Harm reduction Social Media

Found 16 results for "Harm reduction"

Harm reduction Hashtags 3 of 16

#hrsm is a weekly, hour long Twitter chat for harm reduction workers interested in using social media as a part of their harm reduction practice. Chat…
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#HR17Healthcare Conferences
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HR17, in Montreal. Moving towards a more forward-looking approach to drugs. We want HR17 to be the place where the people at the heart of the response…
#LxAddictions17Healthcare Conferences
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Lisbon Addictions 2017, the second European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, is a multidisciplinary conference that provides a for…
#GPADD18Healthcare Conferences
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Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Victorian biennial Drug and Alcohol conference. Addiction education for GPs by GPs.
#APSADHealthcare Conferences
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The APSAD Scientific Alcohol and other Drugs Conference is the southern hemisphere’s largest summit on alcohol and other drugs attracting leading re…
#INHSU18Healthcare Conferences
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International Symposium on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users. 19-21st September, 2018.
#ihrc2013Healthcare Conferences
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Harm Reduction International is pleased to invite you to Harm Reduction 2013. This international conference is a key event for all those interested in…
#reducingrestrictionsHealthcare Conferences
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northern conference on reducing restrictive practice

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