AAMC Social Media

Found 17 results for "AAMC"

AAMC Hashtags 3 of 17

#MCATliveHealthcare Conferences
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Building an understanding of the new MCAT exam to be implemented in 2015.
#EscapeVelocityHealthcare Conferences
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Council of Deans/Council of Teaching Hospitals/Group of Faculty Practice and Chief Medical Officers Group Joint Meeting March 29 - 31, 2014
#SOAP2018Healthcare Tweet Chats
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The #SOAP2018 chat is a live Twitter driven chat to answer questions related to the SOAP/Match process which will takes place March 7th at 2-3PM EST. …
#AAMCIQHealthcare Conferences
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2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the AAMC Integrating Quality Conference. This year’s theme is: A Decade of Progress Bridging Health Care Quality …
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#AAMCNewHQHealthcare Conferences
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In August 2011, the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) finalized the purchase of land in Mount Vernon Triangle, bordered by New York Aven…
#aamc12Healthcare Conferences
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The AAMC Annual Meeting is the premier gathering of current and future leaders in academic medicine. It is the single best forum for current and futur…
#askAMCASHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Join AMCAS for a Twitter chat covering everything you want to know about the medical school application process. Join the conversation by searching #a…
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