Data standards Social Media

Found 10 results for "Data standards"

Data standards Hashtags 3 of 10

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#interraiHealthcare Conferences
The 1st World interRAI Conference provides an important forum that brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners from around the globe,…
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#DIASTATHealthcare Conferences
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Now in its ninth year, the DIA/FDA Statistic 2015 Forum fosters open discussion of timely topics of mutual theoretical and practical interest to stati…
#ISAchatHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Open chat to discuss the DRAFT 2017 Interoperability Standards Advisory (ISA). A chat hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Info…
#tqip2017Healthcare Conferences
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The 2017 TQIP Annual Scientific Meeting and Training will include registry-specific, trauma medical director, and trauma program manager-directed brea…
#scidata18Healthcare Conferences
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Springer Nature and Wellcome Trust are partnering again this year to stage 'Better Science through Better Data 2018' (#scidata18). Now a staple of the…
#DIA2019Healthcare Conferences
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The DIA Annual Meeting is the largest, longest-running event in the life sciences industry designed to foster the international exchange of actionable…
#TBICRI14Healthcare Conferences
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The AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science, TBI-CRI, is April 7 – 11, 2014 in San Francisco. The Summit is the premier forum for interacting…

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