HackMed Social Media

Found 6 results for "HackMed"

HackMed Hashtags 3 of 6

#HackBrighamHealthcare Conferences
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In collaboration with @BWHiHub and @MIThackmed, the 3rd annual BWH Hackathon will focus on Digital Health and bring together a diverse, multidiscipli…
#GrandHackHealthcare Conferences
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MIT Hacking Medicine's annual flagship event! A weekend to brainstorm and build innovative solutions with hundreds of like-minded engineers, clinician…
#globalcancerhackHealthcare Conferences
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A Global Cancer Innovation Hackathon by CAMTech, Global Oncology and the MGH Cancer Center, to spur innovative medtech solutions for pressing challeng…
#SXSHackMedHealthcare Conferences
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The MIT #HackMed Health House is a 3-day event at SXSW, hosted by the MIT Hacking Medicine team, together with a team of designers, innovators, health…
#ZikaHackHealthcare Conferences
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A 48-hour hackathon to develop innovations that address the spread of the Zika virus and other vector-borne diseases, with the goal of creating new pr…
#BioAmbition16Healthcare Conferences
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Part of the BioPharma Ambition Conference in Dublin, the BioPharma Ambition health hackathon is co-hosted by MIT Hacking Medicine programme and DCU Al…

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