Community care Social Media

Found 7 results for "Community care"

Community care Hashtags 3 of 7

#HatHscotHealthcare Conferences
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Those attending the event will have the opportunity to: • learn what is happening in Scotland in relation to Hospital at Home, • consider the c…
#DHIS2020Healthcare Conferences
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AIDH presents its inaugural national conference, the Digital Health Institute Summit 2020, uniting the digital health movement and bringing the growin…
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#eurnursingHealthcare Conferences
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The Fifth European Nursing Congress rises to the challenge and asks: “Caring for Older People: How Can We Do the Right Things Right?” The conferen…
#buurt3Healthcare Conferences
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Aims for the session: • Agree practical definitions of the common principles in each local test site, to help us to test effectively • Hear from…
#buurtz3Healthcare Conferences
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Aims for the session: • Agree practical definitions of the common principles in each local test site, to help us to test effectively • Hear from…

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