NHS Social Media

Found 291 results for "NHS"

NHS Hashtags 3 of 291

#healthcareAIHealthcare Tweet Chats
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A virtual conversation on a regular basis by a community of people working in the NHS and Social Care around the use of AI. Sharing and learning from …
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#ProjectMHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Are you a team leader or the manager of team leaders in the NHS or a NHS partner? There's a new initiative starting called #ProjectM to give you supp…
#OurNHSPeopleHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The tweetchats relate to the mission to make the English National Health Service the best place to work in the world. The ideas that come from the twe…
#nhsworkforceHealthcare Conferences
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The NHS Employers Workforce Village, Workforce Summit and village hall sessions bring together key organisations who help support employers and staff …
#YourNHSNeedsYouHealthcare Conferences

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