Acute care Social Media

Found 57 results for "Acute care"

Acute care Hashtags 3 of 57

#CforIHealthcare Conferences
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A two day event on 17th & 18th March 2015 for Improving Care for Older People in acute care and Focus on Dementia programmes to demonstrate high q…
#TheVEINSMeetingHealthcare Conferences
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The VEINS (Venous Endovascular INterventional Strategies) course is a course complete with a multispecialty faculty, hands-on workshops, and intimate …
#MilAcuteCare19Healthcare Conferences
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Joint Meeting of Tri-Service Anaesthetic Society and Association of Trauma and Military Surgeons
#R3COTpapersHealthcare Conferences
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Regional research competition for trauma and emergency general surgery residents and fellows in the ACS COT Region III (VA, WV, DC, MD, PA, & DE).
#transformdeliriumHealthcare Conferences
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 A one day event for the Scottish Delirium Association and the Improving Care for Older People in acute care programme to demonstrate high quality ca…
#NebStewardSummit2018Healthcare Conferences
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More than 2 million people are estimated to be infected by antibiotic-resistant organisms which result in over 14,000 deaths annually. Antibiotic res…
#MFFW16Healthcare Conferences
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Managing Frailty the Fife Way, Thursday 17th March 2016. This event will allow NHS boards and health and social care partnerships to explore the healt…
#HatHscotHealthcare Conferences
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Those attending the event will have the opportunity to: • learn what is happening in Scotland in relation to Hospital at Home, • consider the c…

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