Drug safety Social Media

Found 37 results for "Drug safety"

Drug safety Hashtags 3 of 37

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#RxOnXHealthcare Tweet Chats
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TwitteRx was the most utilized hashtag for the pharmacy profession. We're now tracking the profession of pharmacy on X with RxOnX. Join in the convers…
#StevensJohnsonSyndromeDisease Hashtags
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Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is a rare, serious disorder of your skin and mucous membranes.
#SpotlightonSafetyHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The Oncology Nursing Soceity promotes safe practices for oncology nurses. The twitter chats will allow nurses to share their insight on safety in thei…
#firesidetoxHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Fireside Tox is a quarterly tweet chat sponsored by the American College of Medical Toxicology @acmt and Journal of Medical Toxicology @JMT_tweets tha…
#PVRMS18Healthcare Conferences
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Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Strategies Conference, Jan 22-24, 2018. This conference provides the strongest context, background, updates, new…

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