Supportive care Social Media
Found 39 results for "Supportive care"Supportive care Hashtags 3 of 39
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#ACORDISM | Regular | Cancer Treatment, clinical cancer research, clinical research, Clinical Trials, Oncology, supportive care, translational research |
#hapc24 | Healthcare Conferences | cancer survivorship, Caregiver Support, End of Life Care, hospice and palliative medicine, palliative oncology, supportive care, supportive oncology, survivorship The Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care, presented by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM) and the Hospice and P… |
#surv21 | Healthcare Conferences | cancer survivorship, Oncology, supportive care, survivorship The 5th national Cancer Survivorship Conference will be a fully virtual meeting. It will be a collaborative forum to showcase innovation in survivorsh… |
#ALCC16 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer participation, Lung Cancer, Lungs, nursing, Prevention, supportive care, treatment Lung Foundation Australia has the greatest pleasure in welcoming you to 6th Australian Lung Cancer Conference Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, … |
#MASCC19 | Healthcare Conferences | Cancer, cancer support, cancer survivorship, supportive care The MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting is the foremost international and multidisciplinary conference on supportive care. It covers the entire spectrum of prob… |
#HASCPalliativeCare | Healthcare Conferences | End of Life Care, hospice, medical policy, Older People, palliative care, supportive care Grow your expertise in palliative and supportive care at the 6th Annual Palliative Care Transitions Conference, February 25, 2014, at the Hilton Pasad… |
#RENALSC2021 | Healthcare Conferences | dialysis, End of Life Care, Nephrology, palliative care, Renal Disease, supportive care This annual multi-professional renal palliative care course uses a mixture of lectures and small group case discussions to explore end of life care fo… |
#ACORD16 | Healthcare Conferences | clinical cancer research, Clinical Trials, global health, Oncology, quality of life, Statistics, supportive care, translational research The ACORD Protocol Development Workshop (PDW) is a 1-week, intensive, interactive, problem-oriented, training activity focused on the essentials of ca… |
#ACORD18 | Healthcare Conferences | clinical cancer research, clinical research, Clinical Trials, global health, Oncology, quality of life, supportive care, translational research The ACORD Protocol Development Workshop (PDW) is a 1-week, intensive, interactive, problem-oriented, training activity focused on the essentials of ca… |