Restraint Social Media

Found 10 results for "Restraint"

Restraint Hashtags 3 of 10

#ReducingRestrictivePracticeHealthcare Conferences
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This virtual conference will focus on reducing restrictive interventions in line with national guidance and the March 2022 Care Quality Commission Pro…
#restraintMCHealthcare Conferences
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The appropriate, legal use of control and restraint is necessary in many clinical settings. However, inappropriate use, and the lack of detailed docum…
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#spspmh5Healthcare Conferences
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5th National learning session for SPSP MH
#RestrictiveInterventionsHealthcare Conferences
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This conference will focus on reducing restrictive interventions in line with national guidance and ensuring adherence to the National NICE Quality St…
#reducingrestrictionsHealthcare Conferences
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northern conference on reducing restrictive practice
#BCTcompareHealthcare Conferences
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University of Leeds Mental Health Research Group event presenting the findings from the COMPARE review: establishing components of programmes to reduc…
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