Wales Social Media
Found 9 results for "Wales"Wales Hashtags 3 of 9
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#1000lives | Healthcare Conferences | cardiovascular, Healthcare Quality Improvement, Patient Safety, ptsafety, UK, wales Liberty Stadium, Swansea The publication of the Francis report, the reconfiguration of our health services, the ongoing financial challenges for the N… |
#WPHC13 | Healthcare Conferences | communities, inequalities, public health, wales, Wellbeing The conference aims to bring together colleagues from across the public health spectrum to share best practice and ideas. Objectives include developin… |
#Welshconfed14 | Healthcare Conferences | Health & Social Care, NHS, patients, wales The annual conference for the Welsh NHS Confederation. From Rhetoric to Reality - NHS Wales in 10 years’ time As the largest and most influent… |
#AIMSummer16 | Healthcare Conferences | acute medicine, Cardiff Deanery, Healthcare Quality Improvement, medical simulation, NHS Wales, Take AIM, training, wales An annual training event for all Registrars in Acute Medicine in Welsh Deanery held in alternating years in North & South Wales. Lectures, Worksho… |
#CymruWellWales | Healthcare Tweet Chats | Healthcare Collaboration, public health, wales Cymru Well Wales is a collaborative project launching on December 2nd. We will be announcing that Public Health Wales are working with a wide range of… |
#WalesMHN17 | Healthcare Conferences | mental health, mental health nursing, NHS, wales Transforming practice through innovation: showcasing best practice in mental health nursing across Wales. |
#AHPsTogetherCymru | Healthcare Conferences | allied health professionals, politics, wales Political Leadership training event - a group of professional bodies coming together again for a joint training day to be held in the Pierhead Buildin… |
#nliahsm | Healthcare Conferences | healthcare social media, wales One day event organised by NLIAH (National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Health) in Swalec Stadium, Cardiff… |
#AWMDE13 | Healthcare Conferences | Medical Education, wales A one day conference in Swansea, Wales bringing together all those who are involved in medical and dental education in Wales. |