Scottish Patient Safety Programme Social Media

Found 4 results for "Scottish Patient Safety Programme"

Scottish Patient Safety Programme Hashtags 3 of 4

#SPSPaaaHealthcare Conferences
Re-launch and refresh of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme in NHS Ayrshire and Arran. Looking back on progress as an opportunity to build improvem…
#SPSP10Healthcare Conferences
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To mark 10 years of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) a campaign is being created. It will use the landmark to encourage an ongoing drive f…
#AKISummitHealthcare Conferences
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This event will mark the end of the AKI collaborative which launched in August 2017. The 5 participating NHS boards will share their key learning and …
#theEoSCHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The Essentials of Safe Care is a practical package of evidence-based guidance and support that enables Scotland’s health and social care system to d…

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