Academic surgery Social Media

Found 15 results for "Academic surgery"

Academic surgery Hashtags 3 of 15

#EASTLandmarkPapersHealthcare Tweet Chats

#SSLHHealthcare Conferences
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Latino Surgical Society aims to cultivate, nurture, and support the advancement of Latino surgeons. This symposium aims to focus on the impact of sur…
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#RACS22Healthcare Conferences
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RACS 90th Annual Scientific Congress — Sustainability in the Dispersed Workplace The organising committee of the RACS 90th Annual Scientific Con…
#AcadSurg14Healthcare Conferences
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The Academic Surgical Congress is the joint meeting of the Association for Academic Surgery (AAS) and the Society of University Surgeons (SUS). It is…
#SAAS2022Healthcare Conferences
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The Society of Asian Academic Surgeons (SAAS) was founded to focus on the personal and professional development of Asian academic surgeons with the be…
#ASC2016Healthcare Conferences
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The 11th Annual Academic Surgical Congress (ASC) will take place February 2-4, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, in Jacksonville, FL.…
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#WCSISS2015Healthcare Conferences
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46th Annual World Congress of Surgery (formerly International Surgical Week) and 40th RCST Annual Scientific Congress in Bangkok, Thailand from Aug 23…

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