Trauma surgery Social Media

Found 31 results for "Trauma surgery"

Trauma surgery Hashtags 3 of 31

#PCPACS19Healthcare Conferences
The 38th annual meeting of Point/Counterpoint will be two days. This will be a review of state of the art management strategies for common clinical pr…
#WTA2020Healthcare Conferences
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Annual scientific meeting of the Western Trauma Association, one of the major national U.S. organizations for trauma surgeons and other trauma care pe…
#pcpacs21Healthcare Conferences
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This annual conference is sponsored by the Eastern States and Maryland Committees on Trauma of the American College of Surgeons. This year, it will be…
#TSSA16Healthcare Conferences
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National Trauma Society of South Africa, trauma update for 2016, discussing ventilation, critical care and trauma nursing, REBOA, Emergency Medicine
#secot18Healthcare Conferences
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55th Annual National Conference of the Spanish Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Traumatologists. Celebrated in Valladolid, Spain.
#AAST21Healthcare Conferences
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#east2017Healthcare Conferences
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Eastern Association for the surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting
#TQIP2018Healthcare Conferences
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The 2018 TQIP Annual Scientific Meeting and Training brings together trauma medical directors, program managers, coordinators, and registrars from par…
#AAST2021Healthcare Conferences
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