Trauma surgery Social Media

Found 31 results for "Trauma surgery"

Trauma surgery Hashtags 3 of 31

#TraumaUSabanaHealthcare Conferences
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#WTA2022Healthcare Conferences
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annual meeting of the Western Trauma Association, a multi-specialty group of physicians and providers caring for trauma patients
#MosesGunn2017Healthcare Conferences
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The first period of teaching surgery at the University of Michigan began with Moses Gunn in 1850. In honor of his legacy, the Department of Surgery at…
#EAST2020Healthcare Conferences
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Annual Scientific Assembly of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST).
#WTA2023Healthcare Conferences
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Annual scientific meeting of the Western Trauma Association
#nots2017Healthcare Conferences
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#PCPACS19Healthcare Conferences
The 38th annual meeting of Point/Counterpoint will be two days. This will be a review of state of the art management strategies for common clinical pr…
#DFI2023Healthcare Conferences
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The first in a series of three meetings that aims to redesign how we develop and disseminate trauma clinical guidance in the U.S. with a focus on a mo…
#tqip2017Healthcare Conferences
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The 2017 TQIP Annual Scientific Meeting and Training will include registry-specific, trauma medical director, and trauma program manager-directed brea…

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