrece un espacio en directo desde el que su equipo de profesionales tratará de ofrec… |
#Epitwitter | Regular | #COVID19, COVID-19 |