Acute care surgery Social Media

Found 9 results for "Acute care surgery"

Acute care surgery Hashtags 3 of 9

#WTA2020Healthcare Conferences
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Annual scientific meeting of the Western Trauma Association, one of the major national U.S. organizations for trauma surgeons and other trauma care pe…
#acspcpHealthcare Conferences
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​ The course remains committed to addressing relevant surgical/medical diseases and injuries in the three major categories of Acute Care Surgery: em…
#EASTjcHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) journal club discusses newly published literature relevant to the acute care surgeon practici…
#east2017Healthcare Conferences
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Eastern Association for the surgery of Trauma Annual Meeting
#EAST2018Healthcare Conferences
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The EAST Annual Scientific Assembly offers scientific papers, workshops, sessions and presentations for all attendees. Continuing education, networkin…
#trauma17Healthcare Conferences
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Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Trauma Society and the 4th Joint Meeting with the Trauma Association of Canada.
#FellowshipOfTheSnowHealthcare Conferences
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National trauma conference meeting in Snowmass, Aspen
#EAST2021Healthcare Conferences
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The 34th Annual Scientific Assembly of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST) will feature scientific papers and educational session…
#WTA2024Healthcare Conferences
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National trauma conference meeting in Snowmass, Aspen

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