ERAS Social Media

Found 20 results for "ERAS"

ERAS Hashtags 3 of 20

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#SOAP2016Healthcare Tweet Chats
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A live twitter chat session hosted jointly by ERAS and the NRMP. The session is designed to answer applicant questions as they prepare to participate …
#ISURA2019Healthcare Conferences
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We have planned a very exciting, highly educational 3-day ISURA scientific program that covers various aspects of ultrasound use - regional anesthesia…
#AskERAS2017Healthcare Tweet Chats
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A live chat covering the residency application process for applicants applying to residency programs through ERAS.
#ASRASpring19Healthcare Conferences
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International conference by the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Topics include regional anesthesia, acute pain management,…
#PeriopMan16Healthcare Conferences
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National Symposium on Perioperative Medicine. November 18th 2016. Manchester Perioperative Medicine Society presents its 3rd Annual Symposium on Perio…
#ASRASPRING20Healthcare Conferences
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The Spring 2020 meeting in beautiful San Francisco is certain to be an unmatched educational experience and incredibly fun. We have a diverse group of…

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