Mental Health Services Social Media

Found 19 results for "Mental Health Services"

Mental Health Services Hashtags 3 of 19

#MensMentalHealthHealthcare Conferences

This conference focuses on the important issue of improving mental health services for men, delivering ‘male friendly’ and culturally sensitive se…
#ESMIHealthcare Conferences
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This is the final stakeholder workshop for the ESMI: Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness programme of research and will include …
#RehabPsychHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Twitter chat and expert video webinar to discuss the recent CQC Briefing on Mental Health Rehabilitation Inpatient Services. The event is being cop…
#NavigatingHealthHealthcare Conferences
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Community members, people with lived experience, carers, mental health advocates, service providers, policy makers and health professionals will parti…
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#MATActHealthcare Tweet Chats
A Twitter chat about the MAT Act.
#Marce2018Healthcare Conferences
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The International Marcé Society convenes a scientific congress every two years to disseminate the most recent research evidence to a wide audience of…
#MHComm2013Healthcare Conferences
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This conference will focus on commissioning mental health services including an update on national mental health policy and the developing role of pay…
#MentalHealthPRUHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The NIHR Mental Health Policy Research Unit (MHPRU) at UCL and KCL was established in 2017. Our aim is to help the Department of Health and others inv…

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