Gamification Social Media

Found 10 results for "Gamification"

Gamification Hashtags 3 of 10

#gfh12Healthcare Conferences
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The 8th Annual Games for Health Conference is gearing up! On June 12-14 join hundreds of game developers, health professionals, and leading researcher…
#hcub13Healthcare Conferences
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Forrester Research coined the term “Healthcare Unbound” to encompass the trends toward technology aided self care, mobile care and home ca…
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#gfh14euHealthcare Conferences
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The 4th Games for Health Europe Conference will take place on the 27th & 28th of October 2014 at the Province House in Utrecht. The Games for Heal…
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#ehealthBILBAOHealthcare Conferences
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First ehealth Bilbao Conference 12 November 2015, Palacio Euskalduna. 1er edition of ehealth Conference in Bilbao, organized by “Ideable Solutions 
#hackmastartupHealthcare Conferences
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Premier Hackathon - Game Jam donnant les moyens aux personnes touchées par une hépatite virale ou le VIH de créer et développer un jeu favorisant …
#megahealthjamHealthcare Conferences
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Boldly converging the best of Orlando’s world-class Healthcare and Gaming Industries, MeGa Health Jam is a 48-hour Game Jam geared towards creating …
#SimCongress19Healthcare Conferences
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The Australasian Simulation Congress is a cross-disciplinary event for the simulation and modelling industry of Australasia.

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