NHS England Social Media

Found 41 results for "NHS England"

NHS England Hashtags 3 of 41

#healthcareAIHealthcare Tweet Chats
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A virtual conversation on a regular basis by a community of people working in the NHS and Social Care around the use of AI. Sharing and learning from …
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#NHSConfedEXPOHealthcare Conferences
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NHS Confederation, NHS England and NHS Improvement unite healthcare leaders and their teams at one of the most significant events in 2022.
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#cahpo18Healthcare Conferences
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National Allied Health Professions Conference 2018 - ‘The Future Now: Innovation in Digital, Leadership & Integration’ Demonstrating AHPs’ …
#kfintegratedcareHealthcare Conferences
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This year's summit will showcase international and national examples of where integrated care has extended into a concern for the health of all age gr…

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