Scotland Social Media
Found 29 results for "Scotland"Scotland Hashtags 3 of 29
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#opac2 | Healthcare Conferences | Delirium, Dementia, Falls, frailty, geriatrics, Improvement, NHS, Older People, Scotland Improvement event to improve the care of older people in Scotland |
#nhsscot17 | Healthcare Conferences | healthcare social media, nhsscotland, Scotland, social care Held annually across two days, the NHSScotland Event is a key networking and educational event. Now in its 12th year, the Event continues to be the pr… |
#hiscot | Healthcare Conferences | Health Informatics, Health Information, Scotland Health Informatics Scotland Conference Our conference this year is on Monday 12th September and Tuesday 13th September 2011 in the fantastic venue of … |
#SVscot14 | Regular | engagement, Health and Social Care, involvement, patients, Public, Scotland, service users, stronger voice |
#SPSP10 | Healthcare Conferences | acute care, Improvement, mental health, Patient Safety, Primary Care, Scotland, Scottish Patient Safety Programme To mark 10 years of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) a campaign is being created. It will use the landmark to encourage an ongoing drive f… |
#WUKscot12 | Healthcare Conferences | NHS, npwt, Scotland, tissue viability, wound care Don't miss our free event in Glasgow on wound care on 4 September 2012. Those attending will hear key experts discuss a range of important issues… |
#futureconvos | Regular | Community Nursing, nursing, Scotland |
#dNMAHP | Healthcare Conferences | AHPs, digital health, midwifery, nursing, Scotland |
#ahpscot | Healthcare Conferences | allied health professionals, Scotland The #AHPScot Conference was an opportunity for allied health professionals to meet up and share best practice, current research and strategic directio… |