PCORI Social Media

Found 9 results for "PCORI"

PCORI Hashtags 3 of 9

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#ctalkHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Many cancer survivors experience physical, emotional and social symptoms, side effects, and other health problems during and for years following cance…
#PCORIimagingHealthcare Conferences
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Defining a Roadmap for Patient Engagement in Imaging CER—PCORI-funded project, awarded to ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group. Onsite meeting, Feb. 24â…
#PCORnetkickoffHealthcare Conferences

Kick off event of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network by PCORI.org and PCORInetwork.org
#PatientHCHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Join @PCORI and @Health_Affairs for a Twitter Q&A on patient engagement in research where Sue Sheridan, PCORI’s Director of Patient Engagement, …
#MHTalkHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Join PCORI and others for a Twitter chat about how getting patients involved with research is making a difference in mental health. Use #MHTalk to joi…
#PCORI2015Healthcare Conferences
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PCORI's first annual meeting will bring together more than 700 members of the PCORI community for a series of plenary and breakout sessions highlighti…
#PCORI2016Healthcare Conferences
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Hear from national thought leaders, researchers, patients, family caregivers, clinicians, and others about key trends in patient-centered research, pr…

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