Shared decision making Social Media

Found 38 results for "Shared decision making"

Shared decision making Hashtags 3 of 38

#SDM16Healthcare Conferences
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Shared decision making (SDM) is a collaborative process that allows patients and their providers to make health care decisions together, taking into a…
#RSC2017Healthcare Conferences
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This annual multi-professional renal palliative care course uses a mixture of lectures and small group case discussions to explore end of life care fo…
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Throughout the month of March, as part of Shared Decision Making Month, we will host a tweet chat every Tuesday at 2 p.m. ET on a variety of shared de…
#periopSDM19Healthcare Conferences
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This one-day workshop will help you acquire the skills to engage your high-risk surgical patients in Shared Decision Making. Participants will be pro…
#ICCH2016Healthcare Conferences
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We proudly announce the 14th International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) organized by the European Association for Communication in…
#SDMS18Healthcare Conferences
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The objective of the Summit is to enable and support the widespread adoption of Shared Decision Making, creating a "win" for everyone. Part brainstor…
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Shared Decision Making (SDM) Month (March 1-31) provides the unique opportunity to bring together the many organizations and individuals working to ad…
#SMDM20Healthcare Conferences
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The 2020 meeting theme, "Relationships in Medical Decision Making", examines how the dyadic, interpersonal, and interprofessional relationships that c…
#PartnerWithPatientsHealthcare Conferences
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Open to all, this meeting will feature discussions of clinical, educational, and research approaches to decision making, emphasizing diversity, interd…

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