Wales Social Media

Found 9 results for "Wales"

Wales Hashtags 3 of 9

#1000livesHealthcare Conferences
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Liberty Stadium, Swansea The publication of the Francis report, the reconfiguration of our health services, the ongoing financial challenges for the N…
#WPHC13Healthcare Conferences
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The conference aims to bring together colleagues from across the public health spectrum to share best practice and ideas. Objectives include developin…
#Welshconfed14Healthcare Conferences
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The annual conference for the Welsh NHS Confederation. From Rhetoric to Reality - NHS Wales in 10 years’ time As the largest and most influent…
#AIMSummer16Healthcare Conferences
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An annual training event for all Registrars in Acute Medicine in Welsh Deanery held in alternating years in North & South Wales. Lectures, Worksho…
#CymruWellWalesHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Cymru Well Wales is a collaborative project launching on December 2nd. We will be announcing that Public Health Wales are working with a wide range of…
#WalesMHN17Healthcare Conferences
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Transforming practice through innovation: showcasing best practice in mental health nursing across Wales.
#AHPsTogetherCymruHealthcare Conferences
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Political Leadership training event - a group of professional bodies coming together again for a joint training day to be held in the Pierhead Buildin…
#nliahsmHealthcare Conferences
One day event organised by NLIAH (National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Health) in Swalec Stadium, Cardiff…
#AWMDE13Healthcare Conferences
A one day conference in Swansea, Wales bringing together all those who are involved in medical and dental education in Wales.

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