Antibiotic stewardship Social Media

Found 36 results for "Antibiotic stewardship"

Antibiotic stewardship Hashtags 3 of 36

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#MADID2023Healthcare Conferences
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The 25th Annual MAD-ID Meeting, The Antimicrobial Stewardship Meeting® A 3.5-day educational program for pharmacists, physicians, nurses, and other …
#AMRABCHealthcare Conferences
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Introducing the UK's first ever multidisciplinary student conference on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)! This is a rare and exciting opportunity for st…
#SIS2020Healthcare Conferences
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The Surgical Infection Society is dedicated to the Understanding, Prevention, and Management of Surgical Infections. Our annual meeting provides an up…
#ASPJournalClubHealthcare Tweet Chats
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CIDRAP-ASP will host a Twitter chat with Katherine Fleming-Dutra, MD, medical epidemiologist with the CDC's Office of Antibiotic Stewardship, on the s…
#SurgPxChatHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The American College of Clinical Pharmacy Infectious Diseases (ID) Practice and Research Network (PRN) will host a Twitter Chat discussing controversi…
#OutptASPHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#Decennial2020Healthcare Conferences
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Held once every ten years, the Decennial Conference reviews the advances of the previous decade and the opportunities and trends for the fields of hea…
#SAASP17Healthcare Conferences
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South African Antibiotic Stewardship Programme workshop for healthcare providers. National (South Africa) and International (US and UK) experts in ant…

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